
Source code for mascara.reduction.masc

# Copyright 2014 - 2015 Anna-Lea Lesage for MASCARA
#    This file is part of the mascara package.
#    mascara is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    mascara is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with mascara.  If not, see <>.

.. module:: masc
.. moduleauthor:: Anna-Lea Lesage   

MASCARA specific functions. It includes:
    - SiteReference, a mini-class to provide the local sidereal time at the
      MASCARA reference site.
    - tmpdbSave, saves a dictionary into a temporary dataframe/h5 file
    - CombineH5, combines the temporary h5 files in one big hdf5 file
    - IndexArray, build the indexes used for the various arrays
    - CombinePkl, combines pickle files into fits files
    - LCtable, makes an binary fits table with the light curves
    - LSTSEQ, to compute the lst -sequence index of mascara
    - light_curve_overview, plots a few fits files and saves the plot
    - reduction_summary, constructs from the log file a summary of the reduction
    - send_summary, send the summary via email to the meascara team
    - getDarkFilename, get the name and location of the last good masterdark
    - updateDarkFilename, write to file the name and location of the last good masterdark
__version__ = '15.10.02'

import numpy as np
import os
import warnings

[docs]class SiteReference(object): ''' SiteReference is a very simplified version of the Site class in :mod:`` Its main purpose is to compute te local sidereal time at the reference site which is located in LaPalma (but is not exactly the position of the La Palma mascara station) ''' def __init__(self): ''' Initialize the SiteReference Inputs: None ''' import pytz self.__lat = 28.7611 self.__long = -17.8780 self._elev = 2364.0 = "ReferenceSite" self.sname = "RF" self.timezone = pytz.timezone("Atlantic/Canary")
[docs] def local_sidereal_time(self, date, texp, lstindex=True, lstsequence=True, lst=True, quick=False): ''' Compute the local sidereal time at the reference site Inputs: - date, a datetime object or jd or an array of ... - texp, the exposure time (used for computing the index and sequence number Outputs: - lst, the local sidereal time - lstidx, the lst index in a day - lstseq, the exposure sequence number since 01.01.2013 - quick, to compute quickly the lstseq only!!! without passing via the LST the resulting lstseq is OK in 95% of the cases (else diverges by 1) ''' from datetime import datetime, timedelta from import greenwich_mean_sidereal_time from mascara.funcs.timing import calendar2jd, jd2calendar __iscalendar = False if np.isscalar(date): if type(date) == datetime: jd = calendar2jd(date) __iscalendar = True elif type(date) == np.float64: jd = date else: raise SyntaxError('The date format is not recognized') ## 3. or is it an array of dates? elif type(date) == datetime: jd = calendar2jd(date) __iscalendar = True elif type(date) == np.ndarray: if == 'object': jd = calendar2jd(date) __iscalendar = True elif == 'float64': jd = date else: raise SyntaxError('The date format is not recognized') else: raise SyntaxError('The date format is not recognized') if not quick: if np.size(jd) > 1: LST = np.ravel(np.array([(greenwich_mean_sidereal_time(j, True) \ + self.__long/15)%24 for j in jd])) else: LST = (greenwich_mean_sidereal_time(jd,True) + (self.__long)/15 ) % 24 if lstindex: stidx = LST*3600/np.around(texp, decimals=1) if lstsequence: from mascara.constants import iniday, lstday if __iscalendar: then = date else: then = jd2calendar(jd) oneday = timedelta(hours=24) onelstday = timedelta(hours=lstday) indexperday = int(oneday.total_seconds()/np.around(texp, decimals=1)) getdif = np.vectorize(lambda x:(x - iniday).total_seconds()) if not quick: daylst = getdif(then)/onelstday.total_seconds() // 1 if texp < 1.: lpstseq = -1 else: lpstseq = np.array(daylst*indexperday + \ LST*3600/np.around(texp, decimals=1)//1, dtype=long) else: daylst = getdif(then)/onelstday.total_seconds() lpstseq = np.array(daylst*indexperday //1 , dtype=long) LST = np.zeros(np.size(lpstseq)) ### If there is only one date as an input transfor, the outputs in scalars if np.size(LST) ==1 : LST = np.asscalar(LST) if lstindex: stidx = np.asscalar(stidx) if lstsequence: lpstseq = np.asscalar(lpstseq) ### Do output if lst: if lstindex and not lstsequence: return LST, stidx elif lstsequence and not lstindex: return LST, lpstseq elif lstindex and lstsequence: return LST, stidx, lpstseq else: return LST else: if lstindex and not lstsequence: return stidx elif lstsequence and not lstindex: return lpstseq elif lstindex and lstsequence: return stidx, lpstseq
[docs]def tmpdbSave(*args, **kwargs): ''' tmpdbSave saves the content of a dictionary into a database (with pandas) using h5 format. Inputs: - dico, a dictionary - qlog, a Queue object used for logging - (Path, the location path of the database) - (ndb, the database number) ''' import logging import multiprocessing import gc import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime case = len(args) if case ==2: dico, qlog = args logger = logging.getLogger(multiprocessing.current_process().name) #logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) to = try: df = pd.DataFrame(dico) df.to_hdf('tmpdb.hdf', 'tmpdb', mode='w') except Exception: logger.error('Failure at creating the table!!!', exc_info=True) dto = ( - to).total_seconds()'Saved %g entries in %g seconds' %(len(dico), dto)) return else: Path, dico, ndb, qlog = args logger = logging.getLogger(multiprocessing.current_process().name) #logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) to = try: df = pd.DataFrame(dico) df.convert_objects(convert_dates=True, convert_numeric=True) logger.debug('Transfering dict to pandas in %g' %( store = pd.HDFStore(Path + 'tmpdb'+str(ndb)+'.h5', 'w') store.put('tmpdb'+str(ndb), df) store.close() logger.debug('Saved Stellar dict') except Exception: logger.error('Failure at creating the table!!!', exc_info=True) store.close() df = None return dto = ( - to).total_seconds()'Saved %g entries in %g seconds' %(len(dico), dto)) del df gc.collect() return
[docs]def CombineH5(savepath, listdb, globdic, name = 'LPC', minobs=51): ''' CombineH5 combines several .h5 files into one final file. It goes through the given directory, and merges the files together. Inputs: - savepath, the path where to save the hdf5 file once constructed - listdb, a list of the temporary h5 files (including their location) - globdic, a header like dictionary with global inforation about the observation For instance, the site, the camera, the CCD temperature. Things that affects all the stars the same way Keywords: - name, the name of the final file - minobs, the minimal numbers of observation points a star should have to be saved in the hdf5 file Outputs: - None, the file is written to disk ''' if np.size(listdb)==0 or listdb is None: return import h5py import pandas as pd datdic = {} hdrdic = {} ### Keep the reference cnx0 in memory and update it with the new databases for i, ldb in enumerate(listdb): store = pd.HDFStore(ldb, 'r', complevel=5, complib='zlib') itsname = os.path.basename(ldb).split('.')[0] cnx = store.get(itsname) store.close() keys0 = datdic.keys() for k, v in cnx.iteritems(): if len(v)==0: continue if k in keys0: d = datdic[k] try: d = np.vstack((d, v[8])) except ValueError: pass datdic[k] = d tmp = hdrdic[k] tmp[8] = d.shape[0] hdrdic[k] = tmp else: datdic[k] = v[8] hdrdic[k] = [v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3],v[4], v[5], v[6], v[7], 1] try: naper = globdic['naper'] except KeyError, TypeError: naper = 2 ### Put in indexArray a condition to reject entries which do not have enough points datdic, reject = indexArray(datdic, naper=naper, mode='data', minobs=minobs) for r in reject: datdic.pop(r) hdrdic.pop(r) hdrdic, tmp = indexArray(hdrdic, mode='header', minobs=minobs) jdstart, ra, dec, vmag, bmag, spectype, blend, blendvalue, nobs = tmp #### Save it all to hdf5 file try: myfile = h5py.File(os.path.join(savepath, name+'.hdf5'), 'w') hdrgrp = myfile.create_group('header') for k, v in hdrdic.iteritems(): hdrgrp[k]=v datagrp = myfile.create_group('data') for k,v in datdic.iteritems(): datagrp[k]=v headertab = myfile.create_group('header_table') headertab.create_dataset('ascc', data=hdrdic.keys()) headertab.create_dataset('jdstart', data=jdstart) headertab.create_dataset('ra', data=ra) headertab.create_dataset('dec', data=dec) headertab.create_dataset('bmag', data=bmag) headertab.create_dataset('vmag', data=vmag) headertab.create_dataset('spectype', data=spectype) headertab.create_dataset('blend', data=blend) headertab.create_dataset('blendvalue', data=blendvalue) headertab.create_dataset('nobs', data=nobs) glob = myfile.create_group('global') for k, v in globdic.iteritems(): glob.attrs[k]=v myfile.flush() finally: myfile.close() return
[docs]def indexArray (cnx, naper = 2, mode='data', minobs=1): ''' indexArray transforms an array into an record array. The entries of the record array are : - in data mode: - flag (as an unsigned integer going from 0 to 255 - flux0 (as a double float) - eflux0 (as a double float) - flux1 ... - eflux1 ... - ... - sky (as a double float) - esky (as a double float) - peak (as a double float) - x (as a single float) - y (as a single float) - alt (as a single float) - az (as a single float) - ccdtemp (as a single float) - exptime (as a double float) - jdmid (as a double float) - lst (as a double float) - lstidx (as an unsigned 32-bits integer) - lstseq (as an unsigned 64-bits integer) - in header mode: - jdstart, jd date of start of observation of the star - ra, Right Ascension of the star - dec, Declination of the star - vmag, Visible magnitude of the star - bmag, Blue magnitude of the star - spectype, Spectral type of the star - blend, if the star is blended with another - blendvalue, the value of the blend (0 if not blended, 1 if overlapping) - nobs, the number of observations of that star during the night Inputs: - cnx, a dictionary of arrays Keywords: - naper, the number of aperture used - mode, 'data' or 'header' - reject, a list of entries to skip ''' if mode=='data': dtypes = ['u1',] # Unsigned integer going from 0 to 255 for the flag for i in range(0, naper*2+3): dtypes.append(np.float64) # Float 64-bits double-precision for the flux, errors and sky dtypes.append('f4') # Float 32-bits single-precision for the X position dtypes.append('f4') # Float "" "" for the Y position dtypes.append('f4') # Float 32-bits "" "" for the altitude dtypes.append('f4') # Float 32-bits "" "" for the azimuth dtypes.append('f4') # Float 32-bits "" "" for the CCD temperature dtypes.append('f8') # Float 64-bits for the exposure time dtypes.append('f8') # Float 64-bits for the Julian dte dtypes.append('f8') # Float 64-bits for the lst in hours dtypes.append('u4') # Unsigned integer 32-bits for the lst-index dtypes.append('u8') # Unsigned integer 64-bits for the lst-sequence names = ['flag', ] base = 'flux' erbase = 'eflux' for i in range(0, naper): names.append(base+str(i)) names.append(erbase+str(i)) names.append('sky') names.append('esky') names.append('peak') names.append('x') names.append('y') names.append('alt') names.append('az') names.append('ccdtemp') names.append('exptime') names.append('jdmid') names.append('lst') names.append('lstidx') names.append('lstseq') mytypes = zip(names, dtypes) ### List of the entries which don't have enough data points: reject = [] ### Loop over all the entries for k, arr in cnx.iteritems(): arlist = [] dim = arr.shape ### Keep only the entries with more points than minobs if len(dim)>1 and dim[0] >=minobs: for l in range(arr.shape[1]): arlist.append(arr[:,l]) rec = np.rec.fromarrays(arlist, dtype=mytypes) cnx[k]=rec else: reject.append(k) return cnx, reject elif mode == 'header': jdstart = np.array([]) ra = np.array([]) dec = np.array([]) vmag = np.array([]) bmag = np.array([]) spectype = np.array([], dtype='S9') blend = np.array([],dtype='S1') blendvalue = np.array([]) nobs = np.array([]) tmp = [jdstart, ra, dec, vmag, bmag, spectype, blend, blendvalue, nobs] dtypes = [float, float, float, float, float, 'S9', 'S1', float, float] names = ['jdstart', 'ra', 'dec', 'vmag', 'bmag', 'spectype', 'blend', 'blendvalue','nobs'] mytypes = zip(names, dtypes) for k, arr in cnx.iteritems(): arlist = [] for i, l in enumerate(arr): arlist.append(np.array([l], dtype=dtypes[i])) tmp[i] = np.hstack((tmp[i], np.array([l], dtype=dtypes[i]))) cnx[k] = np.rec.fromarrays(arlist, dtype=mytypes) return cnx, tmp
[docs]def CombinePkl(Path, savepath, stid): ''' CombinePkl combines several .pkl files into one final fits file. It goes through the given directory, and merges the files together. Inputs: - path, the path to search for the pkl files - savepath, the path where to save the fits file - stid, an identifier for the files (to avoid mixing pkl files of 2 different stars together. ''' import shutil import pyfits as pf import pandas as pd import mascara.funcs.mio as mio nn = mio.find_files(os.path.join(Path, ''), stid+'*', format='.pkl') if len(nn)>0: dat = pd.read_pickle(nn[0]) jddate = dat[0] ra, dec, mag, bmag = dat[1], dat[2], dat[3], dat[4] sptype = dat[5] flagblended = dat[6] blendedvalue= dat[7] header = pf.Header() header = header.fromtextfile(os.path.join(Path,'Header'+stid+'.txt')) header['RAJ2000'] = (ra, 'Right Ascension in deg') header['DEJ2000'] = (dec, 'Declination in deg') header['VMAG'] = (mag, 'Apparent V magnitude') header['BMAG'] = (bmag, 'Apparent B magnitude') header['SPTYPE'] = (sptype, 'Spectral Type') header['FLAG'] = (flagblended, 'Flag') header['BLENDVAL'] = (blendedvalue, 'Blending value') header['JDSTART'] = (jddate, 'Start Observation in JD') os.remove(os.path.join(Path,'Header'+stid+'.txt')) ## Read from header the number of used apertures. naper = header['NAPER'] flc = dat.get(8) for n in nn[1:]: dat = pd.read_pickle(n) try: flc = np.vstack((flc, dat.get(8))) except ValueError: continue for n in nn: os.remove(n) dim = flc.shape if len(dim) == 2: fnobs = flc.shape[0] ### ATTENTION HERE , flc is (naper*2 + 17, 50) elif len(dim) == 1: fnobs = 1. flc = np.reshape(flc, (1, dim[0])) header['NOBS'] = (fnobs, 'Number of images in the file') base = "flux" erbase = "eflux" names = ["flag"] # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # The final content of the Photometry array is: # flag, (flux, erflux)*Naperture, sky, ersky, peak, xc, yc, # altitude, azimuth, CCD Temperature, # exposure time, JDdate, lstdate, lpstid, lpstseq # Total number of elements: (2*naper+6)+10 # ---------------------------------------------------------------- for i in range(0, naper): names.append(base+str(i)) names.append(erbase+str(i)) names.append("sky") names.append("esky") names.append('peak') names.append("Xc") names.append("Yc") names.append("alt") names.append("az") names.append('ccdtemp') names.append("exptime") names.append("jdmid") names.append("lpst") names.append("lpstid") names.append("lpstseq") names = np.array(names) units = ['None'] for i in range(0, naper*2+2): units.append('e-') units.append('ADU') for i in xrange(2): units.append('pixels') units.append('degree') units.append('degree') units.append('Celsius') units.append('sec') units.append('JD days') units.append('hours') units.append('LaPalma index image') units.append('Sequence index') cols = pf.ColDefs([pf.Column(name=nom, format="D",array=flc[:,i], unit=units[i]) \ for i,nom in enumerate(names)]) tbhdu = pf.new_table(cols) prihdu = pf.PrimaryHDU(header=header) thdulist = pf.HDUList([prihdu, tbhdu]) thdulist.writeto(savepath+stid + "LC.fits", clobber=True) shutil.rmtree(Path) thdulist.close() return header
[docs]def LCtable(savingPath, ID, dat, header): """ LCtable saves the inputs into a binary fits table Inputs: - the saving path - the ID, or name to save the file - the content of the file - the generic header """ import pyfits as pf jddate = dat[0] ra, dec, mag, bmag = dat[1], dat[2], dat[3], dat[4] sptype = dat[5] flagblended = dat[6] blendedvalue= dat[7] header['RAJ2000'] = (ra, 'Right Ascension in deg') header['DEJ2000'] = (dec, 'Declination in deg') header['VMAG'] = (mag, 'Apparent V magnitude') header['BMAG'] = (bmag, 'Apparent B magnitude') header['SPTYPE'] = (sptype, 'Spectral Type') header['FLAG'] = (flagblended, 'Flag') header['BLENDVAL'] = (blendedvalue, 'Blending value') header['JDSTART'] = (jddate, 'Start Observation in JD') ## Read from header the number of used apertures. naper = header['NAPER'] flc = dat.get(8) dim = flc.shape if len(dim) == 2: fnobs = dim[0] elif len(dim) == 1: fnobs = 1. flc = np.reshape(flc, (1, dim[0])) header['NOBS'] = (fnobs, 'Number of images in the file') base = "flux" erbase = "eflux" names = ["flag"] # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # The final content of the Photometry array is: # flag, (flux, erflux)*Naperture, sky, ersky, xc, yc, # xpre, ypre, altitude, azimuth, phi, theta, radius, # exposure time, JDdate, lstdate, lpstid, lpstseq # Total number of elements: (2*naper+5)+11 # ---------------------------------------------------------------- for i in range(0, naper): names.append(base+str(i)) names.append(erbase+str(i)) names.append("sky") names.append("esky") names.append("Xc") names.append("Yc") names.append("Xa") names.append("Ya") names.append("alt") names.append("az") names.append("phi") names.append("theta") names.append("r") names.append("exptime") names.append("jdmid") names.append("lpst") names.append("lpstid") names.append("lpstseq") names = np.array(names) units = ['None'] for i in range(0, naper*2+2): units.append('e-') for i in xrange(4): units.append('pixels') units.append('degree') units.append('degree') units.append('degree') units.append('degree') units.append('pixels') units.append('sec') units.append('JD days') units.append('hours') units.append('LaPalma index image') units.append('Sequence index') cols = pf.ColDefs([pf.Column(name=nom, format="D",array=flc[:,i], unit=units[i]) \ for i,nom in enumerate(names)]) tbhdu = pf.new_table(cols) prihdu = pf.PrimaryHDU(header=header) thdulist = pf.HDUList([prihdu, tbhdu]) thdulist.writeto(savingPath+ ID + "LC.fits", clobber=True) thdulist.close() return
[docs]def lstseq2date(lstseq, texp, format='calendar'): ''' lstseq2date reverse computes from the lstseq the observation date. Inputs: - lstseq, the sequence number - texp, the exposure time Keyword: - format, 'jd' or 'calendar' Output: - the date in JD or datetime format ''' from mascara.constants import iniday, lstday from datetime import datetime, timedelta ## Define the constants oneday = timedelta(hours=24) onelstday = timedelta(hours=lstday) indexperday = int(oneday.total_seconds()/np.around(texp, decimals=1)) ## Convert the lstseq into seconds getseconds = np.vectorize(lambda x:x*onelstday.total_seconds()/indexperday) times = np.array([timedelta(seconds=seq) + iniday for seq in getseconds(lstseq)]) if format == 'calendar': return times elif format == 'jd': from mascara.funcs.timing import calendar2jd return calendar2jd(times)
[docs]def buildTransmissionMap(*args, **kwargs): ''' buildTransmissionMap constructs from existing dictionaries an image of the transmission. Inputs: - dict, a dictionary containing the information for constructing the map: {quad indice: [list of (observed magnitude - apparent magnitude), per aperture]} - nulx, nuly, two scalars giving the dimension of the map Keywords: - dimensions, specify the number of dimensions the map should have. If dimension > 1. - writetofile, boelan. If true, the map(s) are written to disk in fits format ''' from scipy.ndimage import filters dimension = kwargs.pop('dimension', 1) writeto = kwargs.pop('writetofile', True) if writeto: dicto, nulx, nuly, hdr, path, name = args else: dicto, nulx, nuly = args TransMap = np.zeros([dimension, nuly, nulx]) for k, v in dicto.iteritems(): TransMap[:, k/nulx, k%nulx] = np.median(np.array(v), axis=0) if writeto: TransMap = filters.median_filter(TransMap, size=3, mode='nearest') pf.writeto(os.path.join(path, name + '.fits'), TransMap, hdr, clobber=True) else: return TransMap
[docs]def light_curve_overview(Path, night, filename = 'LCoverview', mrange=[4.75, 4.8]): ''' selects within the given magnitude range the stars which have been observed. Saves a plot at the end. Input: - Path, the location of the light curves Keywords: - filename, the name for saving the image. Default if LCoverview.png - mrange, the magnitude range of the stars to be plotted ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as pl import pyfits as pf import itertools from mascara.funcs.mio import find_files flc = find_files(os.path.join(Path,'fLC',''), '*LC') slowLC = find_files(os.path.join(Path, 'sLC', ''), '*LC') pl.figure(1, figsize = (12, 8)) ax00 = pl.subplot(1,1,1) pos1 = ax00.get_position() pos2 = [pos1.x0-0.02, pos1.y0, pos1.width/1.2, pos1.height/1.1] ax00.set_position(pos2) marker = itertools.cycle(('+','x','.', '*')) smarker = itertools.cycle(('o', 's', 'v', 'd')) color = itertools.cycle(('k', 'b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'y', 'm')) for f in flc: fname = os.path.basename(f) a = fname.split('LC')[0] tab = pf.getdata(f) col = pl.plot(tab['jdmid'], tab['flux0'], linestyle = '',, color=col, label = a) for s in slowLC: if s.find(a)>=0: stab = pf.getdata(s) pl.plot(stab['jdmid'], stab['flux0'], linestyle = '',, mec=col, mfc='w' ) pl.title('Overview of {}'.format(night)) pl.legend(numpoints =3, title='Stellar ASCC', bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1.), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.) pl.savefig(os.path.join(Path,'logs',filename+'.png'), dpi=200, facecolor='w', \ orientation='landscape', papertype='A5') pl.close() return
[docs]def reduction_summary(logpath, site, camera, night, date, format='html'): ''' Prepare a quick summary of the reduction. Includes the possible errors and warnings Includes the image generated at the end of the night from the astrometry ''' from mascara.funcs.mio import find_files logfile = find_files(logpath, 'reduc*', format='.log') if len(logfile) == 0: if format == 'html': message = ''' <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=\"en\"> <head><meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no\"> <meta name=\"viewport" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=0.8\"> <style> div {text-align: left;font-size: 14px;padding-left: 20px; </style> </head> <body> ''' ### Prepare the main message: message += '<div> Hi all, <br></br>' message += '{:*^96} <br></br>'.format(' Reduction summary ') message += '{:^96} <br></br>'.format(' Site: {}, Camera: {}, Night {}, finished at {} '.format(\,, night, date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'))) message += '{:*^96} <br></br>'.format('') ### Prepare the alternate message: message_alternate = '{:*^96} \n'.format(' Reduction summary ') message_alternate+= '{:^96} \n'.format(' Site: {}, camera: {}, Night: {}, finished at {} '.format(\,, night, date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'))) message_alternate+='{:*^96} \n \n'.format('') message += 'No log file was found for that night <br> </br>' message_alternate += 'No log file was found for that night ' return message, message_alternate with open(logfile[0], 'r') as f: log = ### Get from the log file the possible errors and warning loglines = log.split('\n') errors = [] warnings = [] astro = [] End_of_night = False End_of_saving = False Saved_FLC = False Solved_astro = False nimages = 0 check = camera.readAstroCheck(make_plot=False) names = ['xbl', 'xtl', 'xbr', 'xtr', 'ybl', 'ytl', 'ybr', 'ytr'] ptv = np.zeros(8) for i, name in enumerate(names): tmp = (check[name] - np.median(check[name]))*check['rate'] ptv[i] = tmp.max() - tmp.min() goodastro=True if (ptv > 0.5).nonzero()[0].size >= 4: goodastro=False for l in loglines: if l.find('ERROR')>0: errors.append(l) elif l.find('WARNING')>0: warnings.append(l) elif l.find('end_of_night')>0: End_of_night=True elif l.find('saved_fast_LC')>0: Saved_FLC = True elif l.find('saved_all_LC')>0: End_of_saving = True if l.find('Time needed to process')>0: nimages+=1 if l.find('solved_the_astrometry')>0: astro.append(l) Solved_astro = True if format == 'html': message = ''' <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=\"en\"> <head><meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no\"> <meta name=\"viewport" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=0.8\"> <style> div {text-align: left;font-size: 14px;padding-left: 20px; </style> </head> <body> ''' message += '<div> Hi all, <br></br>' message += '{:*^96} <br></br>'.format(' Reduction summary ') message += '{:^96} <br></br>'.format(' Site: {}, Camera: {}, Night: {}, finished at {} '.format(\,, night, date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'))) message += '{:*^96} <br></br>'.format('') ### Prepare the message: message_alternate = '{:*^96} \n'.format(' Reduction summary ') message_alternate+= '{:^96} \n'.format(' Site: {}, camera: {}, Night: {}, finished at {} '.format(\,, night, date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'))) message_alternate+='{:*^96} \n \n'.format('') if End_of_night: message += ' The reduction went well <br></br>' message_alternate +=' The reduction went well \n' message += ' {} images were reduced this night <br></br>'.format(nimages) message_alternate += ' {} images were reduced this night \n'.format(nimages) if not goodastro: message += ' The astrometry did not converge properly <br>' message_alternate +=' The astrometry did not converge properly \n' if Solved_astro: message+=' Solved the astrometry {} times <br> </br>'.format(len(astro)) message_alternate+=' Solved the astrometry {} times \n'.format(len(astro)) if Saved_FLC: message =+ ' All Fast light curves have been saved <br></br>' message_alternate += ' All fast light curves have been saved \n' if End_of_saving: message += ' All the light curves have been saved <br></br>' message_alternate+=' All the light curves have been saved \n' else: message_alternate+=' No light curve was saved \n' message += ' {} errors occured during the reduction: <br></br>'.format(len(errors)) message_alternate+=' {} errors occured during the reduction: \n'.format(len(errors)) for er in errors: message += er + '<br>' message_alternate+=er + '\n' message +=' {} warnings occured during the reduction: <br></br>'.format(len(warnings)) message_alternate += ' {} warnings occured during the reduction: \n'.format(len(warnings)) for war in warnings: message += war + '<br>' message_alternate+=war + '\n' message += 'Cheers, <br></br>' message_alternate += ' Cheers, ' message +='</body>' return message, message_alternate else: ### Prepare the message: message_alternate = '{:*^96} \n'.format(' Reduction summary ') message_alternate+= '{:^96} \n'.format(' Site: {}, Camera: {}, at {} '.format(, \, date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'))) message_alternate+='{:*^96} \n \n'.format('') if End_of_night: message_alternate +=' The reduction went well \n' if End_of_saving: message_alternate+=' All the light curves have been saved \n' else: message_alternate+=' No light curve was saved \n' message_alternate+=' {} errors occured during the reduction: \n'.format(len(errors)) for er in errors: message_alternate+=er + '\n' message_alternate += ' {} warnings occured during the reduction: \n'.format(len(warnings)) for war in warnings: message_alternate+=war + '\n' return message_alternate
[docs]def send_summary(logpath, message, alternate, camera, site, night): ''' sends the summary of the reduction as generated by the function reduction_summary under the form of an email with an embedded image ''' import smtplib from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart from email.MIMEText import MIMEText from email.MIMEImage import MIMEImage from mascara.reduction import credentials as creds from mascara.funcs.mio import find_files dest = creds.recipients_summary_emails #dest = '' locam = site.sname+camera.sname msgRoot = MIMEMultipart('main') msgRoot['Subject'] = 'MASCARA {} - {} Reduction summary'.format(locam, night) msgRoot['From'] = 'MASCARA @ La Palma' msgRoot['To'] = ', '.join(dest) msgRoot.preamble = 'This is a multi-part test message in MIME format' msgAlternative = MIMEMultipart('alternative') msgRoot.attach(msgAlternative) msgText = MIMEText(alternate) msgAlternative.attach(msgText) if os.path.exists(logpath+'AstroCheck.png'): msgText = MIMEText(message+' <br><img src="cid:image1"><br> ' + \ ' <br><img src="cid:image2"><br> ', 'html') msgAlternative.attach(msgText) fp = open(logpath+'AstroCheck.png', 'rb') msgImage = MIMEImage( fp.close() msgImage.add_header('Content-ID', '<image1>') msgRoot.attach(msgImage) imagepath = find_files(logpath, 'LCover*', format='.png') fp = open(imagepath[0], 'rb') msgImage=MIMEImage( fp.close() msgImage.add_header('Content-ID', '<image2>') msgRoot.attach(msgImage) try: mascara_user = creds.mascara_mail_username maspwd = creds.mascara_mail_password smtpserver = smtplib.SMTP("", 587) smtpserver.ehlo() smtpserver.starttls() smtpserver.login(mascara_user, maspwd) #msg = MIMEText(body, 'html') #msg['Subject'] = 'MASCARA night summary' #msg['From'] = 'MASCARA @ La Palma' #msg['To'] = ', '.join(dest) smtpserver.sendmail(mascara_user, dest, msgRoot.as_string()) smtpserver.close() except: print 'The following email was not sent \n' print message
[docs]def getDarkFilename(camname, path=''): ''' getDarkFilename reads from file the location and name of the last valid masterdark saved for a specific camera. Inputs: - Camera Name, the name of the Camera - path, where the file is saved (optional). If not specified, the function will look in the current working directory. Output: the location and name of the last masterdark for that camera. ''' if os.path.exists('darkTable.txt'): with open('darkTable.txt', 'rb') as f: c = lurines = c.split('\n') lines = [l for l in lurines if not l.startswith('##') if not l.strip()==''] for l in lines: if l.find(camname.lower())>=0: thename, thefilelist= l.split('=') thefilelist = thefilelist.split(',') darkfilelist = [f.strip() for f in thefilelist] return darkfilelist else: print 'No Look-up Table for the darks found.' return
[docs]def updateDarkFilename(camname, filename, path=''): ''' updateDarkFilename updates the dark look-up table for the given camera name Inputs: - Camera Name, the name of the Camera - the filename of the new valid dark for that camera - path, where the file is saved (optional). If not specified, the function will look in the current working directory. No outputs ''' ## 1. Check that the filename ends with .fits: if filename.find('.fits') <0: filename = filename+ '.fits' if os.path.exists('darkTable.txt'): with open('darkTable.txt', 'rb') as f: c = lurines = c.split('\n') lines = [l for l in lurines if not l.startswith('##') if not l.strip()==''] newlines = ['## Name , Location', ] for l in lines: if l.find(camname.lower())>=0: filelist = l.split('=')[1].split(',') if len(filelist) >5: filelist.pop(0) filelist.append(filename) newlines.append('{:<10} = {}'.format(camname.lower(), ', '.join(['%s']*len(filelist))%tuple(filelist))) else: newlines.append(l) with open('darkTable.txt', 'wb') as f: for n in newlines: f.write(n +'\n') return else: header = '## Name , Location' newline = '{:<10} = {}'.format(camname.lower(), filename) with open('darkTable.txt', 'wb') as f: f.write(header + '\n') f.write(newline) return