
Source code for mascara.reduction.reduction

# Copyright 2014 - 2015 Anna-Lea Lesage for MASCARA
#    This file is part of the mascara package.
#    mascara is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    mascara is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with mascara.  If not, see <>.

.. module:: reduction
.. moduleauthor:: Anna-Lea Lesage   

Module containing the tow main reduction programs for the MASCARA pipeline.

- Reduction proceeds to the reduction of raw images following this pattern with a
  cadence of 50 images:
    - the fits file is read, image and header are retrieved
    - the LST index is read from the header and converted in an image number, slowind, 
      within a set of 50
    - for a given slowindex the astrometric solution is verified
    - for each star within the CCD, the flux is calculated. The values are saved 
      in a dictionary under the star's identifier entry
    - the raw image is rotated and coadded to the previous ones to create a binned image
    - once theslowind reaches 50, the dictionary is saved as an hdf5 file to disk;
      the binned image is averaged and save as a compressed fits file;
      for each star down to magnitude 10 within the binned image, the flux is calculated;
      the binned dictionary is saved as hdf5 file to disk.
    - finally all values are resetted.
- SaveItAll is dedicated to the saving of the light curves. It proceeds as following:
    - the last hdf5 file created is read to memory,
    - the stellar identifiers are retrieved,
    - the portion of light curve of each star is saved into a temporary directory
      to disk in pkl format
    - if the star has exited the CCD, the different pickles files are combined into
      a final fits file.
    - at the end of the night, all remaining pickle files per star are combined into
      a fits file, and the temporary directory is deleted


__version__ = '15.06.28'
### ***  Latest Changes Record  *** ###
### 03.12.2014  Changes in header for slow curves, removed SAPER by APER ###
### 04.12.2014  Found bug in saving binned image-> wrong header passed to Masfunct.saveCompFits
### 05.12.2014  Found bug in making slow dictionary. Need to save 27 entries, forgot lpstseq
### 07.01.2015  Removed the calculation of lstid in the fast cadence. Inserted instead 
###             the lpstidx value from the raw image header. 
###             The sequence is still calculated. lstid is recalculated in the slow
###             cadence with the observation site. 
### 12.01.2015  Reduced the magnitude interval for calculating the astrometry: takes
###             too long when using vmag < 8.4. Trying vmag<8.
### 30.01.2015  Corrected bug line 648 with non existing header keys.
### 02.03.2015  Updated program for the new stellar catalog which now contains flag
###             for blended stars and the corresponding blending values
### 02.03.2015  Implemented the new astrometric routine
### 01.04.2015  Implemented routines send_message and reduction_summary to the pipeline
### 09.04.2015  Replaced the previous stacking routine by the Stacker class. 
###             Cleaned up the dates in jd and calendar. Removed 3.2 seconds to the name of the
###             binned images.
### 30.04.2015  Added a try?except Empty condition at the end _of_night part in Reduction to avoid
###             crashed in th eprogram when the saving takes longer than planned....
### 06.05.2015  Added memory release-conditions in SaveItAll to no longer update all the slow 
###             databases. 
### 22.05.2015  Major change in the output format of the night:
###             On Linux machines, the databases are stacked together and NOT deleted at the end
###             On Windows machines, the databases are not stacked and NOT deleted either!!!
### 25.06.2015  Added a condition to restart the reduction after it was interrupted
###  ****************************  ###

import pyfits as pf
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import logging
import os
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import time
import platform
import multiprocessing
import gc

from mascara.reduction import masc, config
import mascara.funcs as mfuncs
import as observer
import mascara.phot as phot
from mascara.funcs.utils import QueueHandler, QueueListener, Stacker

system = platform.system().lower()

##### SAVING FUNCTION ########      
[docs]def SaveItAll(*args, **kwargs): ''' SaveItAll creates or updates an existing fits file for every star present in the StarID dictionnary. Inputs: - PathfLC, PathsLC, the path root for saving the light curves (excluding \\) - StarID, a dictionary. The key is the stellar identifier No outputs, the files are directly written to disk ''' saveout, event, qlog = args qh = QueueHandler(qlog) logger = logging.getLogger(multiprocessing.current_process().name) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger.addHandler(qh) tempo = [] if system == 'windows': breakDataBase = True else: breakDataBase=False savesequence = True event.set() sIDs = mfuncs.utils.loadStellarCatalog(filename='StarCat.fits', sIDonly=True, \ sID = 'ASCC', Vmag=[4.75, 4.8]) while savesequence: tempo.append(saveout.get()) tmp = tempo.pop(0) to = if isinstance(tmp, str) and ((tmp.lower() == 'stop') or (tmp.lower() == 'quit')): logger.warning('Received Quit command') logger.warning('Closing this end of the pipe') saveout.close() savesequence = False return elif len(tmp)==4: # Read the temporary database and save... logger.debug('Saving the database in single stellar files...') directory, ndb, hdr, extID = tmp ### Modified by JS tmpPath = os.path.join(directory,'tmp', '') PathfLC_ = os.path.join(directory, config.PathfLC, '') PathsLC_ = os.path.join(directory, config.PathsLC, '') if not os.path.exists(PathfLC_): mfuncs.mio.makedir(directory, PathfLC_, PathsLC_) ##### END of the NIGHT ##### if extID == 'all': import shutil ### Start the event to saving event.clear() #### Get the information of aperture used: apr = np.array(config.apr).ravel() naper = apr.size sapr = np.array(config.sapr).ravel() saper = sapr.size ### Combine the fast light curves! night = ndb CamID = ''.join([t for t in hdr['Station'] if t.isupper()]) + hdr['Camera'][0] ## Proceed with all the remaining high cadence files totID = mfuncs.mio.list_directories(tmpPath, '_') if len(totID) > 0:'Combining the light curves to fits file ... ') for s in totID: sid, ndb = os.path.basename(s).split('_') if int(ndb) < 1e3: masc.CombinePkl(s, PathfLC_, sid) else: masc.CombinePkl(s, PathsLC_, sid)'saved_all_LC') ### Save the slow light curves to database: slowDB = mfuncs.mio.find_files(tmpPath, 'tmpdb30*', format='.h5') slowname = 'sLC_'+night+CamID ### change NAPER parameters for i, e in enumerate(sapr): hdr['aper'+str(i)] = e hdr['naper'] = saper hdr.totextfile(os.path.join(PathsLC_, 'Header.txt'), clobber=True) if not breakDataBase: globdic = {} for h,k in hdr.iteritems(): globdic[h.lower()]=k try:'Combining slow DB') masc.CombineH5(PathsLC_, slowDB, globdic, name = slowname) except Exception, e: logger.error('Did not save slow LC', exc_info=True) print 'Error somewhere', e ### Finally move it to its directory for sDB in slowDB: shutil.move(sDB, PathsLC_) ### Change NAPER parameters: for e in range(naper, saper): hdr.pop('aper'+str(e)) for i, e in enumerate(apr): hdr['APER'+str(i)] = e hdr['naper'] = naper hdr.totextfile(os.path.join(PathfLC_, 'Header.txt'), clobber=True) ### Same for the fast light curves fastDB = mfuncs.mio.find_files(tmpPath, 'tmpdb*', format='.h5') fastname = 'fLC_'+night+CamID ### If single database: index the array inside if not breakDataBase: globdic = {} for h,k in hdr.iteritems(): globdic[h.lower()]=k try:'Combining the fastDB') masc.CombineH5(PathfLC_,fastDB, globdic, name=fastname) except Exception: logger.error('Fast DB', exc_info=True) for fDB in fastDB: shutil.move(fDB, PathfLC_) mfuncs.mio.cleanup(tmpPath, qlog)'moved_all_databases') event.set() ##### DURING the NIGHT ##### else: print ' Treating database %g' %ndb'Connecting to database {}'.format(ndb)) print ' Connecting to database' ### Connecting to FAST database: # extract just the infos for the selected stars. if ndb < 1e3: store = pd.HDFStore(os.path.join(tmpPath,'tmpdb'+str(ndb)+'.h5'), \ 'r', complevel=5, complib='zlib') cnxN = store.get('tmpdb'+str(ndb)) store.close() ### make light curves for a selection of stars for the verifications for sid in sIDs: if sid in cnxN.keys(): tmp = cnxN[sid] saveloc = os.path.join(tmpPath, sid+'_100') try: tmp.to_pickle(os.path.join(saveloc,sid+str(ndb)+'.pkl')) except IOError: os.mkdir(saveloc) tmp.to_pickle(os.path.join(saveloc,sid+str(ndb)+'.pkl')) hdr.totextfile(os.path.join(saveloc, 'Header'+sid+'.txt')) ### Connecting to SLOW database # Extract the infos for the selected stars # and combines every 20 databases in one. else: if os.path.exists(tmpPath + 'tmpdb'+str(ndb-1)+'.h5'): if ndb%20 ==0 or extID == 'last': store = pd.HDFStore(os.path.join(tmpPath,'tmpdb'+str(ndb-1)+'.h5'), \ 'r', complevel=5, complib='zlib') cnxN = store.get('tmpdb'+str(ndb-1)) store.close() ### make light curves for a selection of stars for the verifications for sid in sIDs: if sid in cnxN.keys(): tmp = cnxN[sid] saveloc = os.path.join(tmpPath, sid+'_10100') try: tmp.to_pickle(os.path.join(saveloc,sid+str(ndb)+'.pkl')) except IOError: os.mkdir(saveloc) tmp.to_pickle(os.path.join(saveloc,sid+str(ndb)+'.pkl')) hdr.totextfile(os.path.join(saveloc, 'Header'+sid+'.txt')) else: try: ### Load the new in memory store = pd.HDFStore(tmpPath+'tmpdb'+str(ndb)+'.h5', 'r', \ complevel=5, complib='zlib') cnxN = store.get('tmpdb'+str(ndb)) store.close() cnxN = cnxN.to_dict() ### load the previous one in memory: store = pd.HDFStore(tmpPath+'tmpdb'+str(ndb-1)+'.h5','r', \ complevel=5, complib='zlib') cnx0 = store.get('tmpdb'+str(ndb-1)) store.close() cnx0 = cnx0.to_dict() logger.debug('Connection with {} and {} succeeded'.format( str(ndb), str(ndb-1))) for k, v in cnxN.iteritems(): if k in cnx0.keys(): d = cnx0[k] try: d[8] = np.vstack((d[8], v[8])) except ValueError: continue cnx0[k] = d else: cnx0[k] = v masc.tmpdbSave(tmpPath, cnx0, ndb, qlog) print 'Updating the stellar database successful''Updated the stellar database successfully') removeOldDatabase=True except Exception: logger.error('Failed in updating the database', exc_info=True) print 'Error in updating the table' removeOldDatabase=False cnxN = 0 del cnx0 if removeOldDatabase: try: os.remove(tmpPath+'tmpdb'+str(ndb-1)+'.h5') except Exception: logger.error('Did not remove database', exc_info=True) Tro = ( - to).total_seconds()'Finished Updating in {} seconds'.format(Tro)) else: logger.error(' No correct input... exiting!') savesequence=False logger.warning('Exiting the program now') return ################################## ##### REDUCTION FUNCTION ########
[docs]def Reduction(*args, **kwargs): ''' Reduction does the photometric reduction of the images. It either starts in parallel to the exposure sequence. In this case, the program reduces the first file in the Queue. Else, if no camera is connected, it reads all the files in the directory and reduces them. Inputs: - directory, a string giving the path to the files - done_queue, a Queue object which is filled by the camera process with the name of the next image to reduce. The done_queue is a tuple (tagstr, camera, filename). Tagstr is dark, flat... - site, a Site object ; - savout, a Queue object to communicate with the saving process. - event, an multiprocessing event object - qlog, a queue used in the logging. Outputs: - none. ''' import Queue directory, done_queue, site, saveout, event, qlog = args ####### ###### ### Prepare for the general loop ### ####### ###### verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', False) quiet = kwargs.get('quiet', False) noPhot = kwargs.get('noPhot', False) Transmission = kwargs.get('transmission', False) maglimit = config.maglimit faintlimit = config.faintlimit RFsite = masc.SiteReference() ########################################### ### Read in star catalog for astrometry: ########################################### b ='StarCat.fits') # from Kharchenko 2009 totcat = b[1].data b.close() # Extract Ra, Dec from the brightcat. All those must have same length. tmag = totcat['vmag'] # Prepare general stellar Catalog mrange = (tmag < maglimit).nonzero()[0] srange = (tmag < faintlimit).nonzero()[0] Sptype = totcat['SpType'][mrange] mag = np.float64(tmag[mrange]) bmag = np.float64(totcat['bmag'][mrange]) ra = totcat['_RAJ2000'][mrange] dec = totcat['_DEJ2000'][mrange] ID = totcat['ASCC'][mrange] flagblended = totcat['flag'][mrange] #flagblended[flagblended=='']='-' blendedvalue = totcat['blend'][mrange] # Removing multiple occurrence of the same represents around 200 stars ID, gind = np.unique(ID, return_index=True) mag, bmag, ra, dec = mag[gind], bmag[gind], ra[gind], dec[gind] Sptype, flagblended, blendedvalue = Sptype[gind], flagblended[gind], \ blendedvalue[gind] ID = ID.astype('S10') ## the 'very' large catalog to use on the binnec images sSptype = totcat['SpType'][srange] smag = np.float64(tmag[srange]) sbmag = np.float64(totcat['bmag'][srange]) sra = totcat['_RAJ2000'][srange] sdec = totcat['_DEJ2000'][srange] ## Preparing the identifiers for the slow catalog sID = totcat['ASCC'][srange] sflagblended = totcat['flag'][srange] #sflagblended[sflagblended=='']='-' sblendedvalue = totcat['blend'][srange] # Removing multiple occurrence of the same represents around 200 stars sID, gind = np.unique(sID, return_index=True) sSptype, smag, sbmag, sra, sdec = sSptype[gind], smag[gind], sbmag[gind],\ sra[gind], sdec[gind] sflagblended, sblendedvalue = sflagblended[gind], sblendedvalue[gind] sID = sID.astype('S10') # delete the unused catalog from memory: totcat = 0. del totcat # Remove empty strings from the Sptype chararray: empt = np.where(Sptype == '') Sptype[empt] = 'XX' print 'Creating the stellar ID catalog successfull' # Remove empty strings from the Sptype chararray: empt = np.where(sSptype == '') sSptype[empt] = 'XX' print 'Creating the slow stellar ID catalog successfull' ##### ################## ##### ### INITIALISATION OF THE LOOP ### ##### ################## ##### redsequence = True localdate ='%Y%m%d') Path = os.path.join(directory, localdate + site.sname, '') PathsI = config.PathsI logdir = os.path.join('logs', '') slowbinning = config.slowbinning newnight = True binThumbnails = config.binThumbnails tilesize = config.tilesize Cam = observer.Camera(name='TestCamera') softversion = __version__ Ndarks = config.nDarks Nflats = config.nFlats texp = config.expTimeObs apr = np.array([config.apr]).ravel() naper = apr.size sapr = np.array([config.sapr]).ravel() nsaper = sapr.size skyrad = config.skyrad obstime = [] tempo = [] date = ##### ########### ##### ### STARTING THE LOOP ### ##### ########### ##### while redsequence: tinit = ## 1. Get input from camera : try: tempo.append(done_queue.get()) temp = tempo.pop(0) # during daytime, the camera does not send data, the queue is empty except multiprocessing.queues.Empty(): temp = 'wait' ### DAY TIME SEQUENCE ### if isinstance(temp, str): if (temp.lower()=='quit')+(temp.lower()=='stop') : print 'Exiting program now...' saveout.put('STOP') if done_queue.empty(): done_queue.close() else: done_queue.get() done_queue.close() redsequence=False saveout.close() return elif (temp.lower() == 'wait'): print temp time.sleep(6.5) ### NIGHT TIME SEQUENCE ### elif isinstance(temp,tuple): tagstr, Camfile, filename, Nn = temp print '{} -- {} -- {}'.format(tagstr, Nn, filename) ### Beginning of the night: if newnight: ## load camera instance: Cam = observer.Camera(Camfile, filename=Camfile) ## Create the directory for the next night localdate = tinit.strftime(format='%Y%m%d') Path = filename.split('raw')[0] if not quiet: print Path Pathlog = os.path.join(Path, logdir, '') PathsI_ = os.path.join(Path, PathsI, '') tmpPath = os.path.join(Path, 'tmp', '') binThumbs = os.path.join(Path, binThumbnails) if system == 'linux': binThumbs = binThumbs.replace('\\', '/') if not os.path.exists(Pathlog): mfuncs.mio.makedir(Path, PathsI_, tmpPath, Pathlog, binThumbs) ## Start the logger for the new nigth: qh = QueueHandler(qlog) handler = logging.FileHandler(Pathlog+'reduc'+localdate+'.log') handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(multiprocessing.current_process().name) if verbose: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger.addHandler(qh) ql = QueueListener(qlog, handler) ql.start() formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(funcName)s - '\ +'%(levelname)s - %(message)s') handler.setFormatter(formatter) print 'New Night = True' ## Reset booleans newnight = False firstAstrometry=True usedarks = False highoffset = False BadExposure = False ## and reset variables for the next night? DBNiObs = 100 sDBNiObs = 30100 obstime = [] # Obstime is used both for checking the discontinuities in the data. slowind = 0. StarID = {} timt = 0. stacker = Stacker(site, Cam, sidex=32, sidey=32) ndark = 0. bdark = 0 nbias = 1 mbias=0 sbias=0 checkalt = np.array([]) checkaz = np.array([]) flagit = 0 ### If the images are tagged (science images will not be tagged) logger.debug(' Treating a %s image' %tagstr) ### If the reduction was previously interrupted and is started anew: if tagstr == 'interrupted': DBNiObs = filename sDBNiObs = 30000 + DBNiObs'Continue interrupted reduction ... ') ## And load the corresponding darks if possible darkfilelist= masc.getDarkFilename( for darkfile in darkfilelist: if usedarks: break try: dark = pf.getdata(darkfile) usedarks = True logger.warning('No enough valid darks, loading existing masterdark') except Exception: logger.error('Did not load the masterdark', exc_info=True) ndark = 0 bdark = 0 ### If the incoming image is a calibration "dark" image elif tagstr == 'dark': ## Case 1. first dark observed if Nn ==1: mbias = mbias/nbias sbias = sbias/nbias nbias = 1 dim, HDR = pf.getdata(filename, header=True) acqversion = HDR['AVERSION'] if 'AVERSION' in HDR.keys() \ else 'pre-14.11' coversion = HDR['CVERSION'] if 'CVERSION' in HDR.keys() \ else 'pre-14.11' CCDTEMP = HDR['CCDTEMP'] if 'CCDTEMP' in HDR.keys() \ else HDR['CCD-TEMP'] if not quiet: print ' Reading in dark image for %s' ndark +=1 ### Here we verify that the dark is dark if dim.mean() > mbias + 2*sbias: dim = 0 ndark = 0 bdark = 1 ## If not, we reject this dark' Reading in dark image for %s', ## Case 2. All the Nth dark observed else: datmp = pf.getdata(filename) ### Verification of the quality of the dark if datmp.mean() < mbias + 1.1*sbias: dim+=datmp ndark+=1 else: bdark+=1 if not quiet: print ' Stacked %g dark images out of %g'%(ndark, Ndarks)'Stacked %g dark images out of %g for %s' \ %(ndark, Ndarks, ### If there are at least 10 good darks and all expected ### darks were analyzed, save the masterdark if (ndark+bdark) == Ndarks and ndark>10:'Creating the master dark') dark = dim/ndark now ='%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') header = pf.Header() header['STATION']= (, 'MASCARA station') header['CAMERA'] = (, 'Camera identifier') header['ALT0'] = (Cam.Alto, 'General Pointing altitude') header['AZ0'] = (Cam.Azo, 'General Pointing azimuth') header['TH0'] = (Cam.Tho, 'Average Pointing orientation') header['X0'] = (round(Cam.Xo), 'Average Center of the lens -- X') header['Y0'] = (round(Cam.Yo), 'Average Center of the lens -- Y') header['EXPTIME']= (round(HDR['EXPTIME'], 1), 'Mean exposure time') header['NOBS'] = (Ndarks, 'Number of images averaged together') header['CCDTEMP'] = (CCDTEMP, 'CCD temperature') header['IMAGETYP'] = ('master'+tagstr, 'Type of image') header['AVERSION'] = (acqversion, 'Version of the acquisition software') header['RVERSION'] = (softversion, 'Version of the pipeline software') header['CVERSION'] = (coversion, 'Version of the control software') filename = now+site.sname +Cam.sname+'masterdark' mfuncs.mio.saveCompFits(PathsI_, filename, dark, header) dim = 0 ndark = 0 usedarks = True masc.updateDarkFilename(, PathsI_+filename) # delete array to release the memory. If not sufficient we may use gc.collect() ### If more than 10 (out of the 20) darks are bad, load an ### existing masterdark from the darkTable elif bdark >=10: darkfilelist= masc.getDarkFilename( for darkfile in darkfilelist: ### Once we have one dark loaded, exit the for-loop if usedarks: break try: dark = pf.getdata(darkfile) usedarks = True logger.warning('No enough valid darks, loading existing masterdark') except Exception: logger.error('Did not load the masterdark', exc_info=True) ndark = 0 bdark = 0 ### BIAS files ### Use the bias files to define the quality criterion for the darks elif (tagstr == 'bias'): if Nn == 1: nbias = 1 else: nbias +=1 bias = pf.getdata(filename) mbias += bias.mean() sbias += bias.std() ### FLAT files ### Once all the accounted flats are loaded, they are saved ### as masterflats to disk elif (tagstr == 'flat'): if Nn == 1: fim, fhdr = pf.getdata(filename, header=True) acqversion = fhdr['AVERSION'] if 'AVERSION' in fhdr.keys() \ else 'pre-14.11' coversion = fhdr['CVERSION'] if 'CVERSION' in fhdr.keys() \ else 'pre-14.11' CCDTEMP = fhdr['CCDTEMP'] if 'CCDTEMP' in fhdr.keys() \ else fhdr['CCD-TEMP'] else: fim += pf.getdata(filename) print ' Stacked %g flat images out of %g'%(Nn, Nflats)'Stacked %g flat images out of %g for %s' \ %(Nn, Nflats, if Nn == Nflats:'Creating master flat') flat = fim/Nflats now ='%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') header = pf.Header() CCDTEMP = fhdr['CCDTEMP'] if 'CCDTEMP' in fhdr.keys() else fhdr['CCD-TEMP'] header['STATION']= (, 'MASCARA station') header['CAMERA'] = (, 'Camera identifier') header['ALT0'] = (Cam.Alto, 'General Pointing altitude') header['AZ0'] = (Cam.Azo, 'General Pointing azimuth') header['TH0'] = (Cam.Tho, 'General Pointing orientation') header['X0'] = (round(Cam.Xo), 'Average Center of the lens -- X') header['Y0'] = (round(Cam.Yo), 'Average Center of the lens -- Y') header['EXPTIME']= (fhdr['EXPTIME'], 'Exposure time') header['NOBS'] = (Nflats, 'Number of images averaged together') header['CCDTEMP'] = (round(CCDTEMP),'CCD temperature') header['IMAGETYP'] = ('master'+tagstr, 'Type of image') header['AVERSION'] = (acqversion, 'Version of the acquisition software') header['RVERSION'] = (softversion, 'Version of the pipeline software') header['CVERSION'] = (coversion, 'Version of the control software') mfuncs.mio.saveCompFits(PathsI_, now+site.sname \ +Cam.sname+'masterflat', flat, header) fim = 0. # delete array to release the memory. If not sufficient we may use gc.collect() ### END of the Night => Command for treating the remaining stars in catalog ### and do a combine all. elif tagstr == 'end_of_night':'Reaching end of the night...') ### Save the rest of the fast dictionary if not empty if (len(StarID)>0) and DBNiObs > 100: try: masc.tmpdbSave(tmpPath, StarID, DBNiObs, qlog) except Exception: logger.error('Failed saving the dictionary. FATAL!!!', exc_info=True) ### Do photometry and Save the binned images sdate = date + mfuncs.timing.calendar2jd(timedelta( seconds=(slowbinning/2.-slowind-1)*texp)) slpst = site.local_sidereal_time(sdate) slpstidx, slpstseq = RFsite.local_sidereal_time(sdate, texp*50, lst=False) ### Average the binned image timt, Nimages = stacker.binImage(sdate) stime = (mfuncs.timing.jd2calendar(sdate) - \ timedelta(seconds=texp/2)).strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') name = stime + site.sname + Cam.sname ### If there are more than 1 images in the stacker instance, ### save those as binned image. skip = False if Nimages == 0:'No image to save, pass ... ') skip = True if not skip: ### Part to skip when not performing the photometry if not noPhot and not BadExposure: xsalt, xsaz, xvis = site.apparent_stars(sra, sdec, sdate, nutation=True, \ precession=True, refraction=True) tmpmag, tmpbmag, tmpspec = smag[xvis], sbmag[xvis], sSptype[xvis] ### Re-evaluate the corrections to the positions: Cam.solve_corrections(timt, xsalt[tmpmag<7.], xsaz[tmpmag<7.]) xxpre, yypre, xyinCCD = Cam.visible_stars(xsalt, xsaz, margin=-50) xxcor, yycor = Cam.correct_positions(xxpre, yypre) ### use indices to restrain our sample to the stars on the CCD: xalt, xaz = xsalt[xyinCCD], xsaz[xyinCCD] tmpra, tmpdec = sra[xvis], sdec[xvis] sxra, sxdec = tmpra[xyinCCD], tmpdec[xyinCCD] tmpmag, tmpbmag, tmpspec = smag[xvis], sbmag[xvis], sSptype[xvis] vsflagblended = sflagblended[xvis] vsblendedvalue = sblendedvalue[xvis] sxmag, sxbmag, sxspect = tmpmag[xyinCCD], tmpbmag[xyinCCD], tmpspec[xyinCCD] xsflagblended = vsflagblended[xyinCCD] xsblendedvalue=vsblendedvalue[xyinCCD] ssID = sID[xvis] ssID = ssID[xyinCCD] ## Make one big dictionary which is saved at once. slowStarID = {} if not quiet: print ' Running the photometry over %g stars in Binned mode' %xxpre.shape[0]' Running the photometry over {}' + \ ' stars in Binned mode'.format(xxpre.shape[0])) ### Loop over the star and perform the photometry: for w in xrange(xxpre.shape[0]): # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # The final content of the Photometry array is: # flag, (flux, erflux)*Naperture, sky, ersky, xc, yc, # xpre, ypre, altitude, azimuth, CCDtemperature, # exposure time, JDdate, lstdate, lstid, lstseq # Total number of elements: (2*naper+6)+6 # ---------------------------------------------------------------- try: fot = phot.OnaPhot(timt, xxcor[w], yycor[w], apr=sapr, \ skyrad=skyrad, flag=flagit) except Exception: logger.error('Failed running the photometry ' + \ ' on {}'.format(ssID[w], exc_info=True)) continue tmp = np.hstack((fot, xalt[w], xaz[w], CCDTEMP, \ texp, sdate, slpst, slpstidx, slpstseq)) slowStarID[ssID[w]] = [date, sxra[w], sxdec[w], \ sxmag[w], sxbmag[w], sxspect[w], \ xsflagblended[w], xsblendedvalue[w], \ np.array(tmp)] hdrslow = pf.Header() hdrslow['STATION']= (, 'MASCARA station') hdrslow['CAMERA'] = (, 'Camera identifier') hdrslow['ALT0'] = (Cam.Alto, 'General Pointing altitude') hdrslow['AZ0'] = (Cam.Azo, 'General Pointing azimuth') hdrslow['TH0'] = (Cam.Tho, 'General Pointing orientation') hdrslow['X0'] = (Cam.Xo, 'Average Center of the lens -- X') hdrslow['Y0'] = (Cam.Yo, 'Average Center of the lens -- Y') hdrslow['EXPTIME'] = (stacker.texp, 'Mean exposure time in seconds') hdrslow['CCDTEMP'] = (CCDTEMP, 'CCD temperature at start of exposure') hdrslow['AVERSION'] = (acqversion, 'Version of the acquisition software') hdrslow['RVERSION'] = (softversion, 'Version of the pipeline software') hdrslow['CVERSION'] = (coversion, 'Version of the control software') hdrslow['NEXP'] = (Nimages, 'Number of images binned together') hdrslow['NAPER'] = (nsaper, 'Number of aperture used for the photometry') for i, r in np.ndenumerate(sapr): hdrslow['APER'+str(i[0])] = (r, 'Aperture radii in pixel') for j in xrange(naper): hdrslow['STAPER'+str(j)] = ('XXX', 'Statistics of the high cadence aperture') hdrslow['NSTAPER'] = (naper, 'Number of high cadence apertures analysed') hdrslow['SKYRAD0'] = (skyrad[0], 'Inner sky radius') hdrslow['SKYRAD1'] = (skyrad[1], 'Inner sky radius') ### Part to skip when not performing the photometry if not noPhot and not BadExposure: #### Now save the faint limit dictionary: sDBNiObs +=1'Save slow dictionary in database {}'.format(sDBNiObs)) try: masc.tmpdbSave(tmpPath, slowStarID, sDBNiObs, qlog) except Exception: logger.error('Failed saving the slow database. ', exc_info=True) saveout.put((Path, sDBNiObs, hdrslow, 'last'), block=False) ##### Saving the stacked image!!! ### Creating the header for the binned image: hdrslow['LSTMID'] = (slpst, 'LST at mid-bin observation') hdrslow['JDMID'] = (sdate, 'JD at mid-bin observation') hdrslow.set('CRPIX1', Cam.tnx['crpix'][0], 'Coordinate reference pixel', \ before='EXPTIME') hdrslow.set('CRPIX2', Cam.tnx['crpix'][1], 'Coordinate reference pixel', \ before='EXPTIME') hdrslow.set('CD1_1', Cam.tnx['cd'][0,0], 'Coordinate matrix', \ before='EXPTIME') hdrslow.set('CD1_2', Cam.tnx['cd'][0,1], 'Coordinate matrix', \ before='EXPTIME') hdrslow.set('CD2_1', Cam.tnx['cd'][1,0], 'Coordinate matrix', \ before='EXPTIME') hdrslow.set('CD2_2', Cam.tnx['cd'][1,1], 'Coordinate matrix', \ before='EXPTIME') hdrslow.set('xterm', Cam.tnx['xterm'], 'Cross-term type', \ before='EXPTIME') hdrslow.set('xorder', Cam.tnx['xorder'], 'Polynomial order for x', \ before='EXPTIME') hdrslow.set('yorder', Cam.tnx['yorder'], 'Polynomial order for y', \ before='EXPTIME') coefx = '' coefy = '' for j in Cam.tnx['coefx']: coefx += '{} '.format(j) for k in Cam.tnx['coefy']: coefy += '{} '.format(k) hdrslow.set('xcoefs', coefx, 'Polynomial coefficients for x', \ before='EXPTIME') hdrslow.set('ycoefs', coefy, 'Polynomial coefficients for y', \ before='EXPTIME') ### and saving the binned image p = multiprocessing.Process(target = mfuncs.mio.saveCompFits, \ args = (PathsI_, name, timt, hdrslow)) try: p.start() p.join(25) finally: p.terminate() ## Save a thumbnail image in png format of the binned image mfuncs.mio.savepng(timt, binThumbs, name, binfactor=4) timt = 0. hdrslow= 0 skip = False logger.debug('Generating the global header') hdr = pf.Header() hdr['STATION']= (, 'MASCARA station') hdr['CAMERA'] = (, 'Camera identifier') hdr['ALT0'] = (Cam.Alto, 'General Pointing altitude') hdr['AZ0'] = (Cam.Azo, 'General Pointing azimuth') hdr['TH0'] = (Cam.Tho, 'General Pointing orientation') hdr['X0'] = (Cam.Xo, 'Average Center of the lens -- X') hdr['Y0'] = (Cam.Yo, 'Average Center of the lens -- Y') hdr['AVERSION'] = (acqversion, 'Version of the acquisition software') hdr['RVERSION'] = (softversion, 'Version of the pipeline software') hdr['CVERSION'] = (coversion, 'Version of the control software') ### added by JS if 'HDR' in locals() or 'HDR' in globals(): CCDTEMP = HDR['CCDTEMP'] if 'CCDTEMP' in HDR.keys() else HDR['CCD-TEMP'] hdr['EXPTIME'] = (round(HDR['EXPTIME'], 2), 'Measured exposure time in seconds') hdr['CCDTEMP'] = (CCDTEMP, 'CCD temperature at start of exposure') else: hdr['EXPTIME'] = 6.4 hdr['CCDTEMP'] = -15 hdr['NAPER'] = (naper, 'Number of aperture used for the photometry') for i, r in enumerate(apr): hdr['APER'+str(i)] = (r, 'Aperture radii in pixel') hdr['NSTAPER'] = (naper, 'Number of high cadence apertures analysed') hdr['SKYRAD0'] = (skyrad[0], 'Inner sky radius') hdr['SKYRAD1'] = (skyrad[1], 'Inner sky radius') night = Pathlog.split(site.sname)[0][-8:] saveout.put((Path, night, hdr, 'all'), block=False)'end_of_night') event.clear() try: time.sleep(5) ### Get from the saving process the green light: event.wait(timeout = 3600)'saved_all_LC') except Queue.Empty: logger.warning('the saving took more than one hour: timeout') try: Cam.readAstroCheck(make_plot=True) masc.light_curve_overview(Path, night, \ filename='LCoverview'+night+site.sname+Cam.sname) except: logger.error('No astrometric plot made', exc_info=True) message, alternate = masc.reduction_summary(Pathlog, site, Cam, night, masc.send_summary(Pathlog, message, alternate, Cam, site, night) stacker.end() handler.close() ql.stop() newnight = True else: ## Now start with the proper reduction ###### ############# ##### ### Start of the reduction ### ###### ############# ##### logger.debug('Opening %s ' %filename) im, HDR = pf.getdata(filename, header=True) ### If there is a masterdark: if usedarks: im = im-dark ### Get version infos from the header acqversion = HDR['AVERSION'] if 'AVERSION' in HDR.keys() \ else 'pre-14.11' coversion = HDR['CVERSION'] if 'CVERSION' in HDR.keys() \ else 'pre-14.11' CCDTEMP = HDR['CCDTEMP'] if 'CCDTEMP' in HDR.keys() \ else HDR['CCD-TEMP'] texp = np.around(HDR['EXPTIME'], decimals=3) ### If one image has an exposure time larger than 6.4 sec ### mark it in the log: if texp > 6.4: logger.warning('Current exposure time is {}for file {}'.format(texp, filename)) ### if the exposure time is really too large: flag the image. ### We don't want to use it if texp > 6.4*1.5: BadExposure = True else: BadExposure = False else: BadExposure = False date = np.float64(HDR['JD']) + mfuncs.timing.calendar2jd(timedelta(seconds=texp/2)) obstime.append(date) try: lstid = HDR['LST-IDX'] if 'LST-IDX' in HDR.keys() else HDR['LPSTIDX'] nolst = False logger.debug('lstid is %g ' %lstid) except KeyError: lstid = 0. nolst = True ### Create a slow indexing: if not nolst: slowind = int(lstid-1) % slowbinning else: # If not lst timing, the slowindex has to reach 50 before binning...? slowind = slowind % (slowbinning) logger.debug('slowind is %g using LSTtiming ' %slowind) ### Check for any discontinuity in the data taking process try: discontinuity = mfuncs.timing.checkdiscontinuity(obstime, texp) except Exception: logger.error(' Failed checking for timing discontinuities ', exc_info=True) ######################################################### ##### Start discontinuity scenario : save slow data ##### if discontinuity: if not quiet: print 'Found an interruption in the data' logger.warning('Found an interruption in the data, file {}'.format(filename)) # If saving time, prepare the header tprepare = ### Calculate stellar position for the slow-binned data, #### Prepare coordinates for slow cadence curves. sdate = date + mfuncs.timing.calendar2jd(timedelta( seconds=(slowbinning/2.-slowind-1)*texp)) slpst = site.local_sidereal_time(sdate) slpstidx, slpstseq = RFsite.local_sidereal_time(sdate, texp*50, lst=False) ### Average the binned image timt, Nimages = stacker.binImage(sdate) stime = (mfuncs.timing.jd2calendar(sdate) - \ timedelta(seconds=texp/2)).strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') name = stime + site.sname + Cam.sname skip = False ### If there are no images in the stacker, do not save a ### binned image... if Nimages == 0:'No image to save, pass ... ') skip = True if not skip: ### Part to skip when not performing the photometry if not noPhot and not BadExposure: xsalt, xsaz, xvis = site.apparent_stars(sra, sdec, sdate, nutation=True, \ precession=True, refraction=True) tmpmag, tmpbmag, tmpspec = smag[xvis], sbmag[xvis], sSptype[xvis] ### Re-evaluate the corrections to the positions: Cam.solve_corrections(timt, xsalt[tmpmag<7.], xsaz[tmpmag<7.]) xxpre, yypre, xyinCCD = Cam.visible_stars(xsalt, xsaz, margin=-50) xxcor, yycor = Cam.correct_positions(xxpre, yypre) xalt, xaz = xsalt[xyinCCD], xsaz[xyinCCD] tmpra, tmpdec = sra[xvis], sdec[xvis] sxra, sxdec = tmpra[xyinCCD], tmpdec[xyinCCD] tmpmag, tmpbmag, tmpspec = smag[xvis], sbmag[xvis], sSptype[xvis] vsflagblended = sflagblended[xvis] vsblendedvalue = sblendedvalue[xvis] sxmag, sxbmag, sxspect = tmpmag[xyinCCD], tmpbmag[xyinCCD], tmpspec[xyinCCD] xsflagblended = vsflagblended[xyinCCD] xsblendedvalue=vsblendedvalue[xyinCCD] ssID = sID[xvis] ssID = ssID[xyinCCD] ## Make one big dictionary which is saved at once. slowStarID = {} if not quiet: print ' Running the photometry over %g stars in Binned mode' %xxpre.shape[0]' Running the photometry over ' + \ '{} stars in Binned mode'.format(xxpre.size)) if Transmission: ## Calculating the grid points for the transmission map lx, ly, upx, upy = mfuncs.utils.skyQuad(timt, tilesize=tilesize, aligned=True) nulx, nuly = np.unique(lx).size, np.unique(ly).size QuadNumber = {} ### A dictionary for the transmission map for w in xrange(xxpre.shape[0]): # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # The final content of the Photometry array is: # flag, (flux, erflux)*Naperture, sky, ersky, xc, yc, # xpre, ypre, altitude, azimuth, CCDtemperature, # exposure time, JDdate, lstdate, lstid, lstseq # Total number of elements: (2*naper+6)+6 # ---------------------------------------------------------------- try: fot = phot.OnaPhot(timt, xxcor[w], yycor[w], apr=sapr, \ skyrad=skyrad, flag=flagit) except Exception: logger.error('Failed running the ' + \ ' photometry on {}'.format(ssID[w], \ exc_info=True)) continue if Transmission: ## Fill transmission dictionary with ## observed magnitude- apparent magnitude values whichQuad = (xxpre[w]>=lx)*(xxpre[w]<upx)*(yypre[w]<upy)*(yypre[w]>=ly) if whichQuad.nonzero()[0]: try: QuadNumber[whichQuad.nonzero()[0][0]].append([-2.5*\ np.log10(fot[1+nap*2])-sxmag[w] for nap in xrange(naper)]) except KeyError: QuadNumber[whichQuad.nonzero()[0][0]] = \ [[-2.5*np.log10(fot[1+nap*2])-sxmag[w] for nap in xrange(naper)]] tmp = np.hstack((fot, xalt[w], xaz[w], CCDTEMP, \ texp, sdate, slpst, slpstidx, slpstseq)) slowStarID[ssID[w]] = [date, sxra[w], sxdec[w], \ sxmag[w], sxbmag[w], sxspect[w], \ xsflagblended[w], xsblendedvalue[w], \ np.array(tmp)] logger.debug('Preparation took %g seconds'%( logger.debug('Generating the global header') hdrslow = pf.Header() hdrslow['STATION']= (, 'MASCARA station') hdrslow['CAMERA'] = (, 'Camera identifier') hdrslow['ALT0'] = (Cam.Alto, 'General Pointing altitude') hdrslow['AZ0'] = (Cam.Azo, 'General Pointing azimuth') hdrslow['TH0'] = (Cam.Tho, 'General Pointing orientation') hdrslow['X0'] = (Cam.Xo, 'Average Center of the lens -- X') hdrslow['Y0'] = (Cam.Yo, 'Average Center of the lens -- Y') hdrslow['EXPTIME'] = (stacker.texp, 'Mean exposure time in seconds') hdrslow['CCDTEMP'] = (CCDTEMP, 'CCD temperature at start of exposure') hdrslow['AVERSION'] = (acqversion, 'Version of the acquisition software') hdrslow['RVERSION'] = (softversion, 'Version of the pipeline software') hdrslow['CVERSION'] = (coversion, 'Version of the control software') hdrslow['NEXP'] = (Nimages, 'Number of images binned together') hdrslow['NAPER'] = (nsaper, 'Number of aperture used for the photometry') for i, r in np.ndenumerate(sapr): hdrslow['APER'+str(i[0])] = (r, 'Aperture radii in pixel') for j in xrange(naper): hdrslow['STAPER'+str(j)] = ('XXX', 'Statistics of the high cadence aperture') hdrslow['NSTAPER'] = (naper, 'Number of high cadence apertures analysed') hdrslow['SKYRAD0'] = (skyrad[0], 'Inner sky radius') hdrslow['SKYRAD1'] = (skyrad[1], 'Inner sky radius') ### Part to skip when not performing the photometry if not noPhot and not BadExposure: #### Now save the faint limit dictionary: sDBNiObs +=1'Save slow dictionary in database {}'.format(sDBNiObs)) try: masc.tmpdbSave(tmpPath, slowStarID, sDBNiObs, qlog) except Exception: logger.error('Failed saving the slow database. ', exc_info=True) saveout.put((Path, sDBNiObs, hdrslow, ''), block=False) if Transmission: ### Create the transmission map'Create transmission map(s)...') masc.buildTransmissionMap(QuadNumber, nulx, \ nuly, hdrslow, binThumbs, name+'_trans', \ writeto=True, dimension=naper) ##### Saving the stacked image!!! hdrslow['LSTMID'] = (slpst, 'LST at mid-bin observation') hdrslow['JDMID'] = (sdate, 'JD at mid-bin observation') hdrslow.set('CRPIX1', Cam.tnx['crpix'][0], 'Coordinate reference pixel', \ before='EXPTIME') hdrslow.set('CRPIX2', Cam.tnx['crpix'][1], 'Coordinate reference pixel', \ before='EXPTIME') hdrslow.set('CD1_1', Cam.tnx['cd'][0,0], 'Coordinate matrix', \ before='EXPTIME') hdrslow.set('CD1_2', Cam.tnx['cd'][0,1], 'Coordinate matrix', \ before='EXPTIME') hdrslow.set('CD2_1', Cam.tnx['cd'][1,0], 'Coordinate matrix', \ before='EXPTIME') hdrslow.set('CD2_2', Cam.tnx['cd'][1,1], 'Coordinate matrix', \ before='EXPTIME') hdrslow.set('xterm', Cam.tnx['xterm'], 'Cross-term type', \ before='EXPTIME') hdrslow.set('xorder', Cam.tnx['xorder'], 'Polynomial order for x', \ before='EXPTIME') hdrslow.set('yorder', Cam.tnx['yorder'], 'Polynomial order for y', \ before='EXPTIME') coefx = '' coefy = '' for j in Cam.tnx['coefx']: coefx += '{} '.format(j) for k in Cam.tnx['coefy']: coefy += '{} '.format(k) hdrslow.set('xcoefs', coefx, 'Polynomial coefficients for x', \ before='EXPTIME') hdrslow.set('ycoefs', coefy, 'Polynomial coefficients for y', \ before='EXPTIME') p = multiprocessing.Process(target = mfuncs.mio.saveCompFits, \ args = (PathsI_, name, timt, hdrslow)) try: p.start() p.join(25) finally: p.terminate() ## Save a thumbnail image in png format of the binned image mfuncs.mio.savepng(timt, binThumbs, name, binfactor=4) timt = 0. skip = False ########## End of Discontinuity case ####################### ############################################################ ########## Continue normal procedure ####################### valt, vaz, vis = site.apparent_stars(ra, dec, date, refraction=True, \ precession=True, nutation=True) ## Discard here the stars below horizon vmag, vbmag, vID = mag[vis], bmag[vis], ID[vis] vra, vdec, vspect = ra[vis], dec[vis], Sptype[vis] if discontinuity or (slowind ==0) or firstAstrometry: valt_, vaz_, vmag_ = valt[vmag<7.], vaz[vmag<7.], vmag[vmag<7.] if firstAstrometry or discontinuity: highoffset = Cam.solve_corrections(im, valt_, vaz_, qlog, debug=False) ### Special case to recalculate the astrometric master solution if: ## - the offset is important ## - the image has no bright elements (Moon) or is not too bright (clouds) ## Additional safeguards are put in the solve_astrometry routine ## to exit if not enough stars are found (clouds again) if usedarks: brightimage = np.median(im) > np.median(dark)*0.5 else: brightimage = True if not brightimage and highoffset: try: Cam.solve_astrometry(im, valt_, vaz_, vmag_, qlog) except Exception: logger.error('Did not solve the master solution properly. \n'+ \ 'Reload previous one', exc_info=True) Cam.reload()'solved_the_astrometry') ## Reset the newnight boelan firstAstrometry=False' Prepare for the astrometry') ### Compute the low order distortions which are added up ### to the master solution try: Cam.solve_corrections(im, valt_, vaz_, qlog, debug=False) except Exception: logger.error('Failed running the astrometry', exc_info=True) gc.collect() ### Save the current solution in a log ### Plus do a quick rough check of the solution try: ckalt, ckaz = Cam.logAstrometryCheck(date, lstid, im.shape, \ out=True, fileroot='astrocheck', logdir=Pathlog) if checkalt.shape[0]==0: checkalt = np.hstack((ckalt)) checkaz = np.hstack((ckaz)) else: checkalt = np.vstack((checkalt, ckalt)) checkaz = np.vstack((checkaz, ckaz)) if (np.abs(ckalt-checkalt.mean(axis=0))>5.*checkalt.std(axis=0)).any(): flagit = 4 except Exception: logger.error('failed ', exc_info=True) ## Do the image rotation centered on the middle image of a sequence ## of 50 => the 24.5th? ttt = date + mfuncs.timing.calendar2jd(timedelta( seconds=(slowbinning/2.-slowind-1)*texp)) stacker.image_rotate(im, date, ttt, exposuretime = texp) lpsttime = site.local_sidereal_time(date) lpstseq = RFsite.local_sidereal_time(date, texp, lstindex=False, lst=False) ### Calculate the position of the stars on CCD xpre, ypre, inCCD = Cam.visible_stars(valt, vaz, margin=-50) xcor, ycor = Cam.correct_positions(xpre, ypre) ### Part to skip when not performing the photometry if not noPhot and not BadExposure: xalt, xaz = valt[inCCD], vaz[inCCD] xra, xdec = vra[inCCD], vdec[inCCD] xspect, xmag, xbmag = vspect[inCCD], vmag[inCCD], vbmag[inCCD] vflagblended = flagblended[vis] xflagblended = vflagblended[inCCD] vblendedvalue = blendedvalue[vis] xblendedvalue = vblendedvalue[inCCD] StarVis = vID[inCCD] ### The high cadence cadence part; Only photometry ###'Running the photometry over the %g stars' %xpre.shape[0]) for j in xrange(xpre.shape[0]): # Case 1: the star was already in the CCd and remains inside: if StarVis[j] in StarID: d = StarID[StarVis[j]] Phot = d[8] try: fot = phot.OnaPhot(im, xcor[j], ycor[j], apr=apr, \ skyrad=skyrad, flag=flagit) except Exception: logger.error('Failed running the photometry on %s'%StarVis[j], \ exc_info=True) continue # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # The final content of the Photometry array is: # flag, (flux, erflux)*Naperture, sky, ersky, peak, xc, yc, # altitude, azimuth, CCD temperature, # exposure time, JDdate, lstdate, lpstid, lpstidx # Total number of elements: (2*naper+6)+8 # ---------------------------------------------------------------- tmp = np.hstack((fot, xalt[j], xaz[j], CCDTEMP, \ texp, date, lpsttime, lstid, lpstseq)) if len(Phot) < 1: Phot = np.reshape(tmp, (1, (2*naper+6)+8)) else: Phot = np.vstack((Phot, tmp)) StarID[StarVis[j]]=[d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], \ d[5], d[6], d[7], Phot] ### Case 2: the star was not observed before, but is now on the CCD else: #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # The content of the dictionary is: # start of observation, ra, dec, mag, bmag, spectral type, # Photometric array(flag, flux, erflux, sky, ersky, xc, yc) # xposition, yposition, altitude, azimuth, # exposure time, jd date, lstdate, lpstid, lpstidx #----------------------------------------------------------------------- try: fot = phot.OnaPhot(im, xcor[j], ycor[j], apr=apr, \ skyrad=skyrad, flag=flagit) except Exception: logger.error('Failed running OnaPhot on %s' %StarVis[j], exc_info=True) continue tmp = np.hstack((fot, xalt[j], xaz[j], CCDTEMP, \ texp, date, lpsttime, lstid, lpstseq)) StarID[StarVis[j]] = [date, xra[j], xdec[j], \ xmag[j], xbmag[j], xspect[j], \ xflagblended[j], xblendedvalue[j], tmp] #####------------------------------------------##### ##### SAVING THE PHOTOMETRY IN TEMPORARY FILES ##### if (slowind + 1) % slowbinning == 0: # If saving time, prepare the header tprepare = logger.debug('Generating the global header') hdr = pf.Header() hdr['STATION']= (, 'MASCARA station') hdr['CAMERA'] = (, 'Camera identifier') hdr['ALT0'] = (Cam.Alto, 'General Pointing altitude') hdr['AZ0'] = (Cam.Azo, 'General Pointing azimuth') hdr['TH0'] = (Cam.Tho, 'General Pointing orientation') hdr['X0'] = (Cam.Xo, 'Average Center of the lens -- X') hdr['Y0'] = (Cam.Yo, 'Average Center of the lens -- Y') hdr['EXPTIME'] = (HDR['EXPTIME'], 'Measured exposure time in seconds') hdr['CCDTEMP'] = (CCDTEMP, 'CCD temperature at start of exposure') hdr['AVERSION'] = (acqversion, 'Version of the acquisition software') hdr['RVERSION'] = (softversion, 'Version of the pipeline software') hdr['CVERSION'] = (coversion, 'Version of the control software') hdr['NAPER'] = (naper, 'Number of apertures used for the photometry') for i, r in np.ndenumerate(apr): hdr['APER'+str(i[0])] = (r, 'Aperture radii in pixel') hdr['SKYRAD0'] = (skyrad[0], 'Inner Sky radius') hdr['SKYRAD1'] = (skyrad[1], 'Outer sky radius') logger.debug('Preparing the dictionary for the saving sequence...') ttt = date+ mfuncs.timing.calendar2jd( timedelta( \ seconds=(slowbinning/2.-slowind -1)*texp)) slpst = site.local_sidereal_time(ttt) slpstidx, slpstseq = RFsite.local_sidereal_time(ttt, texp*50, lst=False) ### Average the binned image #timt = np.float32(timt)/images_in_timt timt, Nimages = stacker.binImage(ttt) if not quiet: print ' Created binned image out of %g images'%Nimages ### Part to skip when not performing the photometry if not noPhot and not BadExposure: ### Calculate stellar position for the slow-binned data, #### Prepare coordinates for slow cadence curves. xsalt, xsaz, xvis = site.apparent_stars(sra, sdec, ttt, nutation=True, \ precession=True, refraction=True) tmpmag, tmpbmag, tmpspec = smag[xvis], sbmag[xvis], sSptype[xvis] ### Re-evaluate the corrections to the positions: Cam.solve_corrections(timt, xsalt[tmpmag<7.], xsaz[tmpmag<7.]) xxpre, yypre, xyinCCD = Cam.visible_stars(xsalt, xsaz, margin=-50) xxcor, yycor = Cam.correct_positions(xxpre, yypre) xalt, xaz = xsalt[xyinCCD], xsaz[xyinCCD] tmpra, tmpdec = sra[xvis], sdec[xvis] sxra, sxdec = tmpra[xyinCCD], tmpdec[xyinCCD] vsflagblended = sflagblended[xvis] vsblendedvalue = sblendedvalue[xvis] sxmag, sxbmag, sxspect = tmpmag[xyinCCD], tmpbmag[xyinCCD], tmpspec[xyinCCD] xsflagblended = vsflagblended[xyinCCD] xsblendedvalue=vsblendedvalue[xyinCCD] ssID = sID[xvis] ssID = ssID[xyinCCD] ## Make one big dictionary which is saved at once. slowStarID = {} if not quiet: print ' Running the photometry over %g stars in Binned mode' %xxpre.shape[0]' Running the photometry over %g stars in Binned mode' %xxpre.shape[0]) if Transmission: ## Calculating the grid points for the transmission map lx, ly, upx, upy = mfuncs.utils.skyQuad(timt, tilesize=tilesize, aligned=True) nulx, nuly = np.unique(lx).size, np.unique(ly).size QuadNumber = {} ### A dictionary for the transmission map for w in xrange(xxpre.shape[0]): # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # The final content of the Photometry array is: # flag, (flux, erflux)*Naperture, sky, ersky, peak, xc, yc, # altitude, azimuth, CCD Temperature, # exposure time, JDdate, lstdate, lstid, lstseq # Total number of elements: (2*naper+6)+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------- try: fot = phot.OnaPhot(timt, xxcor[w], yycor[w], apr=sapr, \ skyrad=skyrad, flag=flagit) except Exception: logger.error('Failed running the photometry on %s'%ssID[w], \ exc_info=True) continue if Transmission: # Fill transmission dictionary with # observed magnitude- apparent magnitude values whichQuad = (xxpre[w]>=lx)*(xxpre[w]<upx)*(yypre[w]<upy)*(yypre[w]>=ly) if whichQuad.nonzero()[0]: try: QuadNumber[whichQuad.nonzero()[0][0]].append([-2.5*\ np.log10(fot[1+nap*2])-sxmag[w] \ for nap in xrange(nsaper)]) except KeyError: QuadNumber[whichQuad.nonzero()[0][0]] = \ [[-2.5*np.log10(fot[1+nap*2])-sxmag[w] \ for nap in xrange(nsaper)]] tmp = np.hstack((fot, xalt[w], xaz[w], CCDTEMP, texp, \ ttt, slpst, int(slpstidx), slpstseq)) slowStarID[ssID[w]] = [date, sxra[w], sxdec[w], \ sxmag[w], sxbmag[w], sxspect[w], \ xsflagblended[w], xsblendedvalue[w],\ np.array(tmp)] logger.debug('Preparation took %g seconds'%(\ tprepare).total_seconds())'Save high cadence dictionary in temporary database ...') t2 = try: masc.tmpdbSave(tmpPath, StarID, DBNiObs, qlog) except Exception: logger.error('Failed saving the dictionary. FATAL!!!', exc_info=True) break #### Now save the faint limit dictionary:'Save slow dictionary in database ...') sDBNiObs +=1 logger.debug('Generating the global header') hdrslow = pf.Header() hdrslow['STATION']= (, 'MASCARA station') hdrslow['CAMERA'] = (, 'Camera identifier') hdrslow['ALT0'] = (Cam.Alto, 'General Pointing altitude') hdrslow['AZ0'] = (Cam.Azo, 'General Pointing azimuth') hdrslow['TH0'] = (Cam.Tho, 'General Pointing orientation') hdrslow['X0'] = (Cam.Xo, 'Average Center of the lens -- X') hdrslow['Y0'] = (Cam.Yo, 'Average Center of the lens -- Y') hdrslow['EXPTIME'] = (stacker.texp, 'Measured exposure time in seconds') hdrslow['CCDTEMP'] = (CCDTEMP, 'CCD temperature at start of exposure') hdrslow['AVERSION'] = (acqversion, 'Version of the acquisition software') hdrslow['RVERSION'] = (softversion, 'Version of the pipeline software') hdrslow['CVERSION'] = (coversion, 'Version of the control software') hdrslow['NEXP'] = (Nimages, 'Number of images binned together') stime = (mfuncs.timing.jd2calendar(ttt) - \ timedelta(seconds=texp/2)).strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') name = stime + site.sname + Cam.sname hdrslow['NAPER'] = (nsaper, 'Number of aperture used for the photometry') for i, r in np.ndenumerate(sapr): hdrslow['APER'+str(i[0])] = (r, 'Aperture radii in pixel') for j in xrange(naper): hdrslow['STAPER'+str(j)] = ('XXX', 'Statistics of the high cadence aperture') hdrslow['NSTAPER'] = (naper, 'Number of high cadence apertures analysed') hdrslow['SKYRAD0'] = (skyrad[0], 'Inner sky radius') hdrslow['SKYRAD1'] = (skyrad[1], 'Inner sky radius') ### Part to skip when not performing the photometry if not noPhot and not BadExposure: try: masc.tmpdbSave(tmpPath, slowStarID, sDBNiObs, qlog) except Exception: logger.error('Failed saving the slow database. ', exc_info=True) logger.debug('Complete saving done in %g' %( ## Reset the reference dictionary logger.debug('Reset the reference dictionary...') t4 = try: ocStarID = StarID.keys() for k in ocStarID: if k in StarVis: d = StarID[k] Phot = np.array([]) StarID.update({k:[d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], \ d[5], d[6], d[7], Phot]}) else: del StarID[k] except Exception: logger.error('Failed reseting the dictionary', exc_info=True) ## clean up unused variables: slowStarID = None salt, saz = None, None xsalt, xsaz = 0, 0 xxpre, yypre, xyinCCD = 0, 0, 0 xalt, xaz = 0, 0 tmpra, tmpdec = 0, 0 sxra, sxdec = 0, 0 tmpmag, tmpbmag, tmpspec = 0, 0, 0 sxmag, sxbmag, sxspect = 0, 0, 0 ssID = None logger.debug('Dictionary reseted in %g' %( saveout.put((Path, DBNiObs, hdr,''), block=False) saveout.put((Path, sDBNiObs, hdrslow,''), block=False) DBNiObs +=1 gc.collect() if Transmission: ##### Create transmission map(s) ####'Create transmission map(s)...') g = multiprocessing.Process(target=masc.buildTransmissionMap, \ args=(QuadNumber, nulx, nuly, hdrslow, \ binThumbs, name+'_trans'), \ kwargs={'writeto':True, 'dimension':nsaper}) try: g.start() g.join(3) finally: g.terminate() ##### Saving the 50stacked image!!! hdrslow['BINNING'] = (slowbinning, 'Stacked images') hdrslow['LSTMID'] = (slpst, 'LST at mid-bin observation') hdrslow['JDMID'] = (ttt, 'JD at mid-bin observation') hdrslow.set('CRPIX1', Cam.tnx['crpix'][0], 'Coordinate reference pixel', \ before='EXPTIME') hdrslow.set('CRPIX2', Cam.tnx['crpix'][1], 'Coordinate reference pixel', \ before='EXPTIME') hdrslow.set('CD1_1', Cam.tnx['cd'][0,0], 'Coordinate matrix', \ before='EXPTIME') hdrslow.set('CD1_2', Cam.tnx['cd'][0,1], 'Coordinate matrix', \ before='EXPTIME') hdrslow.set('CD2_1', Cam.tnx['cd'][1,0], 'Coordinate matrix', \ before='EXPTIME') hdrslow.set('CD2_2', Cam.tnx['cd'][1,1], 'Coordinate matrix', \ before='EXPTIME') hdrslow.set('xterm', Cam.tnx['xterm'], 'Cross-term type', \ before='EXPTIME') hdrslow.set('xorder', Cam.tnx['xorder'], 'Polynomial order for x', \ before='EXPTIME') hdrslow.set('yorder', Cam.tnx['yorder'], 'Polynomial order for y', \ before='EXPTIME') coefx = '' coefy = '' for j in Cam.tnx['coefx']: coefx += '{} '.format(j) for k in Cam.tnx['coefy']: coefy += '{} '.format(k) hdrslow.set('xcoefs', coefx, 'Polynomial coefficients for x', \ before='EXPTIME') hdrslow.set('ycoefs', coefy, 'Polynomial coefficients for y', \ before='EXPTIME') p = multiprocessing.Process(target = mfuncs.mio.saveCompFits, \ args = (PathsI_, name, timt, hdrslow)) try: p.start() p.join(25) finally: p.terminate() p.join() print 'Out ...................... managed saving the binned image' ## Save a thumbnail image in png format of the binned image mfuncs.mio.savepng(timt, binThumbs, name, binfactor=4) timt = 0. gc.collect()'Time needed to process one image:'+ \ ' {}'.format(( - tinit).total_seconds())) if nolst: slowind+=1