Europlanet is a network linking planetary scientists from across Europe. The aim of Europlanet is to promote collaboration and communication between partner institutions and to support missions to explore our Solar System. EuroPlaNet was created in 2005 to bring together the European researchers working in planetary science by setting up an interdisciplinary European Planetary Science Network and this way achieving a long-term integration of this discipline in Europe. Due to the diversity of the researchers' skills involved in the project, EuroPlaNet provides an important European added value to the science produced by the European and international planetary missions. EuroPlaNet is a project supported by the European Union (EU) and funded through the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) until the end of 2008.
Selected Publications

Russo, P., Lebreton, J.-P., Barrosa, M. & The Europlanet Outreach Steering Committee., 2007, EuroPlaNet: Europe explores the Solar System, in Christensen, L.L. & Zoulias, M. (eds.) Proceedings from Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2007.

Russo, P., 2007, Distribution Services of Astronomy and Planetary Science Outreach Products, in Christensen, L.L. & Zoulias, M. (eds.) Proceedings from Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2007

Heward, A., Miller, S., Russo, P., 2007, Communicating a Cosmic Vision: Developing an Effective Outreach Strategy, Europlanet Outreach Report