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This week in Leiden, students Jenny and Sharon from Strathclyde University helped to assemble the thermocouple devices for the experiment. The thermocouples are special temperature reading devices that will attach to the experiment inside the vacuum chamber and measure the environment inside. These readings will be written to a file using a LabView software interface.

Shown above is one of the side flanges with the thermocouple feedthrough in place. The feedthrough is attached to wires on the inside (right-side) of the flange. The wires will attach to the copper cooling block and cover with small screws.

The temperature sensors and side flanges are mounted onto the vacuum chamber above. Each thermocouple is labelled and will correspond to a specific location on the cooling block inside the vacuum chamber.

An image of the outside of the chamber. The thermocouple feedthroughs are attached to green wires that will run to the a temperature reader and finally to the computer. The small piece above the thermocouple feedthrough represents the "head" of the pistons. These pieces remain in Scotland and will be shipped to Germany shortly.

From the side. The blank flanges in front will be replaced by viewing ports. These windows will allow us to confirm alignment of the particle compartments withe pistons (aka firing devices). For now the chamber can be sealed with blank flanges and the vacuum quality tested. See future updates.

Close-up of the piston heads and their connection to the chamber.

The pistons will accelerate the particle samples towards a collision at the center of the chamber.
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