The committee evaluated the carbon footprint of astronomers and is finding solutions to reduce the emissions at Leiden Observatory. Members of the committee published in 2021 a paper in nature that shows air travel is the biggest emission source per year of astronomers at Leiden Observatory.
Finding a balance between animals, Earth, and humankind
After my study abroad in Australia I realized how treating the nature and animals with respect can give back beauty. I started supporting small organizations that take care of mistreated animals and joined in 2020 the Party for the Animals of the Netherlands with the personal goal of creating an international movement in the animal entertainment industry. Together with several parties over the world such as Australia, Canada, Italy, and Brazil, they are working on the global animal rights, which gives me hope for change!
Visit their website for more information on their goals and achievements: Party for the Animals.
The United Nations Ocean Conference
As a young member I am also part of the youth organization of the Pary for the Animals, PINK!, and together with a couple of members of PINK! I went to Lisbon, Portgual, to raise awareness for the state of the ocean climate, because the condition of the ocean is correlated to the current climate state. The United Nations organized the Ocean Conference, where scientists, entrepeneurs, politicians, and policy makers gathered to share their views. We visited the Breakfast Briefing: Fisheries Management as Climate Action. This event was an interactive panel discussion on how fisheries management is a means to responding to the climate and biodiversity crisis. Speakers of this event were: Dr. Rashid Sumaila, Dr. William Cheung, Isabella Lövin, Ms Charlina Vitcheva, and Ilka Wagner. The image below shows the highlights of the panel discussion.
We were also invited by Ines Sousa Real, the current president of the local Party for the Animals, Pessoas- Animais- Natureza (PAN), at the Portugese parlement and witnessed how they do politics during a discussion about the location for a new airport in Lisbon.