Papers based on the FIRES survey

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Older papers:

Franx et al 2000, Messenger 99, 20
FIRES at the VLT: the Faint InfraRed Extragalactic Survey

Rudnick et al 2001, accepted by AJ, to be published Nov 1, 2001, astro-ph/0106074
A K band Selected Photometric Redshift Catalog in the HDF-S: Sampling the Rest-Frame V-Band to z=3
Figure 1 of Rudnick et al 2001

Ultradeep Near-Infrared ISAAC Observations of the HDF-S: Observations, Reduction, Multicolor Catalog, and Photometric Redshifts
Labbe et al. 2002, accepted by AJ, to be published March 2003

A Significant Population of Red, Near-IR Selected High Redshift Galaxies
Franx et al. 2003, accepted by ApJLetters, to be published April 2003, astroph/0303163

Detection of strong clustering of red K-selected galaxies at 2
Daddi et al. 2003, accepted by ApJ, astroph/0303165

Spectroscopic Confirmation of a Substantial Population of Luminous Red Galaxies at Redshifts z>2
van Dokkum et al. 2003, accepted by ApJLetters, to be published April 2003, astroph/0303166

The Rest-Frame Optical Luminosity Density, Color, and Stellar Mass Density of the Universe from z=0 to z=3
Rudnick et al. 2003, accepted by ApJ, to be published Dec. 20, 2003, astroph/0307149

The Luminosity-Size and Mass-Size Relations of Galaxies out to z~3
Trujillo et al. 2004, accepted by ApJ, to be published April 2004, astroph/0307015

In case of problems, please send email to Marijn Franx at

Last modified: Thu Jun 2 23:22:56 2005