ARTIST tutorial: a first simple session

This ARTIST tutorial describes a first simple session of ARTIST and LIME. You will see how to run the molecular excitation calculation from the CASA prompt, after selecting the model and its parameters. Then you will see how to create a FITS cube of the molecular line radiation, after selecting the source distance and orientation and transition of interest. Finally, you will inspect the resulting cube.

For this example you will need a molecular data file (hco+.dat) and a dust opacity table (jena_thin_e6.dat). Download the files from the links provided in the previous sentence, and place the files in your working directory.
Other molecular data files can be obtained from the Leiden Atomic and Molecular Database (LAMDA).

Selecting the model and setting up the LIME parameters

The first example adopts the Bonnor Ebert ( abs/1955ZA.....37..217E and 116..351B) sphere is used to generate an image cube of the HCO+ 1-0 line from an infalling sphere. The first step is to use the task limesover generate the physical model. The input parameters are shown below. The task performs the following The Bonnor Ebert sphere model has a self-consistent temperature and velo- city structures. There is no need to insert temperature and velocity functions unless the user wants to modify them. The task will overwrite the self-consistent values with the given parameters.

inp limesolver
radius = 3.0857e16
minScale = 1.496e13
sinkPoints = 2000
pIntensity = 5000
nSolveIters = 12
moldatfile = [`hco+.dat']
dust = `'
gridOutFile = "BE56_test.fits"
modelID = `BonnorEbert56'
T = 50
rhoc = 5e6
bmag = "vectorConstR"
bmag args = [0.0]
abundance = "scalarConst"
abundance args = [1e-9]
doppler = "scalarConst"
doppler args = [300.]

For now, we will not worry about the meaning of these parameters. They simply serve as a an example to illustrate ARTIST.

Now you can simply start the task by typing


This will launch the CASA task limesolver, which will start to geerate the grid and calculate the level populations. In the example above, 12 iterations will be performed, which will take approximatel XXX minutes on a modern desktop computer.

The output will appear in the CASA Logger

CASA Logger output here

After limesolver has completed it will have written the level popualtions at all grid points in the file BE56_test.fits in your working directory.

Setting up the imaging parameters and creating the output FITS cube

The level populations calculated above serve as input for the next step, where we solve the radiation transfer through the source and calculate the emission as a FITS cube. We do this by using the CASA task raytrace as follows

inp raytrace
gridInFile = 'BE56_test.fits'
moldatfile = ['hco+.dat']
dust = ''
filename = 'BE56_hcop_1.fits'
imgres = 0.05
pxls = 128
distance = 3.08572e20
doLine = True
nchan = 50
velres = 500.0
trans = 0
source vel = 3500.0

Again, we start the calculation by typing


The output will appear in the CASA Logger

CASA Logger output here

The output FIST cube will appear after a few minutes in your working directory, with the name BE56_hcop_1.fits.

Inspection and further processing of the output FITS cube

(To be written)

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Last modified: Fri Dec 1 13:10:30 CET 2017