Source code for DAQ

import ctypes as ct
import daqparam as dqp
import mascara_config as cfg

import os
if os.sys.platform == 'windows':
    mccdaq = ct.windll.cbw32
    print "Wrong Operating system!!! There are no dll on a linux machine!"

[docs]class DAQ(): ''' mccdaq is a class for connecting with and reading the USB-1208FS+ data acquisition board. The functions defined here are the main functions embedded in the cbw32.dll '''
[docs] def __init__(self, BoardNum=0, gain=1): ''' The DAQ instance regroups all functions to communicate with the Data Acquisition board. The Board is defined by a board number (default 0). The gain is programmable but set to 1 per default. ''' self.BoardNum = BoardNum self.status = mccdaq.cbErrHandling(dqp.DONTPRINT, dqp.DONTSTOP) self.gain = gain ## configure both ports as output self.configPorts() ## set all bits to 0 self.dAllOut(1) = channel
[docs] def getBoardName(self): ''' Gives the name of the DAQ''' name = ct.create_string_buffer(20) mccdaq.cbGetBoardName(self.BoardNum, ct.byref(name)) = name.value
[docs] def configPorts(self, inout='out'): ''' ConfigPort configurates the digital ports for Output or input. Keyword: - inout, if dqp.DIGITALOUT, the port delivers a voltage if dqp.DIGITALIN, the port read the voltage ''' if inout.lower() == 'out': mccdaq.cbDConfigPort(self.BoardNum, dqp.FIRSTPORTA, dqp.DIGITALOUT) mccdaq.cbDConfigPort(self.BoardNum, dqp.FIRSTPORTB, dqp.DIGITALOUT) elif inout.lower() == 'in': mccdaq.cbDConfigPort(self.BoardNum, dqp.FIRSTPORTA, dqp.DIGITALIN) mccdaq.cbDConfigPort(self.BoardNum, dqp.FIRSTPORTB, dqp.DIGITALIN)
[docs] def dBitOut(self, channel, bitValue, port=cfg.portDAQA): ''' Sets the state of a single digital output bit. This function treats all the DI/O ports of a particular type on the board as a single large port. The port should be configured as output beforehand. Inputs: - port, the port considered ('A' or 'B') - channel, the channel considered (0-7) - bitValue, if 0 logic output low (~0V) if 1 logic input high (~5V) ''' if port ==cfg.portDAQB: self.status = mccdaq.cbDBitOut(self.BoardNum, dqp.FIRSTPORTB, channel, bitValue) else: self.status = mccdaq.cbDBitOut(self.BoardNum, dqp.FIRSTPORTA, channel, bitValue)
[docs] def dOut(self, byteValue, port=cfg.portDAQA): ''' Sets the state of all digital output bits of a given port. This function treats all the DI/O ports of a particular type on the board as a single large port. The port should be configured as output beforehand. Inputs: - port, the port considered ('A' or 'B') - byteValue, value of the byte (0-255) ''' if byteValue < 0 or byteValue > 255: raise ValueError('The bit must be between 0 and 255') if port == cfg.portDAQB: self.status = mccdaq.cbDOut(self.BoardNum, dqp.FIRSTPORTB, byteValue) else: self.status = mccdaq.cbDOut(self.BoardNum, dqp.FIRSTPORTA, byteValue)
[docs] def dAllOut(self, bitValue): ''' Sets the state of all digital output bits. This function treats all the DI/O ports of a particular type on the board as a single large port. The port should be configured as output beforehand. Inputs: - port, the port considered ('A' or 'B') - bitValue, value of the byte (0-1) ''' if bitValue == 0: self.dOut(0,port=cfg.portDAQA) self.dOut(0,port=cfg.portDAQB) elif bitValue == 1: self.dOut(255,port=cfg.portDAQA) self.dOut(255,port=cfg.portDAQB) else: raise ValueError('The bit value can only be 0 or 1')
[docs] def dBitIn(self, channel, port=cfg.portDAQA): ''' Reads the state of a single digital input bit. Inputs: - channel, the bit to read Outputs: - The value of the bit. If 1, logical high => ~ 5V If 0, logical low, => ~0V ''' bit = ct.c_ushort() if port == cfg.portDAQB: self.status = mccdaq.cbDBitIn(self.BoardNum, dqp.FIRSTPORTB, channel, ct.byref(bit)) else: self.status = mccdaq.cbDBitIn(self.BoardNum, dqp.FIRSTPORTA, channel, ct.byref(bit)) return bit.value
[docs] def vIn(self, channel): ''' Reads an A/D input channel and returns a voltage value. The voltage is returned to data Inputs: Channel, the A/D channel number Outputs: the voltage ''' dat = ct.c_float() self.status = mccdaq.cbVIn(self.BoardNum, channel, self.gain, ct.byref(dat),0) return dat.value ## We force the value to be positive untill we understand why on
## one computer it is positive and negative in the other one??
[docs] def vOut(self, channel, voltage): ''' Sets the value of a D/A output. Inputs: channel, channel of the analog output (0-1) voltage, the desired voltage (0.0-5.0) ''' if voltage < 0 or voltage > 5.0: raise ValueError('The voltage must be between 0 and 5V') nBits = 12 maxVal = 2**nBits-1 self.status = mccdaq.cbAOut(self.BoardNum, channel, dqp.UNI5VOLTS,int(round(maxVal*voltage/5.0)))
[docs] def flashLED(self): ''' Flashes the led of the daq''' self.status = mccdaq.cbFlashLED(self.BoardNum)