#Most important Lines in increasing wavelength: 3727, 4363, 4861, 4959, 5007, 5755, 6563, 6584, 6717, 6731, (7135) #Good Spectral resolution is required around 1) 4959-5007 (OIII) 2) 6563-6584 (H-alfa,NII) evt. 6717-6731 (SII) #Observing strategy priority (R=LL/dLL): (3 nights - 3 different gratings if poss.) LOW SPECTRAL RESOLUTION OPTION 1) low dispersion wide spectrum R400V : LL 5500 \pm 1500 (R= 400 -> dLL=14 A ?) 2) high dispersion short spectrum R1200Y : LL 6500 \pm 500 (R=1200 -> dLL= 6 A ?) 3) obtaining the OII 3727 line R1200U : LL 3500 \pm 500 (R=1200 -> dLL= 3 A ?) 4) evt. long wavelength spectrum R400R : LL 8000 \pm 1500 (R= 400 -> dLL=20 A ?) ps. if (1) already separates the H-alfa and NII then perform (4) instead of (2) !! ps. evt. replace R1200U by R1200B in (3). HIGH SPECTRAL RESOLUTION OPTION (probably better) (data based on GEC CCD 235 mm cam) 1) R632V/R900V : LL 5500 \pm 840 , LL 5000 \pm 585 (R900V probably better) 2) R1200Y : LL 6500 \pm 445 3) R1200B : LL 4000 \pm 445 4) evt. R400R : LL 8000 \pm 1320 #Interesting lines for investigating properties of HII regions: HI-alfa 6563 HI-beta 4861 HI-gamma 4340 HI-delta 4102 HI-epsilon 3970 HI-other (3835, 3798) HeII 4686 HeI 5876, (3889, 4472, 6678) OIII 4363, 4959, 5007, (3133, 3444) OII 3727, (3869, 7320, 7330) OI 6300 NII 5755, 6584, (6548) SII 6717, 6731 (prob. no need to be resolved) AIV (4711, 4740) NeIII 3869 ArIII 7135, (7751) -> if poss. resolve OIII 4959, 5007 -> if poss. resolve H-alfa and NII 6584 -> by OII 3727 we will always incl.OII 3729 line ps. generally OIII 4363 and NII 5755 are difficult/weak. #Temp. Ind. (lines from the same atom/ion with very different energy levels). OIII (4959+5007)/OIII 4363 OIII 5007/OIII 4363 NII 5755/ NII 6584 #Density/Abundance Ind. (lines from the same atom/ion with very close energy levels). NII 6584/H-alfa SII (6717+6731)/H-alfa evt. SII 6717/6713 #Metallicity Ind. (also stellar age ind.) 1) Dopita-method OIII 5007/OII 3727 NII 6584/OII 3727 OIII 5007/NII 6584 2) Other-methods (not as good as above) (OII 3727 + OIII (4959+5007))/H-beta , Pagel OIII 5007/NII 6584 , Alloin NII 6584/H-beta , Storchi-Bergmann NII 6584/OII 3727 , Dopita ArIII 7135/OIII 5007 #Excitation/Ionization and Classification (HII, AGN, Shock). 1) VO-method NII 6584/H-alfa SII (6717+6731)/H-alfa OI 6300/H-alfa OIII 5007/H-beta 2) BPT I-method. OIII 5007/OII 3727 OIII 5007/H-beta 3) BPT II-method. OIII 5007/H-beta NII 6584/H-alfa OI 6300/H-alfa Shocks (various line ratio's a.o. OIII, see Shull and McKee 1979) #Starformation H-alfa, H-beta #Reddening/Extinction H-alfa, H-beta (see a.o. Izotov et al. 1994) #Galaxy Sample (rather do a few good and extensively, then a lot poorly !!) priority: ngc3077 ngc4214 ngc4449 ngc4194 ngc4605 ngc4532 (other) ps. SCUBA and CO1-0 maps in orig and 16'' resolution (/disks/strw3/oonk_int) ps. ref. Stasinska 2007+2002, Dopita et al. 2006. ps. for table of interesting lines see a.o. table 2 Dopita et al. 2000.