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MODEST Working Group 5:
Simulating Observations of Simulations of Open Clusters

While analyzing the results of our simulations, we have been struck by the large number of uncertainties in how best to handle the data. After making the usual theoretical pictures of our model clusters, we are often left with the uneasy feeling that real observers might well have completely different ways of handling the data, and would likely disagree with us on how best to present it. In a sense, it is almost a drawback to know too much about the simulated system -- we can't see the cluster for the stars. For example, even determining which stars an observer might select as cluster members, or how the observer would go about measuring the overall binary fraction, require us to throw away dynamical data in a manner that depends strongly on the specific observational techniques used. How then do we achieve our goal of presenting model data in a form that is both comprehensible and useful to observers?
The obvious solution to this conundrum is to seek advice from the experts. Incorporating the observer's view of our simulations is valuable for three main reasons:

Two images in B (left) and V (right) filters of a simulated Hyades-like star cluster. The CCD images
are 'taken' with a 1.5 meter telescope on a 512x512 CCD.


The left image is a color magnitude diagram
constructed from the above presented CCD
images of the simulated Hyades star cluster.
The data analysis was performed by Ata Sarajedini

More information about the Open Cluster SOS project can be found here

Fold your own star clusters with the two cut-out star cluster cubes
Pleiades dice Hyades dice
Pleiades dice Hyades dice

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