ARTIST releases

Downloading ARTIST

The most recent version of ARTIST can be downloaded here.

System requirements

ARTIST runs on most linux systems. ARTIST has been verified on Ubunut 14.04, 16.04, 17,40; RHEL 6; Fedora 25; CentOS 6.9; CentOS 7. ARTIST also compiles on MacOS 10.11 but currently does not run together with CASA on Mac; this will be corrected soon. ARTIST requires CASA, versions 4.7 and above. ARTIST includes the most recent version of LIME, the LIne Modeling Engine written by Christian Brinch (Brinch & Hogerheijde 2010). More information on LIME, its current development, and instructions for stand-alone installation of LIME can be found at the LIME github site. ARTIST (and LIME) require the following libraries are installed on your system: The installation instructions include information on how to test if you have these libraries present and how to obtain them if your system does not have them.

Installation instructions

A step-by-step guide on how to install ARTIST (and LIME) is given here.

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Last modified: Fri Dec 1 14:53:53 CET 2017