Planets and Exoplanets (NS-284B)

Recommended Book

Planetary Sciences, 2nd edition, by Imke de Pater and Jack J. Lissauer, published by Cambridge University Press, available at bookstores,

Contact Information

Name Email Phone Room
Christoph Keller C.U.Keller -at- (030) 253 5223 BBL 7.12
Daphne Stam D.M.Stam -at- (088) 777 5725 SRON
Theodora Karalidi T.Karalidi -at- (088) 777 5873 SRON

Course Outline

iCal version of this course schedule
Date Time Location Topic Chapters Instructor Download
13.9.2011 13:15-15:00 BBL 077 no lecture
13.9.2011 15:15-17:00 BBL 077 no exercises
15.9.2011 11:00-12:45 BBL 075 Introduction to the Course Keller
Introduction, How to give a presentation
20.9.2011 13:15-15:00 BBL 077 Lecture: Solar System Structure and Orbital Mechanics 1,2 Keller Lecture
20.9.2011 15:15-17:00 BBL 077 Werkcollege Karalidi Exercise
22.9.2011 11:00-12:45 BBL 075 Lecture: Exoplanet Detection Lecture, Exercise
27.9.2011 13:15-15:00 BBL 077 Lecture: Planet Formation and Migration 12 Stam Lecture
27.9.2011 15:15-17:00 BBL 077 Werkcollege Karalidi Exercise
29.9.2011 11:00-12:45 BBL 075 no presentations
4.10.2011 13:15-15:00 BBL 077 Lecture: Observations of Exoplanets Keller Lecture
4.10.2011 15:15-17:00 BBL 077 Werkcollege Karalidi
6.10.2011 11:00-12:45 BBL 075 Presentation: Spirit, Opportunity (Mars)
Presentation: Phoenix (Mars)
Kraaikamp, Bruinewoud
Vermeulen, Verberg
11.10.2011 13:15-15:00 BBL 077 Lecture: Planetary Interiors and Surfaces 5, 6 Stam Lecture
11.10.2011 15:15-17:00 BBL 077 Werkcollege Karalidi
13.10.2011 11:00-12:45 BBL 075 Presentation: Hayabusa (asteroid Itokawa)
Presentation: Galileo (Jupiter)
Presentation: Cassini (Saturn)
Hovenkamp, Modderaar
Gordian?, Jordl?
Cijs, Mandersloot
18.10.2011 13:15-15:00 BBL 077 Lecture: Observations of Solar System Planets Keller Lecture
18.10.2011 15:15-17:00 BBL 077 Werkcollege Karalidi
20.10.2011 11:00-12:45 BBL 075 Presentation: Huygens (Titan)
Presentation: Sciamachi
Presentation: New Horizons (Pluto, Kuiper Belt)
Presentation: Voyager (Neptune)
Kempen, Buunk
van der Steen
Palstra, Sponselee
Gaemers, Linneman
25.10.2011 13:15-15:00 BBL 077 Lecture: Planetary Atmospheres 4 Stam Lecture
25.10.2011 15:15-17:00 BBL 077 Werkcollege Karalidi Exercises
27.10.2011 11:00-12:45 BBL 075 Presentation: Giotto (Comet Halley)
Presentation: Deep Impact (Comet 9P/Tempel)
Presentation: Corot (Exoplanets)
Presentation: Kepler (Exoplanets)
van der Linden, de Wachter
Riemersma, Oostrum
van Diepen
Hensgens, Kahri
1.11.2011 13:15-15:00 BBL 077 Lecture: Radiative Transfer 3, 4 Stam Lecture
1.11.2011 15:15-17:00 BBL 077 Mock Exam Karalidi
3.11.2011 11:00-12:45 BBL 075 Discussion of Mock Exam

Presentation Topics and Assignments

Topic Paper with Link to ADS Student Date
Spirit, Opportunity (Mars) Kraaikamp, Bruinewoud 6.10.2011
Phoenix (Mars) Vermeulen, Verberg 6.10.2011
Hayabusa (asteroid Itokawa) Hovenkamp, Modderaar 13.10.2011
Galileo (Jupiter) Gordian?, Jordl? 13.10.2011
Cassini (Saturn) Cijs, Mandersloot 13.10.2011
Huygens (Titan) Kempen, Buunk 20.10.2011
Sciamachi van der Steen 20.10.2011
New Horizons (Pluto, Kuiper Belt) Palstra, Sponselee 20.10.2011
Voyager (Neptune) Gaemers, Linneman 20.10.2009
Giotto (Comet Halley) van der Linden, de Wachter 27.10.2011
Deep Impact (Comet 9P/Tempel) Riemersma, Oostrum 27.10.2011
Corot (Exoplanets) van Diepen 27.10.2011
Kepler (Exoplanets) Hensgens, Kahri 27.10.2011


The examination will take place on Tuesday 8 November 2011, 15:00-18:00 in Minnaert kantine

Updated: 2011-11-01T14:36:28+01:00