Astronomical Data Analysis (NS-AP433M)

Recommended Books

Observational Astrophysics, by Pierre Lena, published by Springer, available at book stores
Astrophysical Techniques, by C.R.Kitchin, published by Institute of Physics Publishing, available at book stores

Contact Information

Name Email Phone Room
Christoph Keller C.U.Keller -at- (030) 253 5223 BBL 7.12
Catherine Fischer C.E.Fischer -at- (030) 253 8019 BBL 7.10
Andrei Gorobets A.Y.Gorobets -at-

Course Outline

iCal version of this course schedule
Date Time Location Topic Chapters Instructor Download
7.2.2011 13:15-15:00 BBL 077 Lecture: Introduction to the course Keller Lecture
8.2.2011 13:15-17:00 BBL 103 no practicum
10.2.2011 09:00-10:45 BBL 077 no exercises
10.2.2011 11:00-12:45 BBL 077 Lecture: Radiation Fields 1 1 Keller Lecture, Exercises
14.2.2011 13:15-15:00 BBL 077 Lecture: Radiation Fields 2 1 Keller Lecture, Exercises
15.2.2011 13:15-17:00 BBL 103 Practicum: Fischer
17.2.2011 09:00-10:45 BBL 077 Werkcollege Fischer
17.2.2011 11:00-12:45 BBL 077 Lecture: Astronomical Measuring Process 1 2 Lecture, Exercises
21.2.2011 13:15-15:00 BBL 077 Lecture: Astronomical Measuring Process 2 2 Keller Lecture
22.2.2011 13:15-17:00 BBL 103 Practicum: Fischer
24.2.2011 09:00-10:45 BBL 077 Werkcollege Fischer
24.2.2011 11:00-12:45 BBL 077 Lecture: Fitting Observed Data 1 5 Keller Lecture, Exercise
28.2.2011 13:15-15:00 BBL 077 Self-study of Gliese 581g
1.3.2011 13:15-17:00 BBL 103 Practicum: Fischer
3.3.2011 09:00-10:45 BBL 077 Werkcollege Fischer
3.3.2011 11:00-12:45 BBL 077 Lecture: Exoplanet Detection with Radial Velocities Keller Lecture
7.3.2011 13:15-15:00 BBL 077 Lecture: Fitting Observed Data 2 5 Keller Lecture
8.3.2011 13:15-17:00 BBL 103 Practicum: Fischer
10.3.2011 09:00-10:45 BBL 077 Presentations
CCD Spectroscopy
Doppler Imaging
Stephanie Heikamp
Erik Kool
10.3.2011 11:00-12:45 BBL 077 Lecture: Variability and Periodicity 6 Keller Lecture
14.3.2011 13:15-15:00 BBL 077 vacation
15.3.2011 13:15-17:00 BBL 103 vacation
17.3.2011 09:00-10:45 BBL 077 vacation
17.3.2011 11:00-12:45 BBL 077 vacation
21.3.2011 13:15-15:00 BBL 077 Lecture: Keller
22.3.2011 13:15-17:00 BBL 103 Practicum: Fischer
24.3.2011 09:00-10:45 BBL 077 Presentations
Fringe Removal
Rotating Modulation Imaging
Chris Chambers
Mircea Posoiu
24.3.2011 11:00-12:45 BBL 077 Lecture: Keller
28.3.2011 13:15-15:00 BBL 077 Lecture:
29.3.2011 13:15-17:00 BBL 103 Practicum: Fischer
31.3.2011 09:00-10:45 BBL 077 Presentations
Lucky Imaging
Crowded-field Photometry
Thomas Wijnen
Adrian Hamers
31.3.2011 11:00-12:45 BBL 077 Lecture: Speckle Imaging Keller Lecture
4.4.2011 13:15-15:00 BBL 077 Lecture: Fischer
5.4.2011 13:15-17:00 BBL 103 Practicum: Fischer
7.4.2011 09:00-10:45 BBL 077 Presentations
Image Processing
Radio Image CLEANing
Georgios Dimitriadis
Nicola Fitzsimons
Enya Vermeyen
Renia Diamantopoulou
7.4.2011 11:00-12:45 BBL 077 Mock Exam Fischer
11.4.2011 13:15-15:00 BBL 077 Lecture: HST Imaging Larsen
12.4.2011 13:15-17:00 BBL 103 Practicum: Fischer
14.4.2011 09:00-10:45 BBL 077 Discussion of Mock Exam Fischer
14.4.2011 11:00-12:45 BBL 077 Discussion of Mock Exam Fischer

Presentation Topics and Assignments

Topic Paper with Link to ADS Student Date
CCD Spectroscopy Horne 1986 Stephanie Heikamp 10.3.2011
Doppler Imaging Vogt et al. 1987 Erik Kool 10.3.2011
Fringe Removal Malumuth et al. 2003 Chris Chambers 24.3.2011
Rotating Modulation Imaging Hurford et al. 2002 Mircea Posoiu 24.3.2011
Lucky Imaging Law et al. 2006 Thomas Wijnen 31.3.2011
Crowded-field Photometry Stetson 1987 Adrian Hamers 31.3.2011
Image Processing Houde and Vaillancourt 2007 Georgios Dimitriadis 7.4.2011
Radio Image CLEANing Hogbom 1974 Nicola Fitzsimons 7.4.2011
Asteroseismology Bruntt et al. 2007 Enya Vermeyen 7.4.2011
Spectropolarimetry Bagnulo et al. 2009 Renia Diamantopoulou 7.4.2011


The examination will take place on 18 April 2011, 15:00-18:00 in the kantine

Updated: 2011-03-31T20:43:50+02:00