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Download the necessary IDL and C-code here (4 MByte):


This is the most recent version as of today (1-Nov-2004).
After the download has been completed, please execute

  gunzip -c MIA-XXX.tar.gz | tar -xvf -

to unpack the tar ball. A directory MIA will be created that needs about 30 MByte of disk space. If IDL 5.4 or later (it was never tested with earlier versions) is available, "MIA" runs on Solaris and Linux machines where the software is regularly tested. A succesful try has also been made under HP-UX, but we do not fully test every version on it.


Change the current working directory to MIA by typing

  cd <path>/MIA

where <path> is the path where you unpacked the tarball. Now you should think about the kind of installation you want to do. You can chose between a pure IDL installation and a IDL installation where the time-consuming routines are written in C. This installation requires a working C compiler and a make utility. While it seems easier to install just the pure IDL version, I stronly recommend to use the C programs, for the following reasons:
  1. The pure IDL code is slow, because it is written in IDL.
  2. The pure IDL code is slow, because it does not store intermediate results on disk like the C programs. If an intermediate result is needed again, it has to be created again.
  3. None of the developers uses the pure IDL version, so bugs can hide in there for a long time.
  4. Last time I tried it, the pure IDL version did not work.

Installation including C routines

Execute the script just by typing


This will (hopefully) compile all the C-programs and -libraries. If it fails for some reason, send me the error message.

IDL installation

If you really want to try the pure IDL installation, execute the script by typing


Both installation methods produce a file called MIASetup, that can either be included as IDL_STARTUP variable in your local environment, e.g.

  export IDL_STARTUP=<path>/MIA/MIASetup   (within .bashrc)

  setenv IDL_STARTUP <path>/MIA/MIASetup   (within .cshrc)

If you want to use MIA not so often you can specify the startup script when you start IDL by typing

  idl @<path>/MIA/MIASetup

or you can execute if after starting IDL by typing


at the IDL prompt.

That's all, you are now ready to enter the wonderful world of MIDI data.

Previous: Introduction   Next: Selecting data
Rainer Köhler & Thorsten Ratzka