
Source code for mascara.phot

# Copyright 2014 - 2015 Anna-Lea Lesage for MASCARA
#    This file is part of the mascara package.
#    mascara is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    mascara is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with mascara.  If not, see <>.

.. module:: phot
.. moduleauthor:: Anna-Lea Lesage   

:mod:`mascara.phot` provides a set of photometric routines: 
   - find_stars, an export from the DAOPHOT package, to find stars on an image
   - GetPhot, the equivalent of the DAOPHOT APER routine. 
   - OnaPhot, an extensive version of GetPhot which performs quick image quality 
     analysis, and returns more informations
__version__ = '15.10.12'

### ***  Latest Changes Record  *** ###
### 09.12.2014  Changed in Find the output of the function is No stars are found.
###             Instead of returning just None, it is now returning 4 times None
###             for (x, y, sharpness, roundness). This allows an easier condition
###             on the success of star detection.
### 09.12.2014  Added a condition in find that if the std of the image is null, it 
###             returns only None. Goal is to skip empty images
### 07.01.2015  Found an error in the calculation of the mask. Changed around line 451.
###             Should result in lower scatter in the light curve for small apertures.
### 09.01.2015  Added a getSkyValue function to get more robust estimates of the 
###             sky. It is based on the IDL function. In order to keep fast
###             and robust, only the first pass is used. (Though the rest is coded)
### 13.01.2015  Added keywords precise_sky and onepass to OnaPhot to give the choise of 
###             the method used for calculating the background
### 13.01.2015  Added function makeMask, using meshgrid
### 09.03.2015  Rewrote the centroiding rountine in find to get accurate results!
### 26.05.2015  Added in the output of OnaPhot the max pixel value inside the aperture
### 01.09.2015  Updated GetPhot for the find_pointing routine: changed empty arrays into
###             zero arrays. 
### ******************************* ###


[docs]def find_stars(image, hmin, fwhm, nsigma=1.5, roundlim=[-1.,1.], sharplim=[0.2,1.]): """ find_stars, adapted from the ASTROLIB-routine to find point sources on an image. To do so, the image is convolved with a Gaussian kernel of fwhm as given. Any remaining sources above the background are then potential stars... Inputs: - image, the 2D image to look at - hmin, the noise threshold above which the object is qualified as a star. Typically hmin > 3*std(image) - fhwm, the estimated full width half maximum of the stars on the image Keywords: - nsigma, radius of the convolution kernel. Default 1.5 - roundlim ([-1.,1.]): Threshold for the roundness criterion. - sharplim ([0.2,1.]): Threshold for the sharpness criterion. Outputs: - xobs, yobs, the X and Y coordinates of the stars found on the CCD - sharp, the sharpness of the stars - round, the roundness of the stars """ from scipy.ndimage import convolve import numpy as np from math import sqrt import bottleneck as bt ### Getting image information ny, nx = image.shape ### Quick analyse to check is the image is not empty: if image.std() == 0: return None, None, None, None ################################ # Setting the convolution kernel ################################ sigmatofwhm = 2*sqrt(2*np.log(2)) radius = nsigma * fwhm / sigmatofwhm # Radius is 1.5 sigma if radius < 1.0: radius = 1.0 fwhm = sigmatofwhm/nsigma print( "WARNING!!! Radius of convolution box smaller than one." ) print( "Setting the 'fwhm' to minimum value, %f, given the provided nsigma." %fwhm ) sigsq = (fwhm/sigmatofwhm)**2 # sigma squared nhalf = int(radius) # Center of the kernel nbox = 2*nhalf+1 # Number of pixels inside of convolution box middle = nhalf # Index of central pixel ### Define x,y coordinates of the kernel kerny, kernx = np.meshgrid(range(nbox),range(nbox)) ### Compute the square of the distance to the center g = np.float64((kernx-nhalf)**2+(kerny-nhalf)**2) mask = g <= radius**2 # We make a mask to select the inner circle of radius "radius" nmask = mask.sum() # The number of pixels in the mask within the inner circle. g = np.exp(-0.5*g/sigsq) # We make the 2D gaussian profile ### Convolving the image with a kernel representing a gaussian c = g*mask ### Normalisation of the Gaussian kernel c[mask] = (c[mask] - c[mask].mean())/(c[mask].var() * nmask) c1 = g[nhalf] # c1 will be used to the test the roundness c1 = (c1-c1.mean())/((c1**2).sum() - c1.mean()) h = convolve(image,c,mode='constant',cval=0.0) h[:nhalf,:] = 0 # Set the sides to zero in order to avoid border effects h[-nhalf:,:] = 0 h[:,:nhalf] = 0 h[:,-nhalf:] = 0 ########################### ### Find source candidates: ########################### mask[middle,middle] = False # From now on we exclude the central pixel nmask = mask.sum() # so the number of valid pixels is reduced by 1 goody,goodx = mask.nonzero() # "good" identifies position of valid pixels ### Identifying the point source candidates that stand above the background indy,indx = (h >= hmin).nonzero() nfound = indx.size # nfound is the number of candidates ### If we didn't find any stars, return x, y, sharpness, roundness = None if nfound <= 0: return None, None, None, None # a (nfound, nmask) array of good positions in the mask, mask coordinate offsetsx = np.resize(goodx-middle,(nfound,nmask)) offsetsx = indx + offsetsx.T # a (nfound, nmask) array of good positions in the mask, mask coordinate offsetsy = np.resize(goody-middle,(nfound,nmask)) offsetsy = indy + offsetsy.T ### Get values in the image with offsets offsets_vals = h[offsetsy,offsetsx] ### Get pixel values in the images wihtout offsets vals = h[indy,indx] ### Identifying the candidates that are local maxima (hence larger than offset) ind_goodcandidates = ((vals - offsets_vals) > 0).all(axis=0) nfound = ind_goodcandidates.sum() # update the number of candidates if nfound <= 0: return None, None, None, None ### Keep the local maximas indx = indx[ind_goodcandidates] indy = indy[ind_goodcandidates] ############################################################## # Identifying the candidates that meet the sharpness criterion ############################################################## d = h[indy,indx] # a (nfound) array of the intensity of good candidates d_image = image[indy,indx] offsetsx = offsetsx[:,ind_goodcandidates] offsetsy = offsetsy[:,ind_goodcandidates] offsets_vals = image[offsetsy,offsetsx] sharpness = (d_image - offsets_vals.sum(0)/nmask) / d ind_goodcandidates = (sharpness > sharplim[0]) * (sharpness < sharplim[1]) # a (nfound) array of candidates that meet the sharpness criterion nfound = ind_goodcandidates.sum() # update the number of candidates if nfound <= 0: return None, None, None, None ## Update the good source candidates indx = indx[ind_goodcandidates] indy = indy[ind_goodcandidates] # update sharpness with the good candidates sharpness = sharpness[ind_goodcandidates] ############################################################## # Identifying the candidates that meet the roundness criterion ############################################################## temp = np.arange(nbox)-middle # make 1D indices of the kernel box temp = np.resize(temp, (nbox,nbox)) # make 2D indices of the kernel box (for x or y) offsetsx = np.resize(temp, (nfound,nbox,nbox)) # make 2D indices of the kernel box for x, repeated nfound times offsetsy = np.resize(temp.T, (nfound,nbox,nbox)) # make 2D indices of the kernel box for y, repeated nfound times offsetsx = (indx + offsetsx.swapaxes(0,-1)).swapaxes(0,-1) # make it relative to image coordinate offsetsy = (indy + offsetsy.swapaxes(0,-1)).swapaxes(0,-1) # make it relative to image coordinate offsets_vals = image[offsetsy,offsetsx] # a (nfound, nbox, nbox) array of values (i.e. the kernel box values for each nfound candidate) dx = (offsets_vals.sum(2)*c1).sum(1) dy = (offsets_vals.sum(1)*c1).sum(1) roundness = 2*(dx-dy)/(dx+dy) ind_goodcandidates = (roundness > roundlim[0]) * (roundness < roundlim[1]) * (dx >= 0.) * (dy >= 0.) # a (nfound) array of candidates that meet the roundness criterion nfound = ind_goodcandidates.sum() # update the number of candidates if nfound <= 0: return None, None, None, None ## Update the good source candidates indx = indx[ind_goodcandidates] indy = indy[ind_goodcandidates] sharpness = sharpness[ind_goodcandidates] roundness = roundness[ind_goodcandidates] #return indx, indy, sharpness, roundness ###Preprate centroiding #g[0,:] = g[-1,:] = 1. width = nhalf - np.abs(np.arange(nbox)-nhalf)+1 xwidth, ywidth = np.meshgrid(width, width) sumgaussx = np.sum(g*xwidth,axis=1) sumgaussy = np.sum(g*ywidth,axis=0) P = np.sum(width) sumgx = np.sum(width*sumgaussy) sumgy = np.sum(width*sumgaussx) vec = nhalf - np.arange(nbox) dgdx = sumgaussy*vec dgdy = sumgaussx*vec x = np.array(indx, dtype=float) y = np.array(indy, dtype=float) for i in xrange(nfound): temp = image[indy[i]-nhalf:indy[i]+nhalf+1, indx[i]-nhalf:indx[i]+nhalf+1] ### Find X centroid sd = np.sum(temp*ywidth, 0) sumofwsgsd = np.sum(width*sumgaussy*sd) sumofwsd = np.sum(width*sd) sumofwsddx = np.sum(width*sd*dgdx) HeightX = (sumofwsgsd-sumgx*sumofwsd/P)/(np.sum(width*sumgaussy**2)-sumgx**2/P) skylevel = (sumofwsd - HeightX*sumgx)/P ### Calculating the dx for centroiding dx = (np.sum(width*dgdx*sumgaussy)-(sumofwsddx-np.sum(width*dgdx)*(HeightX*sumgx + \ skylevel*P)))/(HeightX*np.sum(width*dgdx**2)/sigsq) if np.abs(dx) >= nhalf: dx = 0. x[i] += dx ### Find Y centroid sd = np.sum(temp*xwidth,1) sumofwsgsd = np.sum(width*sumgaussx*sd) sumofwsd = np.sum(width*sd) sumofwsddy = np.sum(width*sd*dgdy) HeightY = (sumofwsgsd-sumgy*sumofwsd/P)/(np.sum(width*sumgaussx**2)-sumgy**2/P) skylevel = (sumofwsd - HeightY*sumgy)/P ### Calculating the dy for centroiding: dy = (np.sum(width*dgdy*sumgaussx)-(sumofwsddy-np.sum(width*dgdy)*(HeightY*sumgy + \ skylevel*P)))/(HeightY*np.sum(width*dgdy**2)/sigsq) if np.abs(dy) >= nhalf: dy = 0. y[i] += dy if nfound == 1: return np.array(x), np.array(y), sharpness, roundness ### Remove possible duplicates of the same star xf, yf = [],[] x = x[np.isfinite(x)] y = y[np.isfinite(y)] index = list(np.arange(x.size)) for indi in index: tmp = ((np.abs(x-x[indi]) < 2.*fwhm)*(np.abs(y-y[indi]) < 2.*fwhm)).nonzero() xc, yc = x[tmp], y[tmp] xf.append(xc.mean()), yf.append(yc.mean()) if len(tmp)>1: for w in tmp[1:]: if w > indi: index.remove(w) return np.array(xf), np.array(yf), sharpness, roundness
[docs]def GetPhot(im, xc, yc, apr=None, skyrad=None, phpadu=1, Flux=True): """ Aperture Photometry based on DAOPHOT Aper procedure Computes concentric aperture photometry for several user specified aperture radii (apr). The sky is evaluated separately using the outer and inner sky radii (skyrad) Inputs : - im, input image array - x, y the coordinates of the stars on the array Keywords: - apr, a single value (can be float) for the aperture radius - skyrad, a tupple of 2 elements defining the radii of the sky annulus - phpadu, the photon per ADU (optional) Outputs: - flux, the measured flux - eflux, the errors on the flux - sky, the measured background - esky, the errors on the background """ from math import floor import numpy as np badval = [0, 63000] dim = im.shape if dim[0] == 1: return np.zeros(1) if len(dim) == 3: ny, nx, ndim = dim else: ny, nx = dim ### Verify how many coordinates are given as input Nstars = np.size(xc) if Nstars == 1: xc = np.array(xc) yc = np.array(yc) elif Nstars == 0: return ### Verify that the aperture radius is given napr = np.size(apr) if apr == None: apr = input('Give aperture radii: ') napr = np.size(apr) apr = np.array([apr]) # Some failsafes : ask for aperture radius if not given, # ask for sky radii if skyrad is an integer, ask for phpadu if not given if skyrad == None: skyrad = input('Give inner and outer sky radii: ') if phpadu == 0: phpadu = input('Give the photon to ADU convertion: ') if napr > 1: flux = np.zeros([Nstars, napr]) erflux= np.zeros([Nstars, napr]) else: flux = np.zeros(Nstars) erflux= np.zeros(Nstars) sky = np.zeros(Nstars) ersky = np.zeros(Nstars) # Set the limit to the edges of the CCD lx = np.floor(xc - skyrad[1]) upx = np.floor(xc + skyrad[1]) ly = np.floor(yc - skyrad[1]) upy = np.floor(yc + skyrad[1]) # Attention to the edges of the CCD (remove the outer sky radius) lx = lx*(lx > 0) ly = ly*(ly > 0) upx = upx*(upx < nx-0) upy = upy*(upy < ny-0) # Keep only the good values where the star is not on the edges or outside the CCD dnx = upx-lx dny = upy-ly # Define the stars that lie on the edges or out of the CCD edges = (lx == 0)+(upx == 0)+(ly == 0)+(upy == 0) # Get the subpixel information in the subarray dx = xc - lx dy = yc - ly # Defining the aperture areas area = np.pi * apr**2 # Start aperture photometry for i in xrange(Nstars): # If the star is not on the edge? or if the star is on the edge... try: tmp = edges[i] except IndexError: tmp = edges if tmp == False: skymod = 0 apmag = np.zeros([napr]) magerr = np.zeros([napr]) error1 = np.zeros([napr]) error2 = np.zeros([napr]) error3 = np.zeros([napr]) try: box = im[ly[i]:upy[i], lx[i]:upx[i]] # Extract the subimage centered on the star except IndexError: box = im[ly:upy, lx:upx] # Define the distances of each pixel to the central pixel try: dxsq = (np.arange(dnx[i])-dx[i])** 2 rsq = np.zeros([dny[i], dnx[i]]) except IndexError: dxsq = (np.arange(dnx)-dx)**2 rsq = np.zeros([dny,dnx]) try: for j in xrange(0, int(dny[i])): rsq[j,:] = dxsq + (j-dy[i])**2 except IndexError: for j in xrange(0, int(dny)): rsq[j,:] = dxsq + (j-dy)**2 r = np.sqrt(rsq) - 0.5 # Select the pixels inside the sky annulus skypix = (rsq >= skyrad[0]**2)*(rsq <= skyrad[1]**2) skyvalues = box[skypix] # Skip the meanclip calculation of the sky for the moment # Rough estimate of the sky mode skymed = np.median(skyvalues) # Sky median skymean = skyvalues.mean() skymod = 3*skymed - 2*skymean # Evaluation of the mode... under the assumption # of slight sky contamination skyvar = skyvalues.var() # Sky variance sigsq = skyvar/len(skyvalues) # Square of the standard error by mean sky brightness # Go through the aperture for the star for k, APR in enumerate(apr): indexap = (r < APR) inap = box[indexap] rap = r[indexap] fractn = (APR-rap) # fraction of pixel to count fullpix = (fractn >= 1.).nonzero()[0] fractn[fullpix] = 1.0 fcounts = fullpix.size fracpix = (fractn < 1.).nonzero()[0] factor = (area[k] - fcounts)/ sum(fractn[fracpix]) fractn[fracpix] = fractn[fracpix]*factor apmag[k] = sum(inap*fractn) if Flux: # Keep the finite values: gd = np.isfinite(apmag) else: tmp = np.abs(apmag - badval)*(np.abs(apmag-badval) > 0.01) gd = tmp.nonzero() apmag[gd] = apmag[gd] - skymod*area[gd] # Add the errors error1[gd] = area[gd]*skyvar # Scatter in the sky error2[gd] = (apmag[gd])/phpadu # Random photon noise error3[gd] = sigsq*area[gd]**2 # Uncertainties in mean sky brigtness magerr[gd] = np.sqrt(error1[gd] + error2[gd]+error3[gd]) if not Flux: good = apmag.nonzero() if len(apmag[good]) > 0: magerr[good] = 1.0857*magerr[good]/apmag[good] # supposely log(10)/2.5=1.0857 apmag[good] = 25. - 2.5*np.log10(apmag[good]) # Store the results in ouput variables sky[i] = skymod ersky[i] = np.sqrt(skyvar) if napr > 1: flux[i,:] = apmag erflux[i,:] = magerr else: flux[i] = apmag erflux[i] = magerr return flux, erflux, sky, ersky
[docs]def OnaPhot(*args, **kwargs): ''' OnaPhot is an aperture photometry routine based on the APER or GetPhot routine, but developped for the following cases: - when one star is treated at the time - when the shape of the star is highly dependant of its position on the CCD OnaPhot adapt the shape of the aperture to the shape of the star. In addition, it runs a diagnostic of the background. OnaPhot accepts one to 10 different aperture radii. Input: - im, the 2d complete image - xc, yc the coordinates of ONE star. Keywords: - apr, a vector, list or tuple of aperture radii - skyrad, a tuple [inner sky rad, outer sky rad] - mask, an 2D array. If not provided, it is calculated. It may be interesting to provide mask, (via masphot.makeMask) - precise_sky, to do a precise calculation of the sky background - onepass, if only one pass of the getSkyValue should be done. Outputs: - flag, a diagnostic for the star noted in binary: - 0 -> all went well - 1 -> saturated pixel in the aperture - 2 -> saturated pixel in the background - 4 -> reserved (for astrometry) - 8 -> reserved (for clouds) - 16 -> Background <= 0 - 32 -> Flux or sky <= 0 or not finite - 64 -> -- - 128 -> Star potentially outside the aperture - 256 -> Sky annulus outside CCD - flux, a vector of flux - erflux, the corresponding errors - sky, the sky background - ersky, the corresponding errors - xm, ym, the coordinates of the star The output is expressed under the form: [flag, flux0, erflux0, flux1, erflux1, ..., sky, ersky, xm, ym] ''' from mascara.funcs.utils import percentile, Gfitting from math import sqrt, floor import numpy as np import bottleneck as bt ### Define the 2 cases for centering the star: if len(args) ==3: im, xc, yc = args centering = kwargs.pop('centering', False) elif len(args) ==2: im, xc = args yc = xc centering = kwargs.pop('centering', True) ### Reading in the other eywords apr = kwargs.pop('apr', None) skyrad = kwargs.pop('skyrad', None) phpadu = kwargs.pop('phpadu', 0.62) precise = kwargs.pop('precise_sky', False) onepass = kwargs.pop('onepass', True) ny, nx = im.shape apr = np.array(apr) napr = apr.size if ny == 1: return np.zeros(2*napr + 3 + 3) badpixval = 63000. flag = kwargs.pop('flag', 0) flux = np.zeros([napr, 2]) # 1. Check if the outer skyrad is still in the CCD: outskyradin = ((xc>=skyrad[1])*(xc<=nx-skyrad[1])*(yc>=skyrad[1])*(yc<=ny-skyrad[1])) if outskyradin == False: flag = 256. flux = np.ravel(flux) sky = np.zeros([2]) return np.hstack((flag, flux, sky, 0., xc, yc)) # 2. Check if the star is inside the aperture radius: # If several apertures are given, use the largest one to center the star! lx = floor(xc - skyrad[1]) upx = floor(xc + skyrad[1]) ly = floor(yc - skyrad[1]) upy = floor(yc + skyrad[1]) mask = makeMask(skyrad[1], xc, yc) # 3. Recenter the star if keyword is set xm, ym = np.copy(xc), np.copy(yc) if centering: from scipy.ndimage import center_of_mass box = im[ly:upy, lx:upx] thresh = percentile(box, 0.75) cy, cx = center_of_mass((box > thresh)*(box<badpixval)) # 4. Update coordinates xm, ym = xc + cx -skyrad[1], yc+cy-skyrad[1] lx = np.floor(xm - skyrad[1]) upx = np.floor(xm + skyrad[1]) ly = np.floor(ym - skyrad[1]) upy = np.floor(ym + skyrad[1]) mask = makeMask(skyrad[1], xm, ym) ##### #### box = im[ly:upy, lx:upx] # 5. Check the sky background for irregularities. outermask = ((mask+0.5)**2<=skyrad[1]**2)*((mask+0.5)**2>=skyrad[0]**2) skydonut = box[outermask] if precise: skymod, skystd = getSkyValue(skydonut, onepass=onepass) else: skymed = bt.median(skydonut) # Sky median skymean = bt.nanmean(skydonut) skymod = 3*skymed - 2*skymean # Evaluation of the mode... under the assumption # of slight sky contamination skystd = bt.nanstd(skydonut) ### Flag negative sky measurements if skymod < 0 : flag = flag+16 skyvar = skystd**2 # Sky variance sigsq = skyvar/len(skydonut) outer = percentile(skydonut, 0.75) indexap = (mask < bt.nanmax(apr)) inap = box[indexap] amax = inap.max() inner = percentile(inap, 0.9) ### Check if the aperture is brighter than the sky if inner > outer: ### Flag if there is a bad pixel in the skydonut if bt.nanmax(skydonut) >= badpixval: flag = flag + 2 else: sky = np.array([skymod, skystd]) flux = np.ravel(flux) flag = 128 + flag return np.hstack((flag, flux, sky, amax, xm, ym)) # Now do the photometry! for k, APR in np.ndenumerate(apr): area = np.pi * APR**2 indexap = mask < APR inap = box[indexap] ## Flag if there is a bad pixel in the aperture if bt.nanmax(inap) >= badpixval: flag = flag + 1 rap = mask[indexap] fractn = (APR-rap) # fraction of pixel to count fullpix = (fractn >= 1.).nonzero()[0] fractn[fullpix] = 1.0 fcounts = fullpix.size fracpix = (fractn < 1.).nonzero()[0] factor = (area - fcounts)/ bt.nansum(fractn[fracpix]) fractn[fracpix] = fractn[fracpix]*factor apmag = bt.nansum(inap*fractn) apmag = apmag - skymod*area ## Flag the negative stellar fluxes if apmag < 0: flag = flag + 32 error1 = area*skystd**2 error2 = apmag / phpadu error3 = sigsq*area**2 magerr = np.sqrt(error1 + error2 + error3) flux[k,:] = apmag, magerr sky = np.array([skymod, skystd]) flux = np.ravel(flux) return np.hstack((flag, flux, sky, amax, xm, ym))
def getSkyValue(sky, onepass= True): ''' getSkyValue calculates the background value even in the case of background contamination. Adapted from the mmm module of the idl daophot library Inputs: - sky Keyords: - onepass, if true, the function return the sky's mode and standard deviation after only one pass. Outputs: - Skymod and sky standard deviation ''' import numpy as np import bottleneck as bt minsky = 20. nlast = sky.size -1 sky = bt.partsort(sky,1) skymid = bt.nanmedian(sky) cut1 = bt.nanmin([skymid-sky[0], sky[-1]-skymid]) cut2 = skymid+cut1 cut1 = skymid-cut1 ## select the pixels between cut1 and cut2 good = ((sky <= cut2)*(sky>=cut1)).nonzero()[0] Ng = good.size ## If no good pixel then... if Ng == 0: return skymid, 0.0 delta = sky[good] - skymid Totdelta = bt.nansum(delta) Totdeltasq = bt.nansum(delta**2) Hsky = bt.nanmax(good) Lsky = bt.nanmin(good)-1 ## Compute mean and sigma from the first pass skymed = 0.5*sky[(Lsky+Hsky+1)/2] + 0.5*sky[(Lsky+Hsky)/2+1] skymn = Totdelta/(Hsky-Lsky) sigma = sqrt(Totdeltasq/(Hsky-Lsky) - skymn**2) skymn = skymn+skymid if skymed < skymn: skymod = 3.*skymed - 2.*skymn else: skymod = skymn if onepass: return skymod, sigma ## Rejection and recomputation loop niter = 0 old = 0. clamp = 0. redo = True while (niter < 20) and redo: niter += 1 redo = False print 'Iteration number %g' %niter ## Compute Chauvenet rejection criterion r = np.log10(Hsky-Lsky) r = bt.nanmax([2., (-0.1042*r+1.1695)*r + 0.8895]) ## Compute the rejection limits cut = r*sigma + 0.5*np.abs(skymn-skymod) cut1 = skymod-cut cut2 = skymod+cut ## recompute mean and sigma by adding/subtracting sky values at ## both end of the interval of acceptable values newmin = Lsky tst_min = sky[newmin+1] >= cut1 done = (newmin == -1)*tst_min if not done: done = (sky[newmin>0] > cut1) and tst_min istep = 1 - 2*tst_min while not done: newmin += istep done = (newmin == -1) or (newmin == nlast) if not done: done = (sky[newmin] <= cut1) and (sky[newmin+1] >= cut1) if tst_min: delta = sky[newmin+1: Lsky] - skymid else: delta = sky[Lsky+1:newmin] - skymid Totdelta = Totdelta - istep * bt.nansum(delta) Totdeltasq = Totdeltasq - istep * bt.nansum(delta**2) Lsky = newmin redo = True newmax = Hsky tst_max = sky[Hsky] <= cut2 done = (Hsky == nlast ) * tst_max if not done: done = (tst_max) and (sky[Hsky+1 < nlast] > cut2) istep = -1 + 2*tst_max while not done: newmax += istep done = (newmax == nlast) or (newmax == -1) if not done: done = (sky[newmax] <= cut2) * (sky[newmax+1] >= cut2) if tst_max: delta = sky[Hsky+1:newmax] = skymid else: delta = sky[newmax+1:Hsky] - skymid Totdelta = Totdelta + istep * bt.nansum(delta) Totdeltasq = Totdeltasq + istep * bt.nansum(delta**2) Hsky = newmax redo = True nsky = Hsky-Lsky if (nsky < minsky): print 'Error - Outlier rejection left too few sky elements' return skymod, sigma skymn = Totdelta/nsky sigma = sqrt(Totdeltasq / nsky - skymn**2) skymn = skymn+skymid ### Calculating a robust median by averaging the central 20% pixels center = (Hsky+1 + Lsky)/2. side = np.round(0.2*(Hsky-Lsky))/2. + 0.25 J = np.round(center-side) K = np.round(center+side) skymed = bt.nansum(sky[J:K])/(K-J+1) if skymed < skymn: dmod = 3.*skymed - 2*skymn-skymod else: dmod = skymn - skymod if dmod*old < 0: clamp = 0.5*clamp skymod = skymod + clamp*dmod old = dmod return skymod, sigma def makeMask(skyrad, xc, yc): from math import floor import numpy as np lx = floor(xc - skyrad) ly = floor(yc - skyrad) dx = xc - lx dy = yc - ly x = np.arange(0, 2*skyrad) xsq, ysq = np.meshgrid(x, x) mask = (xsq-dx)**2 + (ysq-dy)**2 return np.sqrt(mask)-0.5
[docs]def Photcore(im, xc, yc, apr=4, skyrad=[5,7], phpadu=1.): ''' Photcore contains just the core of the aperture photometric routine. It is design to work only with one star on one image Input: - im, the 2d image - xc, yc, 2 scalars giving the coordinates of the star. No verification are done to check whether the star is inside the image or not. It is assumed that the star has to be centered or well inside the image. Keywords: - apr, the aperture radius, default = 4 - skyrad, 2 values defining the radius of the sky annulus. Default = [5,7] - phpadu, the photon to analog constant. Default=1 Output: - a vector containing, the flux, the flux errors, the sky and the sky errors. ''' import numpy as np xm, ym = np.copy(xc), np.copy(yc) box = im[ym-skyrad[1]:ym+skyrad[1], xm-skyrad[1]:xm+skyrad[1]] area = apr**2 *np.pi xsq = (np.arange(-(skyrad[1]), skyrad[1],1))**2 mask = np.sqrt(np.array([xsq + (j)**2 for j in np.arange(-(skyrad[1]),skyrad[1])])) innermask = np.copy(mask) indexap = (innermask < apr) inap = box[indexap] rap = innermask[indexap] fractn = (apr-rap) # fraction of pixel to count fullpix = (fractn >= 1.).nonzero()[0] fractn[fullpix] = 1.0 fcounts = fullpix.size fracpix = (fractn < 1.).nonzero()[0] factor = (area - fcounts)/ sum(fractn[fracpix]) fractn[fracpix] = fractn[fracpix]*factor apmag = sum(inap*fractn) skypix = (mask >= skyrad[0])*(mask <= skyrad[1]) skyvalues = box[skypix] # Rough estimate of the sky mode skymed = np.median(skyvalues) # Sky median skymean = skyvalues.mean() skymod = 3*skymed - 2*skymean # Evaluation of the mode... under the assumption # of slight sky contamination skyvar = skyvalues.var() # Sky variance sigsq = skyvar/len(skyvalues) # Square of apmag = apmag - skymod*area error1 = area*sigsq**2 error2 = apmag / phpadu error3 = skyvar*area**2 magerr = np.sqrt(error1 + error2+error3) return np.hstack((apmag, magerr, skymed, np.sqrt(skyvar)))