Compressed multiline spectroscopic trace gas sensing

Figure by Sebastiaan Haffert

We develop an instrument concept in which spectral lines over a very wide spectral range can be combined into a single, average spectral line. An Acousto-Optical Filter serves as a programmable Bragg grating. We design imaging instruments that can be configured in a flexible manner to very efficiently detect and measure a particular trace gas for a particular scene, by combining the many individual spectral lines of a molecular band. Applications include trace-gas measurements in the Earth’s atmosphere and exoplanet characterization.

Funding provided by NWO, Airbus

Christoph Keller
Christoph Keller
Professor of Experimental Astrophysics

exoplanets, innovative instrumentation, solar physics, remote sensing, interdisciplinary research

Fedde Fagginger Auer
Fedde Fagginger Auer
PhD student

exoplanets, trace gases, instrumentation, spectroscopy
