2nd year Practicum
Hand-in reports:
The hand-in reports have to be sent to the lecturer by email by the date indicated in the Rooster. The report should be in an electronically readable format. Please convert any other format to PDF. A delivery in any other format will be returned to the sender. The reports should be readable on their own - it should not be necessary to read the problem description to read the report.
It also important that the reports make it clear how each result was achieved. To achieve this different people need different lengths of report so there is no strict limit on the length of the reports but generally speaking it is bad to be very verbose and very brief. Typically a good report will be shorter than 15 pages A4. The preferred language for the reports is English (this is good practice for your later work), but I will also allow reports in Dutch. Some further pointers on a good report is found here.
All lectures will take place in HL 411/HL 414 with a duration that will vary depending on the work we need to get through. It is recommended to bring along your own laptop to work in HL 414 but the computers in HL 411 are also available.
07/01/15 (09:00-13:00): Introduction to computer usage + organisation of observing trip -
04/02/15 (09:00-13:00): Organisation of observing and introduction to problemset 1 - Slides
11/02/15 (09:00-13:00): Overview of observing ideas and problemset 1 - Slides
25/02/15 (09:00-13:00): Summarising problemset 1
11/03/15 (09:00-13:00): The science case for observing proposal. Slides
25/03/15 (09:00-13:00): Introduction to Problemset 2 and discussion of problemset 1
08/04/15 (09:00-13:00): Completing problemset 2.
22/04/15 (09:00-13:00): Presentation and discussion of observing proposals. Preparations for data reduction.
01/05/15- 08/05/15: Observing trip to La Palma (precise dates to be confirmed)
20/05/15 (09:00-13:00): Discussion of problem set 2 + data reduction
03/06/15 (09:00-13:00): Introduction to posters + data reduction
17/06/15 (the whole day): Presentation of posters
Proposal idea: 18/02//2015 - by email
Problem set 1: 27/02/2015 - PDF format
Scientific justification for proposal: 11/03/2015
Technical justification for proposal: 25/03/2015
Problem set 2: 29/04/2015 - PDF format