About Me

I am a PhD candidate at Leiden Observatory (Sterrewacht) and TU Delft, as a member of the Astrodynamics and Space Missions group.
I am modelling the interior, thermal and orbital evolution of moons and icy bodies under the influence of tidal heating
under the supervision of Matthew Kenworthy
and Dominic Dirkx. I am also using my simulations to infer the detectability of tidally heated bodies outside of the solar system.
Evangelia (Elina) Kleisioti's CV (Updated Jan 2024).
Main Interests
Thermal and interior modelling of rocky and icy planets and moons

Detectability of extra-solar satellites
(Cryo)volcanism on solar system and extra-solar bodies
Kleisioti et al. 2024 Direct detectability of tidally heated exomoons by photometric orbital modulationvan Woerkom & Kleisioti. 2024 The spectroastrometric detectability of nearby Solar System-like exomoons
Kleisioti et al. 2023 Tidally heated exomoons around ε Eridani b: Observability and prospects for characterization
PEPSci Network
I am part of the PEPSci Network, which combines research in astronomy, biology and geophysics. Apart from my astronomy and planetary science background, I also hold a degree in Chemical Engineering. I enjoy applying this skillset in my research, within the PEPSci community, and any other environment I might find myself.
Contact Information
Gorlaeus Building
Einsteinweg 55
2333 CC Leiden
Room BW4.45
E-mail: kleisioti@strw.leidenuniv.nl