

I am postdoctoral researcher at Sterrewacht Leiden (Leiden Observatory), which is the astronomy department of the Leiden University. I am involved in the research groups of Prof. Henk Hoekstra and Prof. Koenrad Kuijken, where I focus on improving galaxy image simulations for Euclid and KiDS lensing surveys.

I obtained my Ph.D. from the Department of Physics at Carnegie Mellon University in the Fall of 2016. Specifically, I was associated with the McWilliams Center for Cosmology, where I worked with Prof. Rachel Mandelbaum on problems related to gravitational weak lensing. Visit my research page to see the problems I am working on and my publications so far.

I earned my Masters degree in Physics from Carnegie Mellon University in the summer of 2013. I earned my Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering from IIT Madras with a minor in Physics in the summer of 2011.

You can find my curriculum vitae in PDF format.

Recent Updates

[03/03/2019] Talk at the Cosmology on Safari, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

[01/17/2019] Joint SBU/BNL cosmology seminar at Brookhaven National Laboratory (invited).

[01/14/2019] Weak lensing workshop at Berkeley Center for Cosmological Physics, UCB

[01/11/2019] Delivered a talk on KV450 results at the HSC team meeting in Princeton, NJ, USA (invited)

[12/17/2018] Our paper on cosmic shear tomography with KiDS+VIKING-450 (KV450) data is out!

[12/11/2018] My paper on the emulating cosmic shear data and calibrating shear for KiDS is out.

[12/04/2018] Euclid WL-SWG meeting, along with GC-SWG, Milan, Italy

[11/15/2018] Galaxy sample selection meeting, UCL, London, UK

[10/15/2018] KiDS busy week, ESO, Garching, Germany

[08/22/2018] Paper led by Joachim Harnois-Deraps accepted to MNRAS

[06/11/2018] Euclid Consortium meeting, Bonn, Germany

[04/18/2018] Statistical challenges for large-scale structure in the era of LSST, Oxford, England

[04/03/2018] Paper led by Alex Amon accepted to MNRAS

[02/19/2018] KiDS busy week, Edinburgh, Scotland

[12/18/2017] Seminar talk at Raman Research Institute (RRI), Bangalore (invited)

[12/14/2017] Seminar talk at Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA), Bangalore (invited)

[12/12/2017] Seminar talk at IIT Madras (invited)

[11/13/2017] Invited talk at the Dark Energy in the Laboratory workshop

[09/18/2017] KiDS busy week, Leiden

[06/05/2017] Euclid Consortium meeting, London, England

[02/13/2017] KiDS busy week, Leiden

[02/02/2017] KiDS-GAMA-VIKING meeting, Naples, Italy

[01/29/2017] Bright and Dark Universe, Naples, Italy

[01/16/2017] Euclid SPV meeting at Imperial College, London, England

[11/30/2016] Euclid WL-SWG meeting at JPL, Pasadena, USA

[09/20/2016] Moved to Leiden as a postdoc

[08/19/2016] Thesis defense

[07/15/2016] Delivered a public talk at the Allegheny Observatory

[06/15/2016] My Dissertation talk at the 228th AAS Meeting, San Diego

[06/2016] Attended Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy, CMU

[03/2016] Attended the LSST DESC collaboration meeting at SLAC

[12/2015] Presented a poster at Foreground Physical effects for LSST Weak Lensing science at UC Davis

[07/20/2015] Gave a talk at Santa Fe Cosmology workshop

[05/26/2015] Gave a talk at the University of Pittsburgh, as a part of Astrostats meeting

[03/26/2015] Gave a talk at the Pennsylvania State University (PSU), State College for Neighbourhood workshop

[11/17/2013] Attended the WFIRS: Science & Techniques meeting at Pasadena, CA.