
Source code for mascara.funcs.timing

.. module:: timing
.. moduleauthor:: Anna-Lea Lesage   

timing functions used for MASCARA

    - Timing routines:
    - check_discontinuity
    - astrotiming
    - calendar2jd
    - jd2calendar
    - jd2epoch
__version__ = '15.10.02'

### ----- TIMING ROUTINES ----- ###
# To verify that the time cadence of the image is regular...
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

[docs]def checkdiscontinuity(obstime, texp): ''' Given an exposure time -texp- and an array containing at least the last 2 dates of observation, checktimescale verifies that the latest exposure is made in the continuity of the previous one. This is relevant in cases of a serie of observations during one night. If the 2 exposures diverge by more than twice the exposure time, than a discontinuity is found, and the function returns True. Input: - obstime, an array containing the dates of observation. - texp, a scalar for the exposure time, and including the read- out time of the detector. Output: - a boolean value, True if a discontinuity is found, else False ''' try: dim = len(obstime) except AttributeError: dim = 1 if dim < 2: return False else: to = jd2calendar(obstime.pop(-2)) ti = jd2calendar(obstime[-1]) tmp = ti-to if tmp.seconds < 2*texp: return False else: return True ###### ------------------------------##### ### ------ TIME CONVERSIONS -----------###
[docs]def calendar2jd(*args, **kwargs): ''' Calendar to Jd converts a datetime object into a Julian date object Input: - date, a datetime object or a timedelta object or an array of datetime objects Output: - JD, the Julian date in np.float64 ''' if len(args) == 1: date = args[0] # Case 1 it is a datetime object: if type(date) == datetime: utcoffset = date.utcoffset() ### No datetime awareness -> maybe in the keyword UTC? if utcoffset is None: UTC = kwargs.get("UTC", True) if not UTC: print "Not enough information for the conversion to JD" return utcoffset = timedelta(seconds=0) date = date - utcoffset yr = date.year mth = date.month day = hr = np.float64(date.hour) mn = np.float64(date.minute) sec = np.float64(date.second + date.microsecond * 1e-6) # Case 2: it's an array of datetime objects: elif type(date) == np.ndarray: getyears = np.vectorize(lambda x:x.year) getmonth = np.vectorize(lambda x:x.month) getday = np.vectorize(lambda gethour = np.vectorize(lambda x:np.float64(x.hour)) getmin = np.vectorize(lambda x:np.float64(x.minute)) getsec = np.vectorize(lambda x:np.float64(x.second + x.microsecond*1e-6)) yr = getyears(date) mth = getmonth(date) day = getday(date) hr = gethour(date) mn = getmin(date) sec = getsec(date) # Case 3: it is a list/tuple with year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds format elif isinstance(date, timedelta): from mascara.constants import JDsec sec = date.total_seconds() return sec*JDsec elif len(args) == 6: yr, mth, day, hr, mn, sec = args hr = np.float64(hr) mn = np.float64(mn) sec = np.float64(sec) # Condition for the leap years: m3 = mth < 3 L = np.zeros(np.size(mth), dtype=int) if np.size(L) == 1: if m3: L = -1 else: L[m3] = -1 #if m3: # L = -1 #else: L = 0 thour = hr + mn/60 + sec/3600 jd = np.float64(day - 32075 + 1461*(yr + 4800 +L)/4 + 367*(mth -2 -L*12)/12 - \ 3 *(yr + 4900 + L)/400) + thour/24 - 0.5 return jd
[docs]def jd2calendar(jd, tz = None): ''' Convert a Julian day date (JD) into a calendar date, using a datetime format. Input: - JD, a scalar or a vector, in float64 precision Output: - date, a datetime object in UTC timezone ''' try: import pytz utc = pytz.utc except ImportError: print 'No timezone information available' if type(jd) != np.float64 and type(jd) != np.ndarray: raise SyntaxError('JD is a float64 scalar...') frac = jd%1 + 0.5 xjd = np.array(jd - jd%1, dtype=long) if np.isscalar(frac) and frac>1: xjd = xjd + 1 frac = frac -1 elif not np.isscalar(frac): xjd[frac>1] = xjd[frac>1]+1 frac[frac>1] = frac[frac>1]-1 hr = frac*24 l = xjd + 68569 n = (4*l / 146097) l = l - (146097*n + 3) / 4 yr = 4000*(l+1) / 1461001 l = l - 1461*yr / 4 + 31 mth = 80*l / 2447 day = l - 2447*mth / 80 l = mth/11 mth = mth + 2 - 12*l yr = 100*(n-49) + yr + l mn = (hr%1)*60 sec = (mn%1)*60 usec = np.array((sec%1)*1e6, dtype=long) hr = np.array(hr, dtype = long) mn = np.array(mn, dtype=long) sec = np.array(sec, dtype=long) if (hr == 24.0).any(): hr[hr==24] = hr[hr==24] - 24.0 day[hr==24] = day[hr==24] + 1 def todate(year, month, day, hour, mn, sec, usec): return datetime(year, month, day, hour, mn, sec, usec, tzinfo=utc) indate = np.vectorize(todate) date = indate(yr, mth, day, hr, mn, sec, usec) if len(date.shape) > 1: date.shape = date.shape[1] return date else: return date[()]
[docs]def jd2epoch(jd, Julian=True): # TESTED WORKING!!! ''' Conversion of a given Julian date to an epoch expressed in decimal years. Input: jd, the Julian date to convert, if jd is None, it takes the current date Keyword: Julian. If not set, the reference epoch is 1900 Output: epoch. The date converted in decimal years. ''' from mascara.constants import JD2000, JDyr jd = np.array(jd, copy=False) if Julian: epoch = 2000.00 + (jd - JD2000)/(JDyr/100) else: epoch = 1900.00 + (jd-2415020.31352)/365.242198781 return epoch
[docs]def epoch2jd(epoch): '''Convert an epoch into a Julian Date''' print 'do something' return