I am Associate Professor at
Leiden Observatory, Leiden University, in the
Netherlands. I am passionate about unravelling the
mystery of how galaxy clusters, the largest and most
massive gravitationally bound structures in our
Universe, came into existence. Galaxy clusters and their
surroundings, are also unique laboratories for
determining the physics of particle acceleration,
studying the effects of environment and feedback on
galaxy evolution, and probing the origin of magnetic
fields. Low-frequency radio telescopes play an essential
role in addressing the scientific questions in this
domain. The opportunity to lead at the forefront of
low-frequency radio astronomy, with its accompanying
fascinating technical and computational challenges,
along with its vast potential for discovery, is
something that is also incredibly exciting.
My group at
Leiden Observatory focuses on two main topics.
Firstly, we study cosmic rays and magnetic fields in
galaxy clusters. We aim to understand how cosmic rays
are accelerated and to unravel the origin of magnetic
fields in these clusters. To achieve this, we observe
clusters using large radio telescopes such as the VLA,
GMRT, MeerKAT, and LOFAR. Additionally, we supplement
these radio observations with X-ray data to study the
hot plasma in clusters. Secondly, we work on developing
low-frequency calibration and imaging techniques.
Low-frequency observations are challenging due to
ionospheric blurring effects, and our goal is to develop
methods to mitigate this blurring. Currently, we are
focused on observations in the decameter radio band, the
last almost unexplored radio window. We are also
developing techniques to create sub-arcsecond resolution
images of large regions of sky, which presents both
calibration and computational challenges.