Refereed Publications

  • Aleman et al. (2014) Herschel Planetary Nebula Survey (HerPlaNS). First detection of OH+ in planetary nebulae, 2014 A&A, 566, 79 (ADS link)

  • Ueta et al. (2014) The Herschel Planetary Nebula Survey (HerPlaNS). I. Data overview and analysis demonstration with NGC 6781, 2014, A&A, 565, 36 (ADS link)

  • Riffel, Rodriguez-Ardila, Aleman et al. (2013) Molecular Hydrogen and [Fe II] in Active Galactic Nuclei III: LINERS and Star Forming Galaxies, MNRAS, 2013,430, 2002 (ADS link)

  • Kimura, Gruenwald, & Aleman (2012) Molecular chemistry and the missing mass problem in planetary nebulae, A&A, 541,112 (ADS link)

  • Aleman, Zijlstra, Matsuura, Gruenwald, & Kimura (2011) Modelling the warm H2 infrared emission of the Helix nebula cometary knots, MNRAS,416,790 (ADS link)

  • Aleman & Gruenwald (2011) H2 infrared line emission from the ionized region of planetary nebulae, A&A, 528, 74 (ADS link)

  • Gruenwald & Aleman (2007) Radio-continuum spectrum, brightness temperature, and planetary nebulae properties, A&A, 461, 1019 (ADS link)

  • Aleman & Gruenwald (2004) Molecular Hydrogen in the Ionized Region of Planetary Nebulae, ApJ, 607, 865 (ADS link)