Navegar Foundation
Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Germany(from February 2006 to February 2009)
Navegar Foundation (from January 2000 to January 2006)
We live in an era of extraordinary scientific and social progress. The growing impact of technology and science has brought it more into our lives. The role of science communication is bringing achievements in science into the public. Popular science communication provides a bridge between the scientific community and the wider world, providing examples of scientific success stories to society at large and supporting the educational use of scientific products. Increased public scientific awareness is in the interest of scientific organizations, scientists, decision-makers and the general public. ortugal is a country without any tradition in Science Communication, but nowadays the science community is more conscious of the importance of communication with the public and with decision makers. From the beginning of is establishment, Navegar Foudation took an important role in bringing the science, manly astronomy and astronomy to the public. Our recent past shows different aspects of this achievement and the relations with similar institution in Europe and world show us that this is the way. But, in this point is important to learn more and to learn with the experience of all agents involved in this task all across Europe.
Selected Publications

Centro Multimeios de Espinho — Poster
Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2005
Garching, Germany — June 2005

Astronomy and Space Sciences in Portugal
56th International Astronautical Congress 2005
Fukuoka, Japan — October 2005