The formation of galaxies and large-scale structure

The formation of galaxies and large-scale structure
Jarle Brinchmann (jarle at strw) - Office: O455 Office hours: Wednesday 16-17.
Tuesdays 11:15-13:00 from 4/2/2014 to 22/5/2014. Note that the week of May 5-9 has no lecture, and the lecture in the week 19/5-23/5 takes place on 22/5.
Huygens 414
Marco Velliscig ( - Office: O435 Office hours: TBA
There will be two problem sets for handing in. These will count up to 25% of your grade, the rest coming from the exam, but only if they improve your grade. Handing in these problem sets is obligatory. Tentative dates for the handing out of these sets: around mid March and late April/early May.
Written, 14:00-17:00 Friday June 13, 2013.
Retake exam:
There will be a possibility for a retake exam but normally only if you take the first exam. Nominally two weeks after the main exam but this can be discussed.
Problem classes
Time has been set aside for two problem classes per year. One on Tuesdays at 15:45-16:30 in room 414, and one on Fridays nominally 10:00-10:45, also in 414. However a new time must be found as this does not work in the end. In the beginning of the course the Tuesday slot will not be used.


How galaxies and the structure of the Universe forms is one of the most fundamental questions in extra-galactic astronomy. It is also an area that has seen tremendous progress over the last 30 years, but at the same time it has constantly been challenged by ever-improving observational data. This course will introduce you to this fascinating subject and introduce you to the physics of the formation of the largest structures in the Universe.

The course will cover the growth of structure in the Universe and how the large-scale structure and galaxies form. Topics that will be covered include: the physics of linear growth and non-linear collapse, clustering and biasing, angular momentum and its influence on galaxy formation, cooling, star formation and feedback processes, the intergalactic medium and the formation of the first structures. The course will also present recent results and controversies in the field.

The course will start with a brief refresher on cosmology but it is expected that the student has had exposure to cosmology, in particular the course builds on the autumn 2013 MSc cosmology course. Problem classes will be given and considered an integral part of the course.


The evaluation of the course will be done based on the exam plus up to 25% from the homework problem sets.

There will be two sets of homework given during the course. Handing in these exercises is obligatory. They will be graded and will count for up to 25% of the final grade if they would improve your grade. In other words, the homework cannot hurt your exam grade but they can help it.

Problem sets for handing in

Problem sets for the problem class

There will be a set of short problems associated to each lecture. These form the focus of the problem class and will be done and discussed there.

Lecture overview

This is an outline of what I expect to cover in each lecture. This should not be taken as a promise that I will be able to do so! After the first few lectures, I will be providing a short 1 page summary of the coming lecture which I will expect you to have read by the time of the lecture. The idea with this is to be able to discuss the lecture content a bit more freely.

Follow the lecture title link to get to a page with the lecture notes and further background information (when they become available!).

February 4

This lecture will give a background to the course and a brief recap of cosmology and some essential physics through an exploration of why galaxies have the mass they seem to have.

February 11

We will review the growth of perturbations,

February 18
Perturbations and the power spectrum

We look at Silk damping, free streaming and how dark matter influences the growth of baryonic perturbations. We introduce the concept of the power spectrum and give a brief overview of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations.

February 25
Windows, collapse and mass functions

Window functions and non-linear scaling laws and the time/mass of collapse. Finally we cover the spherical collapse model briefly.

March 4
The Press-Schechter mass function

The Press-Schechter mass function.

March 11
The extended Press-Schechter formalism

Extended Press-Schechter and the formation time of dark matter halos.

March 18
Virial relations

Uses of the extended Press-Schechter relation and virial relations.

March 25
Cooling processes

Hydrostatic equilibrium and Jeans mass. Time-scales of collapse and cooling processes.

April 1
Cooling and heating and cooling flows

Cooling, effect of metals and of heating. The cooling flow problem in galaxy clusters.

April 8
Hot and cold accretion

The cooling radius and hot and cold accretion. The spin parameter.

April 15
Formation of disk galaxies

The formation of disk galaxies.

April 22
Forming realistic disk galaxies

Formation of realistic spiral galaxies, adiabatic contraction, accretion, star formation, stability and feedback.

April 29
The inter-galactic medium

Absorption by the IGM. Gunn-Peterson throughs. Observations + theory. Epoch of re-ionization.

May 13
IGM again

Re-ionization. Strömgren spheres in expanding Universe/clumping factors and emissivity.

May 22
Strömgren spheres in expanding Universe/clumping factors and emissivity.
May 28
Review lecture


I use the recent book "Galaxy formation and Evolution", Hojun Mo, Frank van den Bosch & Simon White (ISBN 978-0-521-85793-2) as reference for part of the course, but that book covers more material than we are able to cover in one semester. The main chapters are 5-9, 11, 12, 15-16. It is not necessary to buy this book, but if you plan to do a project in this field it is a good investment.

Books that are useful for the course include:

Specific references & movies

Some videos

It is useful to explore various videos of galaxy formation simulations to get a feel for what is happening - and they are of course quite nice to look at:


