Included Runs



  • Box-size: \(400\; \rm{Mpc}\)
  • Dark matter particle mass: \(7.06 \times 10^{8}\; \rm{M}_\odot\)
  • Gas particle mass: \(1.34 \times 10^{8}\; \rm{M}_\odot\)
  • Snapshot \(z=0.00\), \(a=1.00\)

Particle Numbers

Cube root of Dark Matter particle number: 1440

Gas Dark Matter Star Black Hole
2674975467 2985984000 300939671 6526307

Gravitational Softening

Baryons Dark Matter
Max Physical Comoving Max Physical Comoving
\(2.85\; \rm{kpc}\) \(11.2\; \rm{kpc}\) \(2.85\; \rm{kpc}\) \(11.2\; \rm{kpc}\)

Star Formation

Parameter Value
Star Formation Model PressureLaw
Temperature Ceiling
Threshold SF \(n_{\rm H, max}\) cm\(^{-3}\)

Stellar Feedback

Parameter Value
SNII Energy \(1 \times 10^{51}\; \rm{erg}\)
\(f_{\rm E, min}\) \(0.502\)
\(f_{\rm E, max}\) \(0.502\)
\(f_{\rm kinetic}\)
SNII \(v_{\rm kick}\)
SNII \(\Delta T\)

Gas Cooling


Entropy Floor

No entropy floor present


Parameter Value
Metal diffusion constant

AGN feedback

Parameter Value
AGN Feedback Model MinimumDistance
Use Deterministic Feedback \(1\)
\(\Delta T\) \(9.85 \times 10^{7}\; \rm{K}\)
Coupling efficiency \(0.15\)
Radiative efficiency \(0.1\)
BH Subgrid Seed Mass \(1 \times 10^{5}\; \rm{M}_\odot\)
Seed Halo Mass \(3.44 \times 10^{10}\; \rm{M}_\odot\)
Target number of particles to heat N\(_{\rm heat}\) \(1\)
Are we using the boost factor \(1\)
Value of \(\alpha\) for boost factor
Value of \(\beta\) for boost factor \(0.147\)
Value of \(n_{H,*}\) in cm\(^{-3}\) for boost factor
Use sub-grid gas properties
Minimum BH time-step
Maximal Reposition Mass \(1 \times 10^{20}\; \rm{M}_\odot\)
Black Hole Merger Threshold Type \(2\)
Black Hole Merger Max Distance Ratio \(3\)

Code Setup

  • Code info: SWIFT (temperature_bug_tracking) v0.9.0-1289-g5ffc569f-dirty 2021-12-02 23:12:03 +0100
  • Compiler info: ICC (20.21.20201112) Intel(R) MPI Library 2018 Update 2 for Linux* OS (MPI std v3.1)
  • Hydrodynamics: SPHENIX (Borrow+ 2020) Wendland C2 in 3D $\eta$ = 1.23 (57.27 $N_{ngb}$) $C_{\rm CFL}$ = 0.20

AAA Calibration

Stellar Mass Function (50 kpc aperture) with Eddington bias with extended ranges

50 kpc aperture GSMF, showing all galaxies with a fixed bin-width of 0.2 dex. Includes Eddington bias.

Halo gas fractions within $R_{500}$

Gas fractions within $R_{500}$ normalised by the cosmic mean. These are 'true' values, i.e. no cut or observational correction was applied.


Stellar mass - Stellar age relation (30 kpc aperture)

Stellar mass - Stellar age relation (100 kpc aperture)

Baryon Fractions

Halo baryon fractions within $R_{500}$

Baryon (gas + stars) fractions within $R_{500}$ normalised by the cosmic mean. These are 'true' values, i.e. no cut or observational correction was applied.

Halo gas fractions within $R_{500}$

Gas fractions within $R_{500}$ normalised by the cosmic mean. These are 'true' values, i.e. no cut or observational correction was applied.

Halo stellar fractions within $R_{500}$

Stellar fractions within $R_{500}$ normalised by the cosmic mean. These are 'true' values, i.e. no cut or observational correction was applied.

Halo gas masses within $R_{500}$

Gas masses within $R_{500}$. These are 'true' values, i.e. no cut or observational correction was applied.

Black Holes

Black Hole Dynanmical and Subgrid Masses

Relation between black hole particle (dynamical) masses and subgrid masses. The vertical dashed lines shows the primordial gas particle mass and the horizontal dashed lines corresponds to the black hole seed mass.

Stellar Mass-Black Hole Mass relation (30 kpc Stellar Mass)

SMBHM relation for the 30 kpc stellar mass aperture.

Stellar Mass-Black Hole Mass relation (50 kpc Stellar Mass)

SMBHM relation for the 50 kpc stellar mass aperture.

Stellar Mass-Black Hole Mass relation (100 kpc Stellar Mass)

SMBHM relation. Note that the stellar velocity dispersion is measured in observations in a fixed 1 kpc aperture

Halo Mass-Black Hole Mass relation

Presented for comparison between schemes as halo mass varies significantly less between models and runs.

Stellar Velocity Dispersion-Black Hole Mass relation (10 kpc)

Note that the stellar velocity dispersion is measured in observations in a fixed 1 kpc aperture

Stellar Velocity Dispersion-Black Hole Mass relation (30 kpc)

Note that the stellar velocity dispersion is measured in observations in a fixed 1 kpc aperture

Black Holes Evolution

Black Hole Accretion History

Evolution of the accretion rate onto BHs per unit co-moving volume.

Black Hole Mass History

Evolution of the BH mass per unit co-moving volume.

Galaxy Sizes

Stellar Mass-Galaxy Size relation (100 kpc aperture)

Uses a 100 kpc 3D aperture.

Stellar Mass-(Projected) Galaxy Size relation (100 kpc aperture)

Uses stellar sizes calculated from a projected distribution within a 100 kpc aperture.

Stellar Mass-(Projected) Galaxy Size relation (100 kpc aperture)

Only shows active galaxies defined based on their sSFRs.

Stellar Mass-(Projected) Galaxy Size relation (100 kpc aperture)

Only shows passive galaxies defined based on their sSFRs.

Halo Mass Function

Halo Mass Function ($M_{200, crit}$)

Halo masses are masses within the over-density radius enclosing 200x the critical density.

Halo Mass Function ($M_{200, crit}$)

Halo masses are masses within the over-density radius enclosing 200x the critical density, using adaptive binning.


Stellar Mass Histogram (100 kpc aperture)

Histogram of stellar masses using the same bins as the mass function.

Stellar Mass Histogram (100 kpc aperture, active)

Only for active galaxies.

Stellar Mass Histogram (100 kpc aperture, passive)

Only for passive galaxies.

Halo Mass Histogram (\(M_{200, crit}\))

All halo masses (200 crit).

Star Formation Rate Histogram (100 kpc aperture)

Histogram of star formation rates using the same bins as the star formation rates function.

Black Hole Mass Histogram (Max, subgrid)

Uses the same bins as in the black holes section.

Luminosity Function

u-band Luminosity Function (30 kpc aperture)

30 kpc aperture dust-free rest-frame luminosity function in the GAMA u-band, constructed using the Trayford et al. (2015) model, showing all galaxies with a fixed bin-width of 0.2 dex.

g-band Luminosity Function (30 kpc aperture)

30 kpc aperture dust-free rest-frame luminosity function in the GAMA g-band, constructed using the Trayford et al. (2015) model, showing all galaxies with a fixed bin-width of 0.2 dex.

r-band Luminosity Function (30 kpc aperture)

30 kpc aperture dust-free rest-frame luminosity function in the GAMA r-band, constructed using the Trayford et al. (2015) model, showing all galaxies with a fixed bin-width of 0.2 dex.

i-band Luminosity Function (30 kpc aperture)

30 kpc aperture dust-free rest-frame luminosity function in the GAMA i-band, constructed using the Trayford et al. (2015) model, showing all galaxies with a fixed bin-width of 0.2 dex.

z-band Luminosity Function (30 kpc aperture)

30 kpc aperture dust-free rest-frame luminosity function in the GAMA z-band, constructed using the Trayford et al. (2015) model, showing all galaxies with a fixed bin-width of 0.2 dex.

Y-band Luminosity Function (30 kpc aperture)

30 kpc aperture dust-free rest-frame luminosity function in the GAMA Y-band, constructed using the Trayford et al. (2015) model, showing all galaxies with a fixed bin-width of 0.2 dex.

J-band Luminosity Function (30 kpc aperture)

30 kpc aperture dust-free rest-frame luminosity function in the GAMA J-band, constructed using the Trayford et al. (2015) model, showing all galaxies with a fixed bin-width of 0.2 dex.

H-band Luminosity Function (30 kpc aperture)

30 kpc aperture dust-free rest-frame luminosity function in the GAMA H-band, constructed using the Trayford et al. (2015) model, showing all galaxies with a fixed bin-width of 0.2 dex.

K-band Luminosity Function (30 kpc aperture)

30 kpc aperture dust-free rest-frame luminosity function in the GAMA K-band, constructed using the Trayford et al. (2015) model, showing all galaxies with a fixed bin-width of 0.2 dex.

Metal Evolution

Gas Phase Metal Mass Density Evolution

Evolution of the metal mass in gas per unit co-moving volume.

Metal Mass Locked in Stars Density Evolution

Evolution of the metal mass locked in stars per unit co-moving volume.

Metal Mass Locked in Black Holes Density Evolution

Evolution of the metal mass locked in black holes per unit co-moving volume.

Metal Mass Fractions

Metal Mass Fraction Distribution

Metal mass fraction distribution shown for each simulation; solid lines show gas metallicity and dashed lines show the same for the stars.


Stellar mass - Gas metallicity relation (30 kpc aperture)

Only shown for star forming galaxies. A minimum metallicity of 12 + log O/H = 7.5 is imposed for the star-forming gas. All haloes are plotted, including subhaloes.

Stellar mass - Gas metallicity relation (100 kpc aperture)

Only shown for star forming galaxies. A minimum metallicity of 12 + log O/H = 7.5 is imposed for the star-forming gas. All haloes are plotted, including subhaloes.

Stellar mass - Star metallicity relation (100 kpc aperture)

Metallicity is measured in the same aperture as the stellar mass. Gallazzi data is corrected from their choice of solar metallicity (0.02) to ours (0.0126).

Stellar mass - Star metallicity relation (30 kpc aperture)

Metallicity is measured in the same aperture as the stellar mass. Gallazzi data is corrected from their choice of solar metallicity (0.02) to ours (0.0126).

Run Performance

Wall-clock time per gas particle updates.

Wall-clock time to run a time-step as a function of the number of gas particles updated. The tracks at the top correspond to steps where the tree is rebuilt, i/o is performed, FoF is run or other non-regular operations are done.

Cosmic time vs. wall-clock time

The cosmic time as a function of the wall-clock time.

The number of steps vs. wall-clock time

The cumulative number of the simulation time-steps as a function of the wall-clock time.

Number of steps vs. cosmic time

The cumulative number of the simulation time-steps as a function of the cosmic time.

Wall-clock time per time-bin

Total wall-clock time spent in each of the different simulation time-bins.

Star Formation History

Star Formation History

Star formation history plotted directly from the SFR.txt file produced by SWIFT.

Stellar Mass Evolution

Evolution of the stellar mass plotted directly from the statistics.txt file produced by SWIFT.

Star Formation Rates

Stellar Mass-Star Formation Rate (30 kpc Stellar Mass)

All galaxies, including those deemed to be passive (below 0.01 / Gyr sSFR), are included in the median line.

Stellar Mass-Star Formation Rate (50 kpc Stellar Mass)

All galaxies, including those deemed to be passive (below 0.01 / Gyr sSFR), are included in the median line.

Stellar Mass-Star Formation Rate (100 kpc Stellar Mass)

All galaxies, including those deemed to be passive (below 0.01 / Gyr sSFR), are included in the median line.

Specific Star Formation Rate - Stellar Mass (100 kpc) for active galaxies

Only active galaxies (threshold is above 0.01 / Gyr sSFR) are included in the median line.

Specific Star Formation Rate - Stellar Mass (50 kpc) for active galaxies

Only active galaxies (threshold is above 0.01 / Gyr sSFR) are included in the median line.

Specific Star Formation Rate - Stellar Mass (30 kpc) for active galaxies

Only active galaxies (threshold is above 0.01 / Gyr sSFR) are included in the median line.

Specific Star Formation Rate - Stellar Mass (100 kpc)

All galaxies (threshold is above 0.01 / Gyr sSFR) are included in the median line.

Specific Star Formation Rate - Stellar Mass (50 kpc)

All galaxies (threshold is above 0.01 / Gyr sSFR) are included in the median line.

Specific Star Formation Rate - Stellar Mass (30 kpc)

All galaxies (threshold is above 0.01 / Gyr sSFR) are included in the median line.

Specific Star Formation Rate (100 kpc) - Halo Mass

Only active galaxies (threshold is above 0.01 / Gyr sSFR) are included in the median line.

Specific Star Formation Rate (50 kpc) - Halo Mass

Only active galaxies (threshold is above 0.01 / Gyr sSFR) are included in the median line.

Specific Star Formation Rate (30 kpc) - Halo Mass

Only active galaxies (threshold is above 0.01 / Gyr sSFR) are included in the median line.

Specific Star Formation Rate (100 kpc) - Halo Mass

All galaxies are included in the median line.

Specific Star Formation Rate (50 kpc) - Halo Mass

All galaxies are included in the median line.

Specific Star Formation Rate (30 kpc) - Halo Mass

All galaxies are included in the median line.

Star Formation Rate divided by Halo Mass (100 kpc) - Halo Mass

Only active galaxies (threshold is above 0.01 / Gyr sSFR) are included in the median line

Star Formation Rate divided by Halo Mass (50 kpc) - Halo Mass

Only active galaxies (threshold is above 0.01 / Gyr sSFR) are included in the median line

Star Formation Rate divided by Halo Mass (30 kpc) - Halo Mass

Only active galaxies (threshold is above 0.01 / Gyr sSFR) are included in the median line

Passive Fraction - Stellar Mass (100 kpc)

A galaxy is determined as being passive if it has a sSFR below 0.01 / Gyr.

Passive Fraction - Stellar Mass (50 kpc)

A galaxy is determined as being passive if it has a sSFR below 0.01 / Gyr.

Passive Fraction - Stellar Mass (30 kpc)

A galaxy is determined as being passive if it has a sSFR below 0.01 / Gyr.

Passive Fraction - Stellar Mass (100 kpc aperture, centrals)

A galaxy is determined as being passive if it has a sSFR below 0.01 / Gyr. This figure shows only the central galaxies (structure type 10).

Passive Fraction - Stellar Mass (50 kpc aperture, centrals)

A galaxy is determined as being passive if it has a sSFR below 0.01 / Gyr. This figure shows only the central galaxies (structure type 10).

Passive Fraction - Stellar Mass (30 kpc aperture, centrals)

A galaxy is determined as being passive if it has a sSFR below 0.01 / Gyr. This figure shows only the central galaxies (structure type 10).

Star Formation Rate Function (100 kpc aperture)

100 kpc aperture galaxy star formation rate function, showing all galaxies with a fixed bin-width of 0.2 dex.

Star Formation Rate Function (50 kpc aperture)

30 kpc aperture galaxy star formation rate function, showing all galaxies with a fixed bin-width of 0.2 dex.

Star Formation Rate Function (30 kpc aperture)

30 kpc aperture galaxy star formation rate function, showing all galaxies with a fixed bin-width of 0.2 dex.

Star Formation Rate Function (100 kpc aperture)

100 kpc aperture galaxy star formation rate function, showing all galaxies with an adaptive bin-width.

Star Formation Rate Function (50 kpc aperture)

30 kpc aperture galaxy star formation rate function, showing all galaxies with an adaptive bin-width

Star Formation Rate Function (30 kpc aperture)

30 kpc aperture galaxy star formation rate function, showing all galaxies with an adaptive bin-width

Stellar Mass Function

Stellar Mass Function (30 kpc aperture)

30 kpc aperture GSMF, showing all galaxies with a fixed bin-width of 0.2 dex. For 30kpc look at the Li and White (2009) data.

Stellar Mass Function (30 kpc aperture, adaptive)

30 kpc aperture GSMF, showing all galaxies with an adaptive bin-width. For 30kpc look at the Li and White (2009) data.

Stellar Mass Function (100 kpc aperture)

100 kpc aperture GSMF, showing all galaxies with a fixed bin-width of 0.2 dex.

Stellar Mass Function (100 kpc aperture, adaptive)

100 kpc aperture GSMF, showing all galaxies with an adaptive bin-width.

Stellar Mass Function (100 kpc aperture)

Only for passive galaxies.

Stellar Mass Function (100 kpc aperture)

Only for active galaxies.

Stellar Mass Function (50 kpc aperture)

50 kpc aperture GSMF, showing all galaxies with a fixed bin-width of 0.2 dex. For 50kpc, look at D'Souza (2015) data.

Stellar Mass Function (50 kpc aperture, adaptive)

50 kpc aperture GSMF, showing all galaxies with an adaptive bin-width. For 50kpc, look at D'Souza (2015) data.

Stellar Mass Function (30 kpc aperture) with Eddington bias

50 kpc aperture GSMF, showing all galaxies with a fixed bin-width of 0.2 dex. Includes Eddington bias.

Stellar Mass Function (50 kpc aperture) with Eddington bias

50 kpc aperture GSMF, showing all galaxies with a fixed bin-width of 0.2 dex. Includes Eddington bias.

Stellar Mass Function (100 kpc aperture) with Eddington bias

50 kpc aperture GSMF, showing all galaxies with a fixed bin-width of 0.2 dex. Includes Eddington bias.

Stellar Mass Function (50 kpc aperture) with Eddington bias with extended ranges

50 kpc aperture GSMF, showing all galaxies with a fixed bin-width of 0.2 dex. Includes Eddington bias.

Stellar Mass-Halo Mass

Stellar Mass-Halo Mass relation (100 kpc aperture)

Includes all haloes, including subhaloes.

Stellar Mass-Halo Mass relation (100 kpc aperture, centrals only)

Includes only central haloes.

Stellar Mass-Halo Mass relation (ratio, 100 kpc aperture, centrals only)

Includes only central haloes.

Stellar Mass-Halo Mass relation (ratio, 100 kpc aperture, centrals only, stellar x-axis)

Includes only central haloes.

Stellar Mass-Halo Mass relation (50 kpc aperture)

Includes all haloes, including subhaloes.

Stellar Mass-Halo Mass relation (50 kpc aperture, centrals only)

Includes only central haloes.

Stellar Mass-Halo Mass relation (ratio, 50 kpc aperture, centrals only)

Includes only central haloes.

Stellar Mass-Halo Mass relation (ratio, 50 kpc aperture, centrals only, stellar x-axis)

Includes only central haloes.

Stellar Mass-Halo Mass relation (30 kpc aperture)

Includes all haloes, including subhaloes.

Stellar Mass-Halo Mass relation (30 kpc aperture, centrals only)

Includes only central haloes.

Stellar Mass-Halo Mass relation (ratio, 30 kpc aperture, centrals only)

Includes only central haloes.

Stellar Mass-Halo Mass relation (ratio, 30 kpc aperture, centrals only, stellar x-axis)

Includes only central haloes.

Stellar Mass-Halo Mass relation (100 kpc aperture, M$_{\rm BN98}$)

Includes all haloes, including subhaloes.

Stellar Mass-Halo Mass relation (50 kpc aperture, M$_{\rm BN98}$)

Includes all haloes, including subhaloes.

Stellar Mass-Halo Mass relation (30 kpc aperture, M$_{\rm BN98}$)

Includes all haloes, including subhaloes.

Stellar Mass-Halo Mass relation (100 kpc aperture, centrals only, M$_{\rm BN98}$)

Includes only central haloes.

Stellar Mass-Halo Mass relation (50 kpc aperture, centrals only, M$_{\rm BN98}$)

Includes only central haloes.

Stellar Mass-Halo Mass relation (30 kpc aperture, centrals only, M$_{\rm BN98}$)

Includes only central haloes.

Stellar Mass-Halo Mass relation (ratio, 100 kpc aperture, $M_{\rm BN98}$, centrals only, stellar x-axis)

Includes only central haloes.

Stellar Mass-Halo Mass relation (ratio, 50 kpc aperture, $M_{\rm BN98}$, centrals only, stellar x-axis)

Includes only central haloes.

Stellar Mass-Halo Mass relation (ratio, 30 kpc aperture, $M_{\rm BN98}$, centrals only, stellar x-axis)

Includes only central haloes.

Stellar Mass-Halo Mass relation (ratio, 100 kpc aperture, $M_{\rm BN98}$, centrals only)

Includes only central haloes.

Stellar Mass-Halo Mass relation (ratio, 50 kpc aperture, $M_{\rm BN98}$, centrals only)

Includes only central haloes.

Stellar Mass-Halo Mass relation (ratio, 30 kpc aperture, $M_{\rm BN98}$, centrals only)

Includes only central haloes.


Tully-Fisher (stellar mass, 100 kpc)

The Tully-Fisher relation based on stellar mass.

Tully-Fisher (stellar mass, 30 kpc)

The Tully-Fisher relation based on stellar mass.