Sections 2.2.1 to 2.2.5 are
only strictly applicable at a single wavelength (i.e. for a
monochromatic observation). The PRIMA FSUs utilize one broad channel
and two narrow channels which together cover the K band (from
). Due to the
refractive properties of the atmosphere, each wavelength within the K
band follows a slightly different path through the atmosphere. Light
of different wavelengths reaching the aperture plane will have passed
through slightly different parts of the turbulent layers in the
atmosphere. The optical phase offset
at each wavelength
depends on both the mean phase across each telescope aperture and on
the corrugations in the phase across each of the telescope
apertures. The phase rotation
(cf. Equation 2) in the aperture
plane induced by a high-altitude atmospheric layer, at a given
and at a given time
and position
in the AT aperture are dependent on the fluctuation in delay induced
by the atmospheric turbulence
as follows:
In order to make measurements with high S/N ratio, the gradient of
phase with wavelength must be minimised in the PRIMA FSU spectral
channels. The phase difference between the correlated fluxes in the
spectral channels at the edges of the K band is minimised through
adjustments of the VLTI delay lines (group delay tracking). Note that
it is the phase of
for the central spectral
channel which will be used for astrometry (i.e. the phase difference
between the fringes on the two stars in the central spectral
channel). The group delay will not be used for astrometric
measurements as it cannot be measured as accurately as the phase of
, and because existing models for the refractive
index of air provide lower accuracy when converting the group delay
into the separation of the stars.