Ph.D. position in optical/infrared interferometry

Keywords: astronomy, instrumentation, ground-based and space-based optical/infrared interferometers

Deadline: continuously accepting inquiries

NEVEC (the NOVA-ESO Expertise Center for VLTI) is a joint venture between NOVA (Netherlands Research School for Astronomy) and ESO (European Southern Observatory). The headquarters of NEVEC is located at Leiden Observatory and the University of Amsterdam is the second location.

NEVEC has a core staff of 5 scientists, with an additional 10 scientists involved from the University of Leiden and the University of Amsterdam. Expertise range from astronomy, software development, to engineering.

The mission of NEVEC is:

  1. Develop instrument modeling, data reduction, and calibration techniques for VLTI interferometry;
  2. Accumulate experience relevant for a second-generation VLTI instrument;
  3. Provide education in the technical and scientific aspects of optical/infrared interferometry.

Current activities of NEVEC concentrate of developing software for the first scientific VLTI instrument MIDI, the VLTI calibration program, algorithm development and scientific exploitation of VLTI data, and operational analysis for MIDI.

The field of optical/infrared interferometry is blooming with the commissioning of the VLTI and a number of anticipated space-based interferometric missions (e.g., DARWIN, Terrestrial Planet Finder). To increase the Dutch involvement in optical/infrared interferometry NEVEC is looking for interested candidates to work on questions related to optical/infrared interferometry. These questions can be pure astronomical, pure technical, or a mixture of these two. NEVEC is closely linked into a group of institutes working on optical/infrared interferometry topics and source of funding and location of supervision will depend on the Ph.D. topic of the suitable candidate.

At this stage, NEVEC is interested to get into contact with interested candidates to start a dialog about Ph.D. opportunities.

For more information: or contact NEVEC project manager.


