pro workshop3 readcol, 'high.dat', rah, dech readcol, 'low.dat', ral, decl readcol, 'random.dat', ra_r, dec_r ;Clustering parameters theta_min= 5.d theta_max= 200.0 bins = 7.d nbins = bins + 1.0 log_theta = alog10(theta_min) + (alog10(theta_max) -alog10(theta_min))*findgen(nbins)/float(nbins-1) theta_begin=10.0^(log_theta) bin_width1 = theta_begin - shift(theta_begin,1) bin_width = bin_width1[1:-1] ;Create the DD DD = dblarr(bins+2) nd = double(n_elements(ral)) ;low mass catalog ;DD for ii = 0, nd-2 do begin GCIRC, 1, ral[ii]/15.0, decl[ii], ral[ii+1:-1]/15.0, decl[ii+1:-1], dis ;dist in arcsec pos = floor(bins*(alog10(dis)-alog10(theta_begin[0]))/(alog10(theta_begin[-1])-alog10(theta_begin[0])) + 1.0) ; (log(x)-log(min))/binsize and binsize=(log(max)-log(min))/nbins. The +1 is because I am using first bin as additional one pos0 = where(pos lt 0) if (pos0[0] ne -1) then pos[pos0] = 0 ; if dist_proj <= Rmin then pos2=0 pos1 = where(pos gt n_elements(theta_begin)) if (pos1[0] ne -1) then pos[pos1] = n_elements(theta_begin) ; if dist_proj >Rmax then pos2=n_elements(R_begin) for j=0, n_elements(pos)-1 do DD[pos[j]] = DD[pos[j]] + double(1.0) endfor ;print, DD: 195.00000 392.00000 1028.0000 2919.0000 8470.0000 23877.000 66917.000 188257.00 59511461. ;Computation of RR RR = dblarr(bins+2) nr = double(n_elements(ra_r)) ;random catalog ;RR for ii = 0, nr-2 do begin GCIRC, 1, ra_r[ii]/15.0, dec_r[ii], ra_r[ii+1:-1]/15.0, dec_r[ii+1:-1], dis ;dist in arcsec pos = floor(bins*(alog10(dis)-alog10(theta_begin[0]))/(alog10(theta_begin[-1])-alog10(theta_begin[0])) + 1.0) ; (log(x)-log(min))/binsize and binsize=(log(max)-log(min))/nbins. The +1 is because I am using first bin as additional one pos0 = where(pos lt 0) if (pos0[0] ne -1) then pos[pos0] = 0 ; if dist_proj <= Rmin then pos2=0 pos1 = where(pos gt n_elements(theta_begin)) if (pos1[0] ne -1) then pos[pos1] = n_elements(theta_begin) ; if dist_proj >Rmax then pos2=n_elements(R_begin) for j=0, n_elements(pos)-1 do RR[pos[j]] = RR[pos[j]] + double(1.0) endfor ;print, RR: 151.00000 265.00000 825.00000 2341.0000 6915.0000 19405.000 54669.000 154986.00 49755443. orig_device=! @symbols_ps_kc !p.font=0 set_plot,'ps' Device, /color TVLCT,255,0,0,100 ;red TVLCT,0,255,0,200 TVLCT,0,0,255,300 ;blue device,filename= '', encapsulated=0, times=1, isolatin1=1 plot, theta_begin[0:-2], RR[1:-2], psym=sym(1), xtitle='Theta', ytitle='RR', /xl, /yl device, /close ;Normalize the DD and RR vectors DDn = double(DD)/double(nd*(nd-1.0)/2.0) RRn = double(RR)/double(nr*(nr-1.0)/2.0) ;Computing the correlation function (natural estimator) omega_l = DDn/RRn - 1.0 ;print, omega_l : 0.079586683 0.23663077 0.041691261 0.042395520 0.023979072 0.028646060 0.023281653 0.015449941 -9.2399322e-05 ;plot yr=[5e-3, 1.] xr= [2.0,theta_max] orig_device=! @symbols_ps_kc !p.font=0 set_plot,'ps' Device, /color TVLCT,255,0,0,100 ;red TVLCT,0,255,0,200 TVLCT,0,0,255,300 ;blue device,filename= '', encapsulated=0, times=1, isolatin1=1 plot, theta_begin[0:-2], omega_l[1:-2], psym=sym(1), xrange=xr, xstyle=1, yrange=yr, ystyle=1, /xl, /yl, xtitle='theta', ytitle='omega(theta)' ;Add error bars normaliz = double(nd*(nd-1.0)/2.0) err_omega_l = sqrt(DD)/normaliz/RRn oploterror, theta_begin[0:-2], omega_l[1:-2], err_omega_l[1:-2], psym=sym(1), thick=4, color=0 device, /close ;Create DD2 for the high mass sample DD2 = dblarr(bins+2) nd2 = double(n_elements(rah)) ;high mass catalog ;DD2 for ii = 0, nd2-2 do begin GCIRC, 1, rah[ii]/15.0, dech[ii], rah[ii+1:-1]/15.0, dech[ii+1:-1], dis ;dist in arcsec pos = floor(bins*(alog10(dis)-alog10(theta_begin[0]))/(alog10(theta_begin[-1])-alog10(theta_begin[0])) + 1.0) ; (log(x)-log(min))/binsize and binsize=(log(max)-log(min))/nbins. The +1 is because I am using first bin as additional one pos0 = where(pos lt 0) if (pos0[0] ne -1) then pos[pos0] = 0 ; if dist_proj <= Rmin then pos2=0 pos1 = where(pos gt n_elements(theta_begin)) if (pos1[0] ne -1) then pos[pos1] = n_elements(theta_begin) ; if dist_proj >Rmax then pos2=n_elements(R_begin) for j=0, n_elements(pos)-1 do DD2[pos[j]] = DD2[pos[j]] + double(1.0) endfor DD2n = double(DD2)/double(nd2*(nd2-1.0)/2.0) omega_h = DD2n/RRn - 1.0 ;Add error bars normaliz2 = double(nd2*(nd2-1.0)/2.0) err_omega_h = sqrt(DD2)/normaliz2/RRn orig_device=! @symbols_ps_kc !p.font=0 set_plot,'ps' Device, /color TVLCT,255,0,0,100 ;red TVLCT,0,255,0,200 TVLCT,0,0,255,300 ;blue device,filename= '', encapsulated=0, times=1, isolatin1=1 plot, theta_begin[0:-2], omega_l[1:-2], psym=sym(1), xrange=xr, xstyle=1, yrange=yr, ystyle=1, /xl, /yl, xtitle='theta', ytitle='omega(theta)' oploterror, theta_begin[0:-2], omega_l[1:-2], err_omega_l[1:-2], psym=sym(1), thick=4, color=0 oploterror, theta_begin[0:-2], omega_h[1:-2], err_omega_h[1:-2], psym=sym(1), thick=4, color=100 device, /close stop END