Time sequences of a quiet network region close to disk center have been simultaneously recorded with the VLA, various instruments on SOHO, and the solar telescopes on Kitt Peak. The analysis of the Hensuremathα spectra obtained at the McMath-Pierce telescope revealed down-flows with apparent velocities of more than 2.5 km/s associated with magnetic field structures in the quiet network. During such events, the Hensuremathα spectra show a pronounced asymmetry. The photospheric magnetic field was determined from rapid scans in three iron lines with the Zurich Imaging Stokes Polarimeter. Up- and down-flow velocity excursions outside of magnetic field regions are compatible with chromospheric waves. We describe the properties of these events as seen in the observations of the visible part of the spectrum and their signatures at radio and UV wavelengths. The final goal of this study is the construction of a time-dependent 3-D picture of the quiet solar atmosphere and the understanding of the dynamical coupling of photospheric magnetic fields with the chromosphere and the corona.